<br />�
<br /> - r -�
<br /> � .-� .
<br /> �-�.�
<br /> not extend m• postpone thc due datc of the monllily iustnllment� referred to in pnrngruphs 1 nnd 2 hereof or
<br /> chnnge thc umount o[ sucli instnllmc+�ls.
<br /> i 10. Boaower Not Released. �xtensiou ot the time for pn��meul or modificntion of umor6izntion ot the sums
<br /> secured by this �lortgage grunted by I.ender to nny �uccessor iu interest o[ Borro�cer shall not operate to release,
<br /> ; }�- in ony mnnner, the linbility of the original Borrower nnd 13or�ro�ccr'� SIICCCSSOfe iu interest. I.ender shall not be
<br /> � C+J required ta commence proceedings nguinst such successor m• retuse to extend time for pnyment or othenvise modity I
<br /> 1 � nmottizatim� o[ thc sums secured by t6is \lortgage by rcnson of :u�y demnnd madc by the original Borrorver nnd
<br /> ; �;� Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> + i,; 11. Forbearanee by Lender Not a Waiver. Auy forbearancc by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> „� hereunder, or ot4envise afCorded by applicnble In«� , sholl not be a u•aiver of or preclude the exereise of nny right
<br /> � or rentedy hereunder. The procurement o[ insurnuce or the payment of tnxes or ot4er liens or chnrges by Lender
<br /> shnll not be a �vuiver of LenJer's right to accelernte tlie mnturity of tlic indcUtedness secured b}• this Mortgngc.
<br /> ! � ' 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this \lorlgage nre distinct nnd cumulntivc to any other
<br /> � � right or remedy wider t6is \fortgngc or affordcd by la��• or cquity, :�nd mup 6c exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ently or successively.
<br /> ; 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint �d Several Liability; Captions. Thc co��r.u:ints :md agreements
<br /> herein contnined shnll bind , amd the rights liereundcr shnll inure to, thc respectivc 5i�ccessora :md nssigns of Lender
<br /> imd Borrower, subject to the proaisions ot parngraph 1 i hercof. :111 co�•ennnts und ngrcements of Borrower shnll
<br /> � be joint nnd seccrnL The captions and hcndings o( Uic paraFraphs of this \lortgagc arc for coneenicncc only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or define thc provi�ions hereof.
<br /> ' 14. Notiee. �1ny nolice fo Borro�cer pro�•ided for in thi� \lort�agc s6all be gi�•en by mailing euch notice b�
<br /> ;
<br /> ; certified mail aiddressed to ]3orro�scr :it tlie Property :lddress �t:ited bclo�c, c�cept for :iti�• notice required under
<br /> � parngruph 18 Lcrcof to be gi�•cu to I3m�ro�cer in tlic mnnt�cr prc�cribed b�� ;�pplic:ible la«•. An}• notice provided
<br /> ' I for in this \Iortgage shull be decmed to haec becn gi��en to �3orro�cer u•hen gi�•en in tlic munner deeignnted hercin.
<br /> � 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; SeverabiGty. 'I'his foriu of mortgagc combines unitorm co�enants
<br /> ' for nutionnl use and non-uniform covenants �vith limited euriafions b�• jurisdiction to constitute a uni(orm seeu-
<br /> j rity instrument covcring rcal property. "1'his \Iortgagc shall bc go�•crncd by thc la��� of thc jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is locnted. ln the c�•ent that any provision or clausc of this \fortgngc or thc Note confticts with
<br /> applicable In��•, such contlict shnll not affect otlier pro��ision� of this \[ortgage or thc \�ote n�hich can be given
<br /> effect without thc con(licting provision , and to this end thc provisions of the \lortgngc and the Notc nte declated
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowei a Copy. Borro�ver shnli he iurnished a conim•med cop�� of this \fortgage at tl�c time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordntion hercoL
<br /> '• 17. Transfer oi the Property; Assumption. If nll or :un• part. oi the Propertc or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or trnnsferred by Borro�ver �vithout Lender's prior written consenf , excluding (a) tlie crention of a lien or encum-
<br /> Urance suUordinatc to this \Iortgagc, ( b) thc crention of a piirchasc monc}• securit}• interest for l�ousehold uppli- ;
<br /> ances, (c) a transter by devise, descent m• b}• operntion ot la�e upon the death ot a joint fenanL or (d ) the grunt of
<br /> � imy leasehold intcrest ot three yenrs or less not containing an oplion to purchasc, I,endcr mnp, at Lender's option,
<br /> declnre all tl�e sums secured by this \iortgngc to bc immediatch� ciue :md payable. I.euder shall have ���ai�•ed such
<br /> option to acccicrate if, prior to thc sale or transfcr, Lender auci thc per�on to n�liom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred rencl� �greement in �vriting thnt thc credit of such per�on is �atisiuctory to Lender and that. thc interest
<br /> payablc on thc sutns eccured by this \[ortgage shall bc al �uch ratc as Lendcr c��atl requesL Ii Lender has waived
<br /> ' � the option to accclernte provided in this paragr:iph 17 and if Borro�cer's �uccessor in intcrest has c�ecuted a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in ���riting b}• I.endcr, I,ender sh;ill rcicase Borro�cer irom :�II obligntions m�der
<br /> this Mortgnge nnd the Note.
<br /> If Lender exerci�es such option to accelerate, Lendcr shall �nail 13orrowcr notice of accelerntion iu uccordance
<br /> '' �vitl� parngraph 14 hcrwL Such noticc �hall �iroti•idc a period oi not Ic�s than 30 da�•s from tLc datc thc notice is
<br /> � mailed �eithin tvl�ich 13orro�cer mu�• pay tl�e sum� decl:ved due. Ii 13urro�eer (ail� to pa�• sucli �uuis prior to the
<br /> expirntion ot such period , Lender may, u�ithout (urthcr noticc or �Iem;wd on 13orro�sec, im�oke any remedies per-
<br /> " ! mitted by pnrugn�pL 18 hcrcoL
<br /> ti \'os-li � �ro�enc Co�•t:snsT�. 13orro�ccr :ind Lendcr :'in•tl�er coveuaut and :i�r��� as }'o11o�c� .
<br /> 18. Accelerafion; Remedies. Lxeept a� procidcd in p�u:tgra��6 1 i hercof, upon 13orru�cer'� hrcach of nny
<br /> ; i covennnt or agreemen6 0( Bon•o�cer in this \lort �;a�c. iurluding tlic cocen�nt� to pay �c6en duc :�n}• �ums eccured
<br /> by this \lortgagc, Lendcr priur to scocici:�tion shull nu�il noticc tu [3orro��•cr a� �n•oridcd in pura�;rx�ih 14 hcrcof
<br /> � � �pecifying : ( 1 ) the breach : ( 21 thc action rcyuired to cure wch bn•i��6 ; 131 u datc. not Ics� than thirtp days
<br /> ' from the date the noticc is w�iiled to Borro�cer, h}• �chicli xucli brcn��h must be cwrd : :md 191 thst fuihu•c to curc
<br /> ;
<br /> i such breaeh on or before the date specified in the notice wuy result in aceelerution n( the =wus secured bc this
<br /> f ' Jlortgngc and snle of the Yroperl}•. If the brcuch is not cured on or be(ore thc d;�tr• spccific�i in tlic noticc, Lender
<br /> ! at, Lender's option u�ac declnrr. all uf the sium �ecured be Uiis \lortg:ige to be immedintcl}• due ;ind paynble
<br /> �eithout furUicr dcmand und ma�• foreclose this \lort �;uge L�� judiciul ptroceeding. I.ender el�ull bc entitled to collect •
<br /> j in such proceedin� all e�penses of forccloc�irc, ineludiug. hut not limited to. rale of �locumentar�• c��idence,
<br /> i nbstrncts nnd titic report�.
<br /> � 19. Boaower's Right to Aeinstate. \ot�cithaL•inding l.ender's acccleration of the sum� �ecured by this
<br /> � Mortgage, Borrower shall haec thc right to hnec un}• proccedin�.� he�;un b}• l.endcr to enforcc thi� \Iortgage dis-
<br /> ! continued nt any time prior to entry of a judgment enfurcinF this \lort �nge if : lal Borro�ccr pnys I.ender ull
<br /> i sums which w•ould be then due under this \lort�;a�c. thc \ote and notc� securin�; FuUire Ad�•ance�, i( nm�, hud no
<br /> j neccleration occurred ; ( b ) llorrower curc� ;�II brenchc, of an}• other eo�•en:�nts or ;i�recments ot Borrower con-
<br /> tnined in this bfortguge ; (c) Borro�ver pnys nll reasonable es��en�e� iucurrcd h�• l ,ender in enforcin�; the ro�'enants
<br /> and agreements of Borro�vcr contuined in this \lort�n�;c :ind in cnforcin� Lender'� remedics :is pro�•idcd in p:ara-
<br /> ' grnph 18 hereot, including, Uut not limited to, rensonable attm•ney'� Iec, ; ;uid idl Borro�cer inkes such action as `
<br /> � Lender may rensonably reryuire to assure that thc lie�i of tlii= \ lortgi�ge, I,endcr's intcre�t iu thc Yropertv nnd
<br /> ; Borrawer's obligntion to pa}� the sums secumd by this \lort �n�;i� �6u11 contiuui� unimpaimd. Upon such payment � �
<br /> nnd cure by Borrower, this \Sortgngc imd the obligntions secured hercb�• ch;�ll reniaiu in full forcc and effecf as if � � '" F �
<br /> -"F�'. , N °.,,�. "
<br /> � no nccelerntion hud occurred. .
<br /> ; 20. Assignmenl of Rents; Appoinlment o! Receiver; Lendar in Possession. :1s ndditional sccurity herc- � ,' ;; '
<br /> ; under, Borrower hereby aseigns to Lender tlic rents of the Propert �•. pro�•ided th:d I3orron•er �hnll, prior to ncceler- � :t� : ' •
<br /> � ution under pnrngraph 18 hereof or nbnndomnent o( Hie Property, hnce the right to collect and retain such rents � '
<br /> ; ne they become due nnd puynblc.
<br /> Upon accclerntion under �mrugrnph 18 hcrcof or abandonment of thc 1'ropert}•. Lender, in person , by ngent
<br /> or by judicinlly appointed receiver Fhnll Uc cntiUcd to entcr upon , tnkc pos�c�sion of and mnnngc thc Yropert�• �
<br /> nnd to collect the rents of the Property, includin� those pnst duc. :111 rents collected h�• Lender or thc rccci�•er
<br /> ehall be npplied first to pnyment of thc costs of management of the Propert}• snd collcetion of rent �, includin�, bid
<br /> not limited to, receiver's tces, prcmiums on recei�•cr'c bond� nnd rea�ounble uttorncy's fce= . nnd then to the stuns
<br />� ' secured by this Jfortgngc. I,ender and thc recci�•cr �hnll be tin6le to nccount onh• for tho�c rent� nchmlly receiccd. �
<br />'T'`��'•-,' ,
<br />� �
<br />`�`;.
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