<br />;:.
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<br /> . -.77- U06725 .
<br /> The gruntor DA—LY REALTY & INSURANCE, INC.
<br /> In corporation orgunized and existing under and by virtue of the lawa of the 8tate of Nobraska �
<br /> in considerntion of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS �b48�000.00�
<br /> received from grnntee, does graat, bnrgnin, sell, convey nnd confirm unto DONALD P. DF2AHOTA
<br /> and JANE M. DRAIiOTA, Husband and Wife ' �
<br /> na joint tenants �rith right of eurvivorehip, nnd not ns tenants in common, th� f��!nxir� r��serihed reol
<br /> property in .........................Hall............................... County, Nebruska:
<br /> Lvt �ight (8) in Capital Heights Sixth Subdivision
<br /> being a part of the Southwost Quarter (SW�� of
<br /> SQction Two (2�, Township Eleven �11� North, Range
<br /> Ten (10� West of the 6th P,M., in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska. NEBRASKA DOCUMENTAR'(
<br /> S7AMP TAX
<br /> � p
<br /> „ �����`'N� NOV 18 1977
<br /> s�F���r�s �..-� � �
<br /> $�BY�
<br /> To Lnve nnd to hold the nLove described premises together ti��it6 nll teuements� hareditnments and
<br /> nppurtennnces thereto Uelonging unto tl�e grunteea and to their nssigns,or to the heirs nnd assigns of hhe
<br /> survi��or of them foreven
<br /> Md grantor for itself und its successors does 1�ereUy covenant a•ith the grantees and �cith their
<br /> ussigns mid �citli the licirs aud assigns of tLe survivor of them thut grantor is lau�fully seised of said
<br /> premises; that tLey ure free from encumbrance except easements and rostrictions of
<br /> �' record
<br /> tlint gr:mtor hns good right und latvful nuthority to convey the snme; and thut grnntor «�arrnnts und
<br /> will defend the title to said premiaes against the lntvful clnims of all.persons whomsoevcr.
<br /> ' It is the intention of all pnrties hereto that in the event of the denth of either of tUe grnutees,
<br /> i the entire fee simple title to the renl estnte shall vest in tLe sur�•iving gruntce.
<br /> In �vitness whereof, grantor has ltereunto cuused its corporute senl to be affized nnd these presents
<br /> signed by its President.
<br /> Dnted November 17th �`� 77
<br /> € ���o�uwnni,
<br /> � li ir��"��.;
<br /> { ;`;�:i .......,.V/,�ry�R,�' DA- Y REAL
<br /> ' �`�'� ..C'Citn .�' �' ... �:.. �:X_�...�.NSUI2ANCE.�....INC.,..... �
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<br /> 3T�4�Li,�A��,.ar:�......NEHF2ASKA.................... . Cmmty of ............if.all.....................................
<br /> Before me,a notary puUlic qunlificd for eaid county, personally cnme
<br /> Rudolf F. Plato, President of �
<br /> ,.,; � •�-�:.-•��
<br /> ,
<br /> DA—LY REALTY £a INSURANCE, INC. , a corporntion, -' q ,�;`<
<br /> kno�cu to.me to Le the President nnd identieal peraon�cho signed the foregoing instrument, and neknow- � � "•?
<br /> ledged the execution thereof to be hie voluntary net nnd deed ss such officer und tLe �•oluntary act nnd -
<br /> deed of snid wrporation and that its corporatc�enl «•ns thereto affiaed by its nuthority. � � c�, 'f
<br /> Witnese m Land and notarial eenl on.,,,,Novembor 1 th • '
<br /> y ............7.:............................... is..7.7........ _..
<br /> � /�] � �1 :,
<br /> --� ....................G�:�...GJ.c...�P..11r�f�....... Notnry Public.
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