� .
<br /> �
<br /> To Hevs �xn To Hoi.n the same unto the Mort�a�ee, as herein provided. Mort�s�or representr to,
<br /> and covenaab witk, the Mozt�a�eee. that the MortgaQ�or has Qood ri�ht to seU and conveq aaid premiaes ;
<br /> that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwiae recited ; that the ][ortsa,�or will wurant
<br /> snd defend the raa�e a�sinst the 4wfu1 claime of all penons whomaoever. �iortQa�or her�y reliaquishe+
<br /> aIi rights of hoa►estead, etll maritat ri�F►b, either in !aw or in equity, and ai! other contin�ent sntere�ta of
<br /> , r the ][ort��or itt and to the sbove-described preaiiees.
<br /> I`+ P� ALwwxs, awl thae aresants are axocuted snd delivered upoa the folbwin� oonditions. bo
<br /> � wit :
<br /> � Mort�a�or aQrees to pay to the Mortasg�ee, or order, the aloresaid princip�sl aum with intereat from dste
<br /> � at t�lte rste ot - - Ei ght and One hal f-per ceatum ( 8�g % ) i�er annum on the,unpaid b�ataace until paid.
<br /> = The saW priacipal and interest ahail be paysbie at the ofllce ot Commerc i a t Federa 1 Sa v i ngs & loa� Assn .
<br /> !n (�aha . Nebras ka , ar at such other place as the holder ot the aote msy desi�nste fn
<br /> � wrltSa� deliverod or matled to the Mort�a�or, in monthly instaUments o! 0�'te Hundred N i nety-Seven and
<br /> D o U a r s (� 1 9 7 . 4 7- -- ) � commencin� on the Srst day of Jenuar y , 18 78 . and continuins oa 47/ 100
<br /> the tir�t dsy of each month thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if aot sooner paid, the Rnai
<br /> psy�nant o! principsl and intereak ahall be due and payable on the ftnt dsy of DeCember , 2003 ; al!
<br /> accordlt� to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the rsid Hort�or.
<br /> The ][ort�a�or further a�rees :
<br /> 1. He will pay the indebtednesa, aa hereinbefore provided. Privile�e ie reaerved to prepsy at any
<br /> tinte, without premium or fee, the entire indebtedneea or any part thereof aot less than the atnount oi one
<br /> iast�llment. or one hundred doUsss (i100.00), whichever is lea. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br /> tNe �ta �vsd. Paetial P`'eP�Ymsnt, other than on an installmeat due date, need not be c�edited until
<br /> tbs nezt followin� instrllm�at due date or thirty dsys alGer wch prepaYinent, whichever is eseiier. .
<br /> 8. To�ether witb, and in addition to, the monthly payaaenb oi principai snd intere�t paysbk under
<br /> the terdu of the note recured hereby, D�Sort�a�or will pay to ][ortQsQee, as trurtee, ( under the ternu at this
<br /> trwt as he�nafter stated) on the lirst daq ot each moath until aaid noGe is fully psid :
<br /> (a) A sum equal to the �round rents, if any, next due, plus the premium� that wili next 6eoorff� dw
<br /> utd payable on policies of flre end other hazard inaursnce coveritta the mort�at�ed pmpsrtY.
<br /> p1u� tsxes and assesamenb next due on the mort�aYed property (all u estimsted b� the '[ort-
<br /> �ee, and of which the Mort�a�or is notified ) leas aA sums slready psid thenfor divided by
<br /> the number o! montha to elapse bePore one month prior to the date whea such �rouad reata.
<br /> ' peemiums, taxea and aasessments will become delinqueat, ruch sunu to ba held bq ][ortsa�es
<br /> ia trud to pay �aid �round rents, premiuma, taxes and apecisl as�ewnsnb.
<br /> ; (b ) The a�re�ate of the smounts payable pursuant to subpars�raph (a) and thcw }+t�pabl+ on the `
<br /> aote �ecured hereby, �hall be paid in a sinale payment esch month, to be appiied t� the folb�v- w
<br /> in� iteens ip the order etated :
<br /> (i ) �round rents, tsxes, aasesements, fire and other Mazard inmranoe �s�eeuium� ;
<br /> (u ) interett oa the aote aecured hereby ; and
<br /> (Iu ) amortization of the grincipal of said note.
<br /> Any deAciency in the amount of any sueh a�re�ate monthly payment �hstl, uele�s nfade rood
<br /> by the Mortas�or prior to the due date of the neYt such payment, conatitute an evest ot delsult
<br /> under thia mort�a�e. At Mort�s�ee's option, Mort�saor wiil pay a "Ists chsrp" aot t�d-
<br /> i� tonr per centum (4 % ) of any inatall ment when paid more tlun flfteea ( lb) ds�n afGsr th•
<br /> due date thereof to cover the extra ezpt.mae involved ia handlin� delinqueat psyn�ent�, but such
<br /> { "Iste char�e" shsll aot be pa�vsble out of the proceeds of any a�le made to sstisty th� inddited-
<br /> neu �ecured hereby, unleas such proceeds are suAScient to diechsxYe the entire iadebbedaen a�d
<br /> ali proper cwts snd expen� secured theraby.
<br /> t 3. Ii tJw botal ot tlu pa,ymeats made by tbs ][ortp�or under (a) o! para�raph 2 preoedi� �lfsll
<br /> e�rowd 1� afeount o� pkya�eab aet�sa�b' nude by the Mort�s�ee, u trustee, for sr<wnd r�tts, taxes and
<br /> � ar�awe�mta or iasur�nce pt�aiva�s. as the ceae may be. sucli excess shsll be credited by tlie ?[ortsa�ee
<br /> j ps wbreQueo�t p�qmenb to b� made by the �[ort�a,`or for such lte�ns or, at liorts�`es's ontiea. u trtiatee.
<br /> ;� rLa11 bs r�fuod�d to D[oet�or. If. hpwe�er, suck moathly PaY�neab shall not be su1lkieeat bo pay �weh
<br /> t IOMe� wb�n the sams fhat! beaaae dtte snd psYable. then the Mort�a�or si�all poy to the I[ort�a�se� as
<br /> � tru�s, stv anfouat »ecessary to make up t!►e deficiency within thirty ( 30) days after writt�en aotice fran
<br /> ; tlrs Yort�w � ths at►oaat o[ tke deAcieney, whick notioe euy be siven by nuil. It at any time
<br /> 3 �e ][oe�a�r �li teader to tire Yort�ee. ia scca:daace with the provisians of the note seeured
<br /> y l�rebY. inll ptyment o! the entire indebtedn� repre�ented thereby, the Mort,la�ee. as trsabee, skalt,
<br /> � ia copapatias tlti amonat o� wch � credit to tdse a000uat af the Yort�or anY credit ba]anc�e
<br /> 7 aeoumal�k�d un,d,re ttw provisi�ons of (a) of para�raph 2 hezeot. It there slull be a deisult under any
<br /> ; a! tl�e ptevisbn� d this mo�e'��+�'e rarultist ia s public aale of the prerniaes covered herebY� or ii tlie
<br /> �to� aalvira� tl►s ptr�{rertY a�tl�sr�vl�e alter defsul� the Mort;a�ee. as truatee. �6all spplY� at the
<br /> , t,i�e d !Le oo�eeement od w�d► Ds�ooe�l�r. oe at fbe tims tlre pewperty i� ofL��ewi�e aapuirad. tho
<br /> r atre�wt ti�a r�e�s� Lo ea�d{t !iw Yoef�rL'�' rndsr (s) a[ paca�rapi� $ p�reeedias. aa � crediL oa tke
<br /> � � aoct+wd asd uapaid and ti� bala�wct to t6e p�r�iad� thsn reo+ainiat unpa�d on �aid sote.
<br /> "` '" �. '!'!�e �Iea oi this �t sl+idl ren�tia ia !aN iores aad el[e� dur� iu+Y P�P� �' ��- -. �___, '"�,
<br /> r ' . �i0n aL 1M�f1w e[ i�+� a[ tlr� ied�bbedsMs or aaf P�� � wwrsd iretaby. �:
<br /> 6. 8� w� p17 a1i �roen�d rwb. tuee4 �b. watar rabes. and ather �erameotat or msniei- � ; � '
<br /> e�
<br /> pd d�e'Ns+ feM. �e iwpo�itioe�. Lv i e d rps �i d �i�s aad tbst !se �cil1 ysy sri tazas 2evied �oa t�is � ``
<br /> +� �
<br /> � � an�ls�wr, �e lir� i�it sre�t�i f�wrri�. 6q/�' wtth �►y ottwr t�es or sasm�meats n-liich mt�y be bevied . ,. ,� ,
<br /> t�r�' lir� h�ai l�iilnlld� a�ia�tV l�se�s. oe' fl�e 1*�14o1aer o! �aid priaeipal aoCe. aa a000aat o[ �
<br /> ` �,� '°
<br /> tii�,�, ,�pt w�ea pa�►wa�t tar s� reh I�4�er 1�ss tl►se�sbotors besn a�rde nnder (s) ot y+ra- "µ, ��
<br /> # p�apk $ Iw�ru[, and Iw ivAI pi�►�W d4livar tlie oIDciai receiyts l�erefor te the :MlortIIa�ee. In delsa�t
<br /> ,' ; � Yl�w�tY1� �ioe�M � D�R1' tl►s �ama.
<br /> c
<br /> � ', _ ,�. �
<br />