<br /> � �
<br /> i �
<br /> ��a {��r;74�3
<br /> MORrcnce
<br /> MORTGACE LOAN N0. � 22�898
<br /> � KNOWALLAfENBYTHESBPRCSENTS:That Donald A. Schaller, a single person •
<br /> Mo��gagor,whether one or more,in consideretlon of the sum of
<br /> Twenty Four Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------------------oo��ntzs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 240 shares o(stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,CertiGca�e No.L ZZ $9$ ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estatc,si�uated in NaII County,'Nebmska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> i
<br /> together with all the �enements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached iloor coverings,all window ureens,
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,storm winduws,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plmnbing and water equipment and accessories thercto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> + «(rigeraturs,and other fixtu�es and equipment nuw or herea(ter auached to or used in connertim�with said ceal estare.
<br /> And whercas Ihe said mortgagor has agrced and docs hcrcby agree thal the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assesxd upon said premixs and upon this mortgage and the bond sec rg d t c eby 6e(ore the same shall become delinquent;ro furnish approved
<br /> insurance upun the buiidings on said pcemises siwated in the sum of 5�4,���.�10 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deli�er to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies(or said insurancc;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about saiJ premises;
<br /> In cau of de(ault in the performance of any of the terms and conditions o(this murtgagc or the bond ucured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand,bc cntitled to immcdiate po:scuion of Ihe mortgaged premises and thc morigagur hemby assigns, transfers and set:over to Ihc � . . �
<br /> I mongagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged prcmises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall mmain
<br /> unpaid;and thc morigagcc shall havc thc poa�cr to appoint any agent m agents it may dcsirc(or the purpose o(repairing said premises and renting
<br /> the same and collecting ihc renis,uvenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses o(repairing said premists and necessary
<br /> commissions and expenses inwrred in renting and managing the same and o(collecting rentals therefrom; Ihe balance remaining,if any,to bt
<br /> applicd toward the Jischarge of said mortgage indebtedness;thesc rights of ihe mortgagec may be exercised at any time during the existenct o(such
<br /> ' de(ault,irrespective o(any temporary waiver o(the same.
<br /> Thesc Preunts,however,are upun the Condition,That i(the said Afortgagur shall repay said loan on or befom the maturity of said shares by
<br /> � payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION o(Ihe sum specified in the flund secured hereby as intercst and principal on said loan,on or before
<br /> ihe Twentieth day o(each and every momh,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessmcNs la�ied against said premises and on this 1lortgage
<br /> and the Dond secured thcreby,be(ure delinyuency;(umish approved insurance upun the buildings thcreon in the sum oE 5 P4����.�0 Payable
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;upay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid fur such caxes,assessments and insurance with intercst at .
<br /> } the maximum Iegal ra�c there�n Gum date of paymrnt all uf which Murtgagor hareby agrces to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> with ail the agreements and conditions o(the Dond for$�4,Q��.�� ihis day given by the said 1lortgagor to said ASSOCIATIOU,and comply
<br /> , with all the requiremcnts of the Constitution and ByLaws of said ASSOCIATION;then theu presents shall become nuU and void,otherwise they
<br /> shall remain in(ull(orce and may be forcclosed at Ihe option of the said ASSOCL\TION a(ttr failure for thme months to maka any of said
<br /> paymenls ur be three months in arrears in making saiJ monthly payments,or to keep and cumply with the agreements and conditions uf said Dond;
<br /> and Atortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwid�in such(oreclowre proceedings.
<br /> If thcrc is any change in owncrship of thc rcal cstate mortgaged herein,by saic ur othcrwisc,thrn the entire remaining indebtedness he�eby
<br /> ucured shall,at the option o(The Equitable[fuilding and Loan Association o(Grand Island,Ne6raska,become immedi�tely due and payable without
<br /> further notice,and thc amount rcmaining duc under said bond,and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shail,from the
<br /> date of exercise of said option,bear interest at the maximum Icgal ra1e,and this mortgage may then be(orecloxd to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,anJ any other bond for additional advances,tugether with all sums paid by said The Lquitable Building and Loan Association o(Grand Isiand, �
<br /> Ne6raska for insurnnce,taxes and asseuments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon, (rom date o(payment at the maximum
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> As pmvided in the Bond ucuceJ hereby,whilc this mortgagc rcmains in cffect the mortgagce may hereafter advance adJitional sums ro the
<br /> makcrs of said Dond,thci:assigns or succeswrs in interest,which sums shall bc within thc sewrity of this mortgagc the same as the funds originaliy
<br /> uwrcd thereby,thn total amount of principal debt not to excecd at any time the original amount of ihis mortgage.
<br /> i
<br /> Dated this 18th day of November n.n.,�9 77
<br /> �T� �.�(� v��✓
<br /> —6ona c�iaT er
<br /> � ,
<br /> STATG Of NEBRASKA,l 18th November 77 ;; � '
<br /> COUNTY 0�HALL J�� On this day of 19 ,6e(ore me, Y�
<br /> � N
<br /> the undersi gned,a Nota ry Public in and(or said Count y,personall y came � y ,
<br /> Donald A. Schaller, a single person � �
<br /> _ who j g personally known ro �
<br /> � 4 .
<br /> me to'bc the idenHcal person whose name 1 S nffixed to thc abovc instrument as mortg or and he ��� �
<br /> acknowledged the said instrument to bc h15 voluntary act and deed. � • _ ,�
<br /> WITNFSS my hand and Notarial Seal the date a(oresaid.
<br /> , My Commission expires
<br /> No Public
<br /> 6.I.4M RI /e� 6EYEFAL I;ptilAY•5;::�rf Ifd^�:k� �
<br /> � dT�1d JOY L1.[E?.<LEY, I �
<br />�a �`%`:`� Idy G,m:n.E., ;.t.1.]E3C 1
<br />�, —�. _.____.�_��
<br />