r --�
<br /> � BTAT� OF NEBB�A6KA, County of _...................................................: � ` ;
<br /> 1$Tp'T�'IENT ATfACNED
<br /> Fi1+md foz seoord oa ................................. 19........at ............................o'cloek ........................ . �
<br /> aad r�ao:+ded is the I�oed �eoord ....., Pase NEBRASKA DOCUINENTAit1f -_
<br /> ........................... a e ..........._..........».... STAMP T/IX
<br /> � ...,.............................�er.ol.I�eedr......,...,...... $y ...............DePntY�BeeUter� �I)�eds i�u� a�"T.T�r f, �;�
<br /> �7• U0�703 e
<br /> � SURVIVC�ItSHIP WARRAINTY D BY=��� r�� � �� ;�
<br /> Jexald L. Robertaon snd Judith I . Robertaon, Huabsad &.Wife, each *;<
<br /> ia his sad h+er ovn rlght and as apouse of each other �N�'
<br /> , hesain aslled the assator wheWer � oe moer,
<br /> ia aoasideration of �16,000.00 (Sixteea thousand aad no/100----------------) ``
<br /> received trom granteec, doec ,er�nt, bazgsin, �ell convey and oontirm unto
<br /> Larry G. Nsgorski and Beverly Nagorski. Husbend & WiYe
<br /> is joinL teasatr with right of �urvivonhip, sad aot as teasnte in common, the lollowin� ds�eribsd xeal
<br /> =o-
<br /> ; Ds+oWrt7 in ............Hall......................................... Couaty,Nebraolca: � r;
<br /> �
<br /> Psrt of Lote Oae (1) , aud Two (2) in Brett's Additioa to the Village ,,
<br /> of Wood River, Nebrasks, described as beginning at the �orthvest ���
<br /> Corner oS said Lot One (1) , Thence Southerly One Hundred Feet along the
<br /> t�,i ty;
<br /> West litte of said Lot One (1) , Thence East One Huadred Twelve (112' ) � M�=ti
<br /> Feet slong the line parallel vith the North Line of said Lot One (1) . ,.,. �� .
<br /> producecl and one huadred (100) feet diatant therefrom, thence Borth Oae
<br /> Huadred Feet (100' ) along e� line parallel vith the Weat liae oi aaid , ��'y�
<br /> Lot One �1) and one huadred tvelve (112' ) feet diatant therefrom. thence �-0:
<br /> Weet One Hundred Tvelve (112' ) Peet to th� place of begianing. �«"
<br /> ' ;: , ^i:
<br /> N.;
<br /> To hsve snd W hold the above de�eriLed gremiree together �vith sll teaemeats, hereditimeaM
<br /> se�d appusteoaaees thereW belongin� mto the srsntees and W their a�as, or to the hein aad ari�e� y;
<br /> ot the sarvivor o! them forever. ���
<br /> And sraator doee herebq coveatnt with tho grsntees aad with theis aa�iias and with tlte 6aizs . ')
<br /> ted a�as o!the aurvivor at them that grantor is Ia�vPully eeised ot raid premiaes; that they,sre h+ee lros
<br /> MeasUeracs escept easementa attd restrictions of record
<br /> t�st graaWr has Qood right and lawlul authority to convey the asme; and that arantor warrantr sad wifl
<br /> defead t3ce title to said premises agsinst the ls�vlul claims ot all personx �cLo�asoever.
<br /> IL is t�e ittteation ot all psrti+ee hereto that in the eveat of the doath of either ot tne Srantee�.
<br /> the entire Yee title to this real proprrty whall vest in the eurviving grantee.
<br /> �y��c�t.+'w�l 12�L 19 7 7
<br /> ; ����_���. ��.Z,�;,�.
<br /> ....................................................................................
<br /> •='�`i�8;7:a.. .:•-•lto'?!e i�e•�'tSYi..................
<br /> �:.�<k�..���.._.�!:!-'rr�.-.
<br /> .................................................................................... ...... ...........�.....................
<br /> Judith I. Roberteon
<br /> H'!'AT� t3F ... x��.��s s...._..................., Couaty ar ........ x.a.L..........................._.
<br /> Betore ma,• netary publio qualiflied for �sid county, perwaaliy came
<br /> S*s*a],Q L. Rolserteoa sad Judith I. Robertaon, Husband & Wife, each
<br /> `� iA his and her ovn right and as spouse of each other
<br /> -3
<br /> i
<br /> , ;..� :.
<br /> a,, �i�
<br /> :, �fYp�M1�tr au t�6r ti�e�drohstieal per�on or p�ons w3�o si�aed the feresoias ia�trameat ssd seknowl�dsad .•�'--.
<br /> � ��:��i!l�pOE t4 �I!a...���!i1!�!�'FO�dII1.i['y i4t iII4�d!!a.
<br /> , d ,
<br /> ;:y wi�a�w w�h�aae�d�d+Martd �esl os �DL�,a�........la��,a¢[l.•---�......., 1l.7..7_...___. �F�
<br /> a ' ..... . 1
<br /> '� .�Ak11M�I1l�F'•�Is� �.�..� � .. �,,,1................. No4s� Pnblie v�'"`r
<br /> .: �11�i1RJLr�M � �.a�.�l.. i:' ,,:
<br /> 4 �Mi1�a.E�.iii.l=:�IIIf �' wilsi+'�s . ........ ............... 1l.b'Q........
<br /> :F�wea� 4.Y Te b�+ �w.prowd b� \,e�d�a 13t+�toe�ar�ls�eeiation �+••s�we o...uw..x.�r.
<br /> �' �
<br />