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<br /> 77. U0�'��3 MORTGAGE
<br /> ( TH18 INDENT[JRE, mnde th(e 17th dey of NovOmbeY _, 19 ��, by end between 1 .
<br /> , Jerry D. Cacy and Loyleta CacX., h�sband and wifP� a�h tn ht� a.,a ha rtght a
<br /> spouse of the other,
<br /> o� Hall County,Nebraska,es mortgagor S,and Grand lelend Truet Company o[Grand leland,e corporation
<br /> organized and exlsting under the lews of Nebreeka with ite principal o[tite end plece ot busineas et Grend islend,Nebreske,as mortgagee;
<br /> WITNESSETH: That naid mortgegor s,(or end In consideretion of the eum of
<br /> Six Tho�sand Three Hundred 'itoelve and no/100 — — — — — — — — Dollurels 6,312.00 �,
<br /> the receipf of whtch in hereby ecknowledged,do_by these presenW mortgage end wnrrflnt unW said mortgngee,its successors and asxigne.
<br /> forever,ell the tollowing described real estate,aituated in the County of Hall
<br /> end Stete of NeUraeke,Wwit
<br /> Lot Eleven (11) in Block Two (2), in West Bel Air Second Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i
<br /> Together with ell heating,air wnditioning,lighting,end plumbing equipment and fixtures,including screens,awninge,storm windows and � � �
<br /> , ` doore,end window shedea or blinds,used on or in connection with snid property,whether the eame am now locatcd an seid property or hemnfter � �
<br /> pleced thereon.
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAh1E,together with ell and singular the tenements,hereditements and nppurtenances thereunto be•
<br /> longing,or in anywise appertaining, forever, end warrent the title to the same. Said morgagor�_hereby covenant—with said
<br /> �� mortgegee that—t hev arP ,et the delivery hereo(,the lawful ow•ner�_of the prnmises abave conveyed and descriFxd,
<br /> . and are eeized of n good and inde(eesible estate of inheritance therein,tree and denr o[all encum6rences,nnd thet�he�will
<br /> werrent end de(end the CiUe therew(orever egains[the clnims and demands o[ell persons whomsoever.
<br /> . PROVIDED AL5VAY3,end this instrument is ezecu[ed and delivered W securc the peyment of the sum of �
<br /> Six Thousanc�_�tree Hundred Twe]ve and no/100 — — — — — Dollarsls fi,312.00 �,
<br /> with intert�vt thereon,Wgether with such cherges and advences es mey be due and pnynble lo said mortgegee under the terms and conditions
<br /> ' '�. of tho promiseory note ot even dete herewith nnd secund hemby,executed by said mortgagor_S—to said mortgagce,poyable as expmsscKl
<br /> in said note,md W aecure the per(ormance ot all the terma end conditione containod therein.The terms o(snid note ere hereby incorporated
<br /> herein by thls reference.
<br /> It in the intentian end egreement ot the perties hereto that this mortgege ahall elso eecuce any(uture advencee mnde to seid mortgugor_�
<br /> by eeid mortgegee,and any and ell indebtedness in addition to the nmount ebove stated whict�said mortgegors,or nny ot them,may owc to
<br /> eaid mortgegee,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgage shall remain in tull torce nnd effat 6etwmn
<br /> the perties hereto and the'v heirs,personel rcpresentatives,successore and esaigns,until ell amounts secuceel hercunder,including tuwre
<br /> edvancea,are paid in(ul!with intereat.
<br /> The mortgegor�_homby assign_W said mortgegee ell rents and income erising at eny end ell tunes trom snid property nnd �
<br /> hereby euthorize ea(d mortgagee or its egent,at ita option,upon defuult,to take cherge ot snid property end collect nll rents nnd income �
<br /> therefrom and apply the seme W the payment o(interest,principal,insurence premiums, tases,nssessments, repairs or improvemen4v �
<br /> �� necessery to keep aald property in tenantable condi[ion,or to other chnrges or payments provided tor hemin or in[he note hemby secumd.This
<br /> rent asaigncnent ehell conlinue in force until the unpeid balance of aeid note is tuliy paid.The tnking of possession hereunder shnll in no mnnner
<br /> pravent or retard eflid mortgegee in the collection of said suma by fozeclosurn or otherwise.
<br /> The feiluce of the mortgegee W essert nny of its rights hereunder nt eny time ehell not be construed es a wniver of its right to osscrt the �
<br /> eame at eny letet time,and lo insiat upon and entorce strict compliance with all the tertns und provisions o[eaid noW nnd o(this mortgnge.
<br /> It said mortgagor g ehall cawe W be paid to aeid mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder,end undec the terms nnd pmvisinns
<br /> o(eaid note hereby securod,induding futuro advances,end eny extemions or renewals thereof in accordance with the terms and pmvisions
<br /> �
<br /> �. thereof,and if eaid mortgagor�_ehell comply with ell the pmvisiona o(eaid noW nnd of thie mortgnge,then these presents shnil be void; ` ( ,
<br /> _ othetwise W remeln in Poll foree and ef[ect,end said mortgegee ehnll bo entitled to the possesaion ot ell of eaid property,and mny,at its optian, 1 ^'."�
<br /> declnre the whole ot eaid note and all indebtetlneae represented thercby W Ue immediete�y due and pnynble,nnd may fomclose this mortgage
<br /> or teke eny other legel ection to protect its dght.Appraisement weived. F.`-�� N ' � �
<br /> This mortgege ahdl bo binding upon end ahall enure to the beneft of the heSrs,ezecutore,administratora,successors and assiyms of the I �
<br /> respective perties hereW. J
<br /> � Px'`
<br /> 1:� WITNESS WHEREOF,eaid Mortgegor 9 �Ve hereunto set theiT hand s the dey and year first nbove �
<br /> . NTILC40. /� . -
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