<br />�
<br /> � �
<br /> � - ,_ '
<br /> , ,,
<br /> � DUE ON SALE
<br /> r ��"�.N FORM No.�2o
<br /> � Loan Number___3380�_-_.ly$B_-_e��h '
<br /> 77- ���'�3� M O R T G A G E �
<br /> ; THIS MORTGAGE,made nnd executed this................1 s�...... day of`.�Z6�Zi�1�P/.a,.....A.D.,
<br /> 19....'j�..,between the Mortgagor,..Maurice. ..Hassenplug.and..Jnana.A...Hassenplug.,...husband-and
<br /> ; ....wi��...�n.intl,y...and..each.in..iheir..nun..right----�---------------->---_-.,,....,.....,,.�......,...,....�
<br /> ? of.....�z:and..�.s.J.and........,County of..............Hall...............,Stnte of...Dlehraslca.......,hereinnfter reterred
<br /> ; to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINCS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N"Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501,its successors und assigns,hereina[ter refened to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> ! WITNESSETH: T}18t t}1B SIIIfl BOt70W8L for and in considerntion of the sum of.FQRT.X..T}iOUSAND....... � �
<br /> '. AND NO/100---------------------------------------- '
<br /> . ..................................................................................-�ol�ars(US 5.....4Q,Q9.O...OD...................) .
<br /> pnid by suid Lender,does hereby mortgnge,grnnt and wnvey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the '
<br /> ( following described property locnted in the County of.........Hall..........................� g�te of Nebraska: �
<br /> j
<br /> Lot Eight (8), Centennial Gardens Subdivision, an Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> r '
<br /> ToceTHee with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and nll easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, minernl, oil and gas rights nnd profi�s, water, water rights, and
<br /> wnter stock,and nll fixtures now or herenfter attached to the property, All of which, induding repince-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remnin a part of the property covered Uy this
<br /> Mortgage; and nll ot the foregoing, tngether with snid property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) ure herein refersed to ns the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that Borrower is lnwfully seised of the estnte hereby comeyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage,grunt nnd convey the Property,that the Property is unencumbered,nnd that Borrower will
<br /> wurrnnt and defend genernlly the title to the Property ugninst ull claims nnd demands, subject to nny
<br /> eusements and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> � ; suring Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from nbstract of title certified
<br /> } by bonded nbstructer.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS� and these presents nre executed nnd delivered upon the following conditions,ngree- '
<br /> ments nnd obligations of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> ` : The Borrow�er agrees to pny to the Lender,or order,the principal sum oE..EARTY...THOUSAND ?�ND-•-•
<br /> No/100-�-=------..-----_--_.-�--_------------�-_---.----------.�ollnrs (US S40 000..00......................>
<br /> pnyable as provided in u note executed and delivered,concurrendy herewith,the finnl pnyment of principal, ' ._ ,.:-
<br /> if not sooner paid,on the.......lst..............day of........December �p 2006
<br /> } 1. Payment oI Principal and Interest. Borrower shall prompUy pay tvhen due the principnl of und in- •
<br /> terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepnyment und Inte chnrges ns provided in the Nate,
<br /> and the principal oi and interest on any Fut.ure Advances securecl Uy this 1lortgnge.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to Lender's option under patagmphs 4 and 5 hereof,Bor-
<br /> m�ver shall puy to Lender on the dny monthly instnllments of principnl and interest are payahle under the
<br /> Note,until t.he Note is pnid in full,n sum (herein"Funds") equnl to one-hvel(th o[ the yently taxes and
<br /> assessments which may nttain priority over this n�Iortgagc, and ground rents on the Proper6y, i[an,y plus
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium installments tor hnznrd insurance, plus one-t�vel(th of yenrl�� premium in-
<br /> stnilments for mortgnge insurnnce,if uny,all As reason�bly estimnted initially and from time to time by
<br /> Lender on the bnsis of nssessments nnd Uills and reasonable estimntes thereof,Lender ehall npply the Funds
<br /> to pay snid ttixes,assessments,insumnce premiums and ground rents. Lender shull make no chnrge for So i
<br /> holding and npplying the Funds or verifying nnd compiling sAid nssessments Ancl I�ills. The Lencler shall
<br /> give to the Borrower,without charge,nn unnual necounting of the Funds showing credits und debits to the
<br /> Funds und the purpose for which each debit to the Funds wns mnde. The Funds nre pledged as nciditionnl -.�� , �_t
<br /> security tor the sums secured by this n4ortgage. The Borrower agrces thnt the Funds may bc held Uy the - - �
<br /> Lender nnd commingled with other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender may puy such items F., ev .
<br /> from its own funds und the Lender ahnll not be liable for interest or dividends on such Funds. � �
<br /> � If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender,together with the tuture monthly instnllments of Funds '�
<br /> pnyuble prior to the due dntes of tuxes,assessments: insurance premiums and ground rents,shall exceed r'�.,
<br /> the nmount required to pay snid taxes,ussessments,msurance premiums and ground rents ns they fnil due,
<br /> - such excess shnll Ue,nt Borrower's option,either pmmptly repaid to Bono�ver or credited to Bonower on " � ' '
<br /> monthly instullments of Fands. If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be suf�cient.to pny
<br /> taxes, nssessments,inaurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,Bormwer shall pny to Lender "
<br /> nny amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency within thirty dnys nfter notice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> requesting puyment theren(, or Borrower shall, by an incrense in monthly installments ot Funds required,
<br /> repay the deficiency within the Fund nccounting period.
<br />� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage,Lender shall�ppl��Funds held ns a credit I
<br />� agninst all sums due. _�
<br />�
<br />.� I
<br />