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<br /> ORDIhANCE N0, 6225 �
<br /> M ordinance to vacate a portion of Hancock Avenue in the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, conditioned on t5e reservation of a public utilities easement; and to provide
<br /> the effectiVe date of this ordinance.
<br /> SECTION 1. That that portion of Hancock Avenue being the east thirty (30) feet of
<br /> the Weat Half of the Northwest Quartez (W�,NW�) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven
<br /> (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> from the north line of Faidley Avcaue, being seventy (70) feet, or 21.336 meters, north oF
<br /> the sou[h line of said NorthWest quarter (NW�); thence north for a distance of ane thousand
<br /> tvo hundred twenty-three (1,223) feet, or 372.77 meters, more or less, to the sou[h line of
<br /> lOth Street, be, and the same is, hezeby vacated, provided and canditianed, that the City
<br /> of Grand Isla�d reserves for the public the follouing area for a general public utilities
<br /> easement:
<br /> Area re[ained for Reneral public utilities easement
<br /> The entire vacated portion af said Hancock Avenue as stated in this ordinance
<br /> to be used to construct, operate, naintain, ex[end, repair, replace, and remove
<br /> overhead and underground u:ilities, including telephonc lines, Ras mains, p�d
<br /> mounted transforncrs, and appur[enances to any of thc public u[ilities, toecthcr
<br /> vi[h the right of ingress an1 egress throu,r,h and across the easement area tor
<br /> exercising the rights herein �;ranted. No improvements, struc[ures, or buildings
<br /> of any kind srhatsoever, thc plantinQ of trees, or the installation of fcaces
<br /> ahall be allowed in, upon, or over the easement herein retained, except the
<br /> utilities as sc�ted heretofore.
<br /> SECTION 2. The foregoing vaca[ed portion of Hancock Avenue contains 1.68 acres,
<br /> or 0.68 hectares, more or less, as shown on the attached plat dated 11/9/77, mazked Exhibic
<br /> "A" attached hernto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br /> SECTION 3. The title to the portion of Hancock pvenue vacated shall remain in the
<br /> name of the City of Crand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> • SECTZON 4. That tl�is ordinance, with the attached plat, is hereby directed to be filed
<br /> in the office of thc Register of Deeds, Hall . .�nty, Nebraska.
<br /> SECTION S. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage
<br /> f and publication, crithout thc plat, Within fiEteen days in one issue.of the Grand Island
<br /> Daily Independent, as provided by law.
<br /> . Enacted P�OV ] 4 1q77 . �
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