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<br /> � MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 22+$BS �'
<br /> ���
<br /> ,� tav�v�[a,r�e�t�se r�s:znu Duane L. Wortman and Katheri ne K. W�orbaan, each 1 n hi s �y
<br /> and her o� right and as spouse of each other �,�
<br /> ,,, �
<br /> , —woart�yor_wheu�er o.e or mor..m oomddecuwn ot tL.wim ot ; rr
<br /> ^ Tiwe�ty t� Thousand Two Hundred and No/100-------- -----------------------� ,-;
<br /> i kr�rd to sdd mort�yor by T4e EQuiq6la BuYdia�u�d Luae Auociubn of Grand Idand.Nebra�ca.Morty�jee.oPoo 348 cta�ces of stadc of �
<br /> nid ARSOiCU770N. Cectifioate No. L 22�$$$ .do I+ereby�rant. convey and � unto the qid ASSqC1ATlON the totlmri�
<br /> � dMaibed�ai�date, dtwtsd ia Hal1 County.Nebndca:
<br /> �
<br /> ; �OT TWELVE (12) IN BL�CK Tw10 (2) IN "A�VES
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<br /> � ta�sther �vi[h aU tl�e tmementf,hereditamente and appurteruncee thereunto bdonyn�.uuludin�atuchad flow coFcrin�{s.a{I wipdow�swaMu,
<br /> riwdar Yudos.blinda.storm windowt.awnin�s.I�aatina,air conditio�ting,and plumbina and water equipment and acpscoriea t3�erow.pump�,tto�, , ��
<br /> rofei�entors,aad other fixturos and equipmant now or hereafter attached to or uaed in cw+nection with eaid roal eftau. '.
<br /> Aad rrl�ereas the aid mort�or has agreed and doec hereby agree thst the mortgxgor chal! and will pay ali pzst and ariwr�rn4 Mvkd or �;
<br /> arwed upon»id promi�es and upon thie mort�a�e and the bond�red thereby before the tame ctuU b000me delu�quenR:oo furNth approMd
<br /> ioturwaeu�cx�the bu�dingt an uid premite:situated in Uu sum o!S 21�ZO�.00 payabb w nid ASSOCIATION aad w deliviu w Yid
<br /> ° AS�OCIA77Od�1 tFee potieies for aaid inwvance:�nd�rot to commit or permit any watte on or�bout:aid pre�nire�:
<br /> '• la aae af defwYt ia the pmform�nca of any of the ter�s aad condieions�f[his mortgage or thm bond 9ecur.d hereby.the awrt�yir��dt, '
<br /> ! oa Aea�wd,be eatitisd a im�aediau pw�euion of ihe morcp`ed pcemi� a�ad [he mortpgcx hereby auqn�. vandus aad �u owr Eo tlr Y
<br /> oort�yee aU the raKs.re�anue�amd inoome to 6e de�iwd from the mortyaged premioes durio`such time u the mortp�e iadebtedaa��MU rnris
<br /> i es
<br /> �d:aad the mortyyee dfaq L+are t!rc power to appoint any a4ent cx agents it msy deaire for d�e purpo�o of rep�titin{nid pnq��ad c�stil{
<br /> the tme and mBectiars the reass.rcvenues and inoome.and it maY WY out of nid inooaK all expewec af reptiris�ttid pnawes�nd asorwry
<br /> eowr�ad e�e�e a mc�rsed in ra►tie�aad emn�gie�che yaaa and of eolkctins rentals tharetioiu: [6e hdana remainfa�.if aay� bs
<br /> y�tovsrd[iwe di�u�ye ot aid mor[qge mdebudncu:tiwe risAte of the mortga�ee may be exercired ac any tiarc dwin�the e�eoe d wd�
<br /> �iTa�tlt.irrw�eetwe of aay tomporuy wsiwr of tfie ume.
<br /> ? 'lLne he�sntt�bowevar,ue upon tl+e Cunditqn.'I'h:t it the crid Moctgs�or ohall repry caid loan on or before the maturity of rid than�by
<br /> � ppqaeet:pay montMy to uid ASSOCIA7'lON of the wm specified ie the Bwfd�ecwed hereby ae intmmK and{+rie�ctpal on qid loaw.o0 or!�t'ne�
<br /> tYe Zlratieth dsy of esci�md esery moetk.until uid Iwn u fut1Y P��WY all axa and auemnents bvied a�ainu�aid promuoa and o�thu Mortp�e
<br /> a�d ths 5oed�eourcd ehemM'.bofors delinquenry:fumich ap�roved insurance upon the buildia`s theraom ia the wm of S 21 2QQ QD Py"abk
<br /> �eo
<br /> b f�id A.4S0(,YAT{O�[:re��ay to irid ASSOCIATION upon demand a!i muney by it paid for auch tuce�.amsnnmts�nd'm�oe vph ine�tNt K
<br /> tMe �Mpl wte thcrmwf from dau of payment all of which More�qor hereby agrees to pay:permit tua waste on uid�;Iwp aod ooa*ly
<br /> w;tl�aG the a�raeaKets and conditions of ehe Bond for S 21.2�.QO t6ic day`iven by t6e�ai�d Mort r w uid ASSOCIAT74SV,�sA m�p�1y
<br /> �a�n sA
<br /> vN�a8 the roquiroa�t ot the Constitutiaa and By-I.a�s of rrid ASSOC1A770lV:then tl�ne pre�eatt sha8 become nut!and wi4.e�+wY�tlwy
<br /> �IrN rsn»u� in full fortt a�d a+ey ba foreclo�od N the option of the aaid ASSOCIA770N aftsr failure for thr� months to mdce aoy of�id
<br /> pyr�a�t�or be Nqee s�oa�As in arrearc in malcias s�id monthlY P�Yroa+t4.ur w Ic utid r
<br /> oeP complY with tt+e a�reemewu aM oonditiows of nid�ad:
<br /> a�d Moetp�or a/reos oai Mre a�ocaiver sppuintal forthwith in euch foreclowre proceedin�c.
<br /> !f tlers is uy drqe m a�rnerd�ip of the rdl auu mortpyed hmsin.by dle or othenvi�e.elmn d�e eneSrc nmaaieis�isdebWww 6p�by
<br /> was�A�lui.�tho option of 1'he EquuaMe Buildu'�and Loan Aaociatan of Gned ldand.Nebrarca,beoosr iamsdittely duo md pry�le vk6oat
<br /> furNer mn�ae.aad the amuunt rc�minins due wder uid b�d,and any ahar bond for any additional sQv�exi made therew�der.�luU,from[hs
<br /> d�M of esrrrYe of pid�don bear iataea at the enaximum lepl nte.�d thi�mort�e m�Y tl�en bs forecbrd to atbfy tl�e aswrnt due e�riA
<br /> ►a�d.�d ry aRhor barid for a8ditiaad adwnoes,tosetl�m rrith all wnr paid by aid T1rs Equihbie Buildiu�and l,oaa Aroc3atiow of Gnnd ldrud.
<br /> u�
<br /> Lklrra�ta far liumna�.taxa�ad a�ereneari.and a6�tncti�extension ch�ryea,with htterest theroon. fram due of p�yieeet u tAe ar� .
<br /> i Y/d nre.
<br /> i As a tie Bowd reured Mreby.vhik U+n m�art�s reeuina in eft'act the mort�yee may hersaf'tsr adwnce ad�titiarl wns w tir
<br /> �a�i�sd m ar
<br /> ' �rlmwt oP aid�oad.tYslr arirs�sucw�rore ie irttero�t.wAid9 wma ffiaU be writhin the recurity ot UW mort�ye c6e�me u the lWnds ori0or6y
<br /> � �eawd th�wby,t4a totai awowet of priodpal debt eot to eaesad u asy time the ori�iaai smount of this morqa0e.
<br /> O�tM t6i� � t�1 d�y of 1�OV2�lQM A.D.,19 7�
<br /> . ,�..�.. �. �,t1-
<br /> ; ���IY���'.���"�i.. -' �„6L
<br /> � � Ks�i+ertwdi k. linrtssn
<br /> �rp� �
<br /> �,� x ����,5,��r. c�m+. 14th. a.y�t Nova�be r ��7 7 ,bet.w r.
<br /> '� � � w .Naa�y rnb�c In aee car nw coa�ey.p.r.e.dly ass �� ,.�
<br /> � EIM�M�e L. i�or�1» awd Katheri�e R. iivria�a�+, eaN+ in h s and per owr+ rigi�t and as s se
<br /> ' �� b,��ll1' h•` .aw are vx.o..tl�+QO�.o.aeo
<br /> n
<br /> k.�, wstiow tY�iMAwae�rre.� .#iarr �-• a nie atioMe i..t.r..ot as so.sppr s ,ea they �s»nsy �eA'
<br /> .«
<br /> ,„,;k sde.eeYA/i�!e�e ai!�nnmlet!o be .�, deed• �;.' ; ;
<br /> �;rc w!'!!Q'SS my lusd aad ���'� ,
<br /> �� � �b�M�f�M�Ml�iiw �f+11lE9'—f ��. � n
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