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<br /> ��f'iAGE a`��,�`
<br /> ,�i
<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 22.8� ��"
<br /> � 4 '
<br /> �c[�xwwu.Ket+r�rt���&:rha� Reginald G. Phelps and Patricia L. Phelps, each in his * �,-
<br /> � .�
<br /> and I�r awa rigl�t and as spouse of each other �'
<br /> Fe�rty Ni e�e Thous�and Two Nundred and No/100-------- Mort�o_�u�wu��«e,�ao�.aae�or ase.me or �.
<br /> r� 'bou.��s
<br /> iooed W dd mort�or by T6e EquUabb Buildine aed Luan Aswciation of Grand Island.Nebradca.Morcgagee.upon 492 dnrai of sWdc of
<br /> ri! ASSOC1AT10N.Certifkate No.L 22�$96 ,do hereby gnnt, coawey and mortya�{e unto tMa �rid ASSOCIAI'tON ttu laJbvies
<br /> j � �
<br /> ; de�raiYeA awl oWfe.atwted in Hall County.Nebraaks:
<br /> ;i,
<br /> y' ,;.
<br /> ; �i;t
<br /> :t .;
<br /> �
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<br /> to�fer with aY t6e teaementc. horeditunent:and appurtenanas thereunto belonging,including atteched floor coverinp.�H w}edow�a�m. + "ks�
<br /> riodow dudes.bli�s.swrm win8owo.awain�s.heati�g,air conditiwning,and plumbing snd water equipmsnt and uceuwia theroco.Pw�fs.st+fva.
<br /> wni s
<br /> refri�entors,aod uther futuret and equipment now ur l�ernfter atuched to or used in wnnection with soid resl ettate.
<br /> � And�Lecsat the crid mortp�or has agced and does lwreby agrae that the rtwrt r sFull and wili pay all t�zes and a�nma�H levi�d ar �. "
<br /> t gago
<br /> �rrd upoa arA pnomuec and uppon this morc�e aad the bond aecured thereby befora the ume rha11 beoome deW�qwat:ro fwsd�q approwd i` x�
<br /> � Ymraaoeu�oe the builQi�c on�afd presi�s tituated ia the sum of S 49,Z�.00 WYabk to said ASSOCIATION and to de8wr w uid
<br /> Afi90C1AZiON Me policies for uid lnowanoe;and not eo comtnit or pertrnt any waste on or about wid prsmi9es;
<br /> !e cao of defauk in the perfaumu+x of aoy of[he terms and condition�of[!w mortgoge or the bond aecured heroby,[he m�yw�hdt,
<br /> ' oe dea�nd.he a�dtkd w inunedwite pouewoa of the morttared prcmi�ec and the mort r herob a h�
<br /> � ga�o Y ni�na. tranders and �eb owr m t!q
<br /> ' al!the ronu,m�enue�aad inoome to be dorived from the mo d remiees dw' wch time ac the mon
<br /> ��Me ��YoS� P �E W�e inde6ted�er thstl ras�ia
<br /> reprd:ud t►e reortayeo dull 1s�ve t6e po�ver to appoint�ny a�ent ur a�entc it �nay de:ire for the pupo�e of npaitin�oid preani�s�and»sti�
<br /> ye po e
<br /> the ame and mlectiot We rants.rovenue�and iruwme.and it maY Wy oui of erid income all ezpenses of rop�irin�nid promirn�ed e�y
<br /> { aoa�i�iaias aed e �es weucred ia rentin��nd mamyn�the same u�d of collectin` rentala tfiarotrom;t6e balmee rem�iniM.it my.eo ps
<br /> IAi zpen �p �
<br /> � �p�y�uw�ud tl�e id iwiwrµ+of nid mortgage iodebtedaasr,the�e right�of ehe mortpgee may be exercieed u aay time du�in�the txbtenas of�uch
<br /> ; �itidt.imepee[ive of any tempexKy waia�er of tAe ume.
<br /> jTl�ne hsoen�s.howewr.arc upon the Condition,Ttut if tha nid Mongagor:hall repny eaitl!wn on o�beforo ihe matwity of said thana by
<br /> p�pyweot:prY nnathly to qid AS.90CIA71t)N uf the sum speeified in the Bond�ecurod heroby as interest ond principat oa pid ban.on o,r beBpre
<br /> j the'P�vaneieth d�y uf aad�awd eMery month.until nid Iwn is(uNy P�:WY all taxes and awewnents kvied against said pra�ewe��ed am thi�Mortpw
<br /> ' �ed t6e i�a�A�thereM',before delin4uencY:fureich approved in�urance upon the buildings chereon in the sum of S 49•2�.� psysAte
<br /> j b rid ASSOCIA710N:a�apaY to�ASSOCiAT10N upon denrnd a!1 money by it p�id for wch tazes,aueiaments u�d inwnnoa with inten�t�t
<br /> p tl�e�Mri rqe tl�eon fro�n date ot'payment a!1 of which Mort�,�or hereby agraes to paY:permit no waste oa uid promim:kmsp uid ma�ply
<br /> wftti aG tl�e yr�entt a�d uoaditio�u uf the Bond for S 49� �.� thie day�iven by the nid Mort or to nid ASSOCIATiON,and oamOly
<br /> io u aa�
<br /> � vitl�atl tYe ta�w�aments ot tke Coratitutioe and By-Law�of eaid ASSOCIATION:then tlaate prerats�become nutl and void.Mhewi�e they
<br /> �
<br /> � tl� sesu�i�ie trtl fnroe aad mty be fotecfwed at tlr optioa�of the said ASSOCIATION afur faiiure for throe mondu to auks any of nId
<br /> = s �ya�ewsit or bo eYroe mowtbe m arrars in malciu�aid moathlY WYmeats,«[o Icoep�nd�mply with the y{raemeau and oonditio�u of uid BoM�
<br /> W lio�rtsyor rren�to i�ave a reoeiYer�ppoieted forthvith in a�ch fomclosure proceedin�e.
<br /> ' � tf tlrre is aoy dva�e in oward�ip of the roal oqate mortp�ed herain.by 4rls or otherwi�a.thsr the estirc rcmaisin`iedabtedws bsnby
<br /> � re�red�dl.st tie aptior of TAs Equihble�awd Loan Aaoei�tiow of Cnad Idand.Nebnica.b�co�a iomadLtely due nd p�yabk�ritAout
<br /> fYrtYu Motioe.a�d tho a�ouat re�ie�due under atid bowd.and my othor boad for ariy additiooal adv�noea mude therounder.tlutl.froia the
<br /> ; �.w os.xerc:..ot uie o�tien be�r feu,�aa u u�e maz:.a�m lepl nu..na tn;.mory.�e rn.y tl�n ee roKdo.ea w��t'y m..moWu ade oo.de
<br /> �a
<br /> boY,a�d ary otYa bae�Eor sddiriovl�dweoea. r vith di a�nu p�id by�sid The Eqw[able Buildin{ud l.wn AroeJatioa of Graad Idwd.
<br /> NeMarin far irunow.taYac aad a�rrmena.aad e�cunrion charooa, �vith inuasu [hcreon.fram dats of payment u tha m�ximum
<br /> ���
<br /> . As�a tAc�d�c�red hereby.�rhiM Uw�renuis�in effact H�e mnrt�yee may hera�[t+r advanoe addleiaeul a�w tlr
<br /> ! �bra d rid�nnd.tlrir aai�u ar tucoetwn in intenoai,whic6 amt�haY be witldn the aecurity of thit mortrye tfie�nws n t6e fuod�wi�y
<br /> , j rarwi tlrMYy.tw Wtal a�aw�t af p�1 debt acft to excaea N aay tia�e the oci�e�l anw�mt M'this mortp�e.
<br /> �� �•r a Novewber A.U..19]J
<br /> A � _
<br /> � - P�
<br /> " ., �►3'�,�tMl�t#�R4�K�►.�s Os�ii 16th �y� I�lovelllber �a77 ,bstore a�. �"`;. ,
<br /> . �QlII�iL
<br /> qw a NWry lWtic�asd for rid CaatY.P�Y��
<br /> ,a �1�. I�be�c aAd Patr�cia L. Ph�tps, ezch i�and her 7own�righL and as�s ous�e �o�f �
<br /> are
<br /> �►�►i+W iMMiMi M+� �iar�S iT! �ff�d t�dr aboMs�ntr+�p�n[a n�yo� aee Lhey r„�y �';'�
<br /> M/l�il�i�e uIM Y�MI!N M ��r" �o�qn��st�wl i�d. --� ,'�'''
<br /> �TD�ar 1u�r�I M�l lM�t�l IM�Iw a/ow�i0. % � � , '
<br /> , y�y. .�..r....�.�...,� )
<br /> �n �, �r�ur s��t a�nrw� /
<br /> Xi"V tut B!`l1 ltR� �
<br /> �. . .�i+�� NSY�rm.;�.t�,� 4.S.1Gsii s .
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