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� � <br /> � 77" UU6655 , <br /> u.usoa�[ coYsr��u+,s. 9on�ow� aoa ,.e.acr covenast .oa a�ree .� cak,�. : <br /> L l+4��t �t �ieyri a�i LWrrf. Borrower akftl p'ospUY tKY �vYen due t6e P��+P+� o[ aad inmra�t on t6e <br /> iewd�6iednar w�d b9 !he No�o. pnptynr�t �ed la/e d�ar�a a� provided ia tLs lVo1e. and tl�e P�W� af aed inlawt <br /> , m Oay %'uWt� iuirao6sr w►��i�wi uj� :ri:w `/•'av:.�y:�. � . <br /> � <br /> i. lh�il he ?�r a�/ IMrMo�. Bubjea W appiieabi� Isw or b s w�ritfon raiver bY L[aMr. Horrarac sYdl WY <br /> b tM1AK Oe tM! diY mootl�lY � o[ pcleeipd asd inla�wt aro ptY� usder tlfs NoM. ueW tht N<Me is p�fQ ia fuq. <br /> � � wn �M+ds "Fwdr'7 pud �o a�alwUkh ot tLo ya�rlY tues �nd a�roeab w6kM esY aaafn prioritY owr dw <br /> Siart�lll�r. aed �and �wls aa tM Pio�uly. iI a�. P� �+'�+ � 1�b P�'� �oeeW for iuxaed ie�uneae. <br /> ptu. ar�ewlc'� at yipeiy pne.�ium �aiMs�nts fcr moB�ye ia.ue.eoe. u ,ny. .n .. ws.oe.r�y e�i..N.a i�iei.Yr ••a rtom <br /> il 11ar �o If�s� by Lades on I�e 6nis ot a�wmerb aed biNs �ed �+ewooabie aNieuMs tliema�o[. <br /> i '!'6e F�.d� dvl! be h�id ja aa imtia�tioe d�e d�paia or a�coueu of vl�ieh am iaNr+ed or puranwd dY s Fed.rd or <br /> M�M aMm:Y (iedndi� I.eoder if L�eal�r u wch ae ieuitution) • L.eoder a6a11 apply tie Ftfnd� W PsY-uid 4r�c. uwrm�sb. <br /> feMsraor p��uw aod �isd �ntt. Lsader euy not c6v'e for so hoidin� a►d applyia� tia Fneds. andysiy s�id account, <br /> � or v�eriEyins ud oo�mpilis� s.ia a..e..msna ane but.. un�e.a Leeder pays sorrower on the Fnse� .oa ap�lk��bb l�a+� <br /> j p� I.ewder to �e�ke wCb a elur,�e. Hortow�r �sd i.ender may asroe iu aritia� at t6e tieee of erecaNiou o[ tl�L <br /> �' ![oRtp� �at iMerest an tix Fuodr �iail be prid w Sorrower, and aoSas tuctr asrausau ie ee�de or appiiea�lle Isw <br /> i nquirw a� iet.rat to b p�id, i,eedur �6ai1 no[ be required w pay Borrower any imenst or o�raia� on the F�. l.eeder <br /> fhfli �ive to 8omower. �vitbout char`e. an annual acaouotie� of We Fundc alwwinj crodiu aed dabib W the Fuedr a� d�e <br /> ' p�uporo for wbich eaeL debit w the F� Wu made. Tbe Funds arc pkd,ed �s additiooal acuricy tor t6e wa� aecured <br /> DY t6� Moeyya• <br /> It C6e amouet a[ tbe Fuod� 6eid by L.eader. weethu with the tuture maathly ia�taffinenu of Puadt payabk prior to <br /> t11e due d111o� o[ taxet. awasrtmts, im�uance premiumc and �rou�! rents. chall oxeeed the aiaount raetuited to pay �aid uacs. <br /> m <br /> �oeree�ts, ia�ur�noe p�mniumt aed sround roau u t6ey fall due, such ezoess ohail be, at BonoWers optan. ad�v <br /> P�PyY �'�l+�� to Hortower or credited to Borrvwer on montNly iertaUmants of Fueds. If t6e amou� of tl� Fued� <br /> hMd try l.��der diW 0ot be �mt to pay taxa. �s�a+a� iasurarice peemiumc and �round roea w tl�oy fall dw. <br /> � 8orn�ror t6�!! QaY W Lmder aay amouat menesry u+ malce up the deficiency wir6in 30 days from d�e due notice u maikd <br /> by Le�dsr b Bo�zow� aeW�atiai P�YmeM theroof. <br /> f uP� MY� ia tuU of aU awu �ecw�ed by tl�is Mort�s�a. Lender �hall pranptly rdfusd w 8orro�ver arty Fuwd� <br /> MW by L.osder. If uedar pvasrap6 18 6aroof [he Praperty is sold or tht Property u aberwne acqu+red by Loadar. Lender <br /> � �VP'�Y. eo Ia1� thao iramediate�Y peior w the sale of the Propeity or ita acQuiaition M' L.aader. �aY FusM I�d by <br /> Leedsr at H+e time of applieation u a credit asainat tk�e sumc oecured by th�c Montye. <br /> 3. A�Yptl� �[ lq��Y. Untest applicabk law provides otherwioe. aIl paymeets roxivad Iry l.ceder usder t6e <br /> NWe and prrywph� 1 aod 2 hareof e6a11 be applied by t_esder Hrct in payenent of arnouats psyable w Lendor by ierm�ver <br /> i usder paryraph 2 he�oot. thaa W interost payabk on t6e Nae. then to the priocipd of the Note. �d thoa w �une� aod <br /> peia�iMl on soy Future Adv��wa. <br /> �. Ci�r/M{ Ii�. iotrower ehaU pay aN tazee. aeseawneots and other char�es. Mec asd im0o�a+s auributable W <br /> ' d�e r.bp.eer w6iar w.y s pri«iey ova t#as Mortsa�e. ana lascnaa paye�eau « �eowe eenb. � any. i. tl�e �wer <br /> r pt+ovid�d usder p�ra�rapi 2 6eaeot or. if aot prid ia such manner. by Bnrrower sutiei Psya�eu. wiien dus, � b Ire <br /> ptyre Wabot. Soteow+er daU peomp4y furei�h W LenAer a!! notioes of amouub due ueder d4n para�ryh, a�d ie trr ewet <br /> 9ortvwrss d�all malte psyeseat directly, Borrower ahatl prompUy furnish to L.ender roceipts evideneie� aueh pay�. <br /> ,' � �� P�iu9 � �3' lie� which has prinrity over th�c lMoetp,�e: Provided. t6at Ywtuwr �YsY sot he <br /> nq�wrd w di�ar� .ay wc6 4a� co Iw� w 0ormwror tl�atl asree ia �v.iti,� tn tbe p�yme.t of t6s ob�.tion .on,r�e by <br /> ' a�d1 pes ie a snseer aoc�rtabls w [.enisr. or cl�d1 � yood futh 000teat wch li� by. or defeed a�fonoeseet of aueY lies u, <br /> le�a! lena�dlq� wbio6 operue to prov�eat the �onoanast of the lien or foefeiu►re d tbe rrapsrey or awy p�rt tleero[. a <br /> p rt <br /> f. iY�rri f�r�ea &ferower �Ydl Iceop the improv�a�ts �v exiain� or her+eafla a+xted aa the P'rapentr imtMed <br /> � apiere las 6g lne. luraeds meiuded wi�hio the tonn "extu�ded oovera�e•., aad such WLer luraed� ac Lendier may nQui�e <br /> � aod is M�cY amouab asd for wcb p�iod� u La�da� may roquire: Provided. thu Lender chall not ee�riro thst the anrount ot <br /> w�ch oar�a�e exo�ed tlrt amar+t o[ covua�e requirod w pay the wmc �ecured by this Llort�ye. <br /> 1'llt iewr�so�e caes�r pro�id'a�� the mwraeee � be cho�en by Sonvwar aibj�M to a/proval by lAwdrr: p�rv�Yi. <br /> t�Yt NC` ip�DY�I fll� OOt bE YY�N�O�bly M�7R�d. AN �I'OIMiW�t on IAtIlfa9oe pOliCiOs t`ili b6 p11d ie dM l�OY► �, <br /> � pPO�Y'I�a t�0� � 2 b0!'00� Q[. If 90l pl� IA WCl1 �110f. �' BOR'MM'0[ � p1�O00t. W�l9 d116. ddlCf� t0 bM . <br /> 7 IO�IIR�O� CtlY1N'. <br /> Ai l�w'�ce pofioir a�d araeaa4 tbaeof d�all be ia fam acoeptabie w [.ender and d+sY iuclude s suwdand ererqa/e <br /> d�u.. :. a�ror o[ a.a w. eoea� aooepabls w l.e�do.. [.eader .h.n b,ve d�e ri�t w l�oa u�e policios .na ra�ew.k u�er.or. <br /> •e! larrowc �IuY pir�ptly [ueaitl� b leeder a11 renewd aotioa aed ail neceipts of paid p�niwsc. ln the eveet of bu. <br /> lereowr a6dl �ins pue�t aotace w tLe iawrasoe carrier aad La►der. I..ender may e+ate ptiwf of lo�t if ewt mads F�"�?aY <br /> by �. <br /> U�iaa I.e�der rd �orrorr�[ eNieewife a�e�ee a� writiq�. inwua.oe p'aceeda �AaU be applisd w raloraliow or erpair ot <br /> � �Y d�Med. Peovidsd suc6 eestohtioa or rep�ir u aconosicatly fea�ible and the rxur+�Y d th� l�toe�ye u <br /> eot th�erby aq�aitod. It weh eettotatioa or rqrai[ u not ecoeo�caUy feafibie or if the oecurity of d� l4or�arc wadd <br /> � 60 ieprind, t6e �os ptooNd� tM�11 bo �/plied W the we� recurwd by [iis aloet�ye. with t6s enoe�s. il aey� Paid <br /> Oo �ottnwr. U tio l�fa�cty u abandoa�d by Borrowa. or if bnuwar faik to reepowd to L.eader wi�in 30 d�ys fe+om t6e <br /> � drM aefieo is maiisd by i.�eder ta brrow�er that t6e irura�oe carri�r o1Fas to roak a clai+w Eor i� beneMs. i.a+der <br /> ! a a�eris�d b co1M� aed apply d�e ie�ursece proaeedc at l.eoder'� opeion s�ber eo oerWratiow or np�ir of d�e P*'eP�Y <br /> � er b 1rs w�� aewnd by tl� lioetw/a. <br /> tJaiw [a�d�r dA �a�rorret otlrrr+i�e a�+�e ia writie�. �ey auch a�plicatim d Oraoadt a+ prsecip�l �Y not estad <br /> � ot �oa� Wr dne d�M ef ths a�oetidy ie�t�lla�eats rofened to ia Q�npYr l aid 2 h�reof or ciuqe the amawnt of <br /> } wci i�. If Ysdn' �ap4 I i �nof the Prc�p�rty is aoquited by L.e�der. all ri�Yt, title a�d iaterast of BorroYvar <br /> i ia a�d to aay ia�u�aaoe �olitaes aod ia �d to t6e proceods thereof rosui�in� from da�na/e to tl�e P*'opd'tY Prior to cbe sale <br /> ; ar acqritido� �Ya�1 �ru to I,es/er io tie acta�t of t6e aw�r �on�rod by t6iY 1�latN« �Y P�' to wc6 aak � <br /> 3 �, <br /> ; i. lM�rrra�a a/ M�Y�+� �[ f�tys Lrwreli� C�i�MIr�R R�i U�It Deri�e�h. Harrower <br /> i WW� 1V �I�LY � �00� l�Yf a�d t�l �ot OO�%[ wYK oi' �Ilf14t Il�p�tt'�Mt Of �101'1O!'�OO O� �O P�tlpOety <br /> uld cpEpply wkh tbe proveeoe� of my kase if this Mortja�e is on a leaxhold . If this Mortsaje is on a unit in a <br /> j oo.Ae�ii� or . rl....a xait dsveW�eat. �orcow� dul� perfo� .x vf Yorr�wer�s obli�acions andar tAe <br /> j ut aOwMWs chMi� ar pwrai� tYe coedorieuas or plaseeA uoit devarop�a�t. t6e ►'!'-�I�rs aM re�tatGons ef d+e <br /> ooedawd�i� ar plretii udt d�wbpas�nt. and ca�utiaiewc docrraents. If a � or pl�weed w+ic devebpn+ent , <br /> '' � iiis 's �anlM 1rr len�owr ad t�owded IarMYx wi1Y dw Mo�t�ye. !be oowwl� ae/ a�eeeweea of ruci ride� <br /> i�liM i110aqra�M/ iw ad itll �wNd Md �le�e�[ t6e oowa�ses awd a�wa�rw af tAis Mw,pye a� if tbe rider , '� <br /> ww a �reit �nd. " <br /> " • ? lMMw� �f LMiw4 f�e�IMr. U 1�s*swr Eails b �eefnen �e ceMe��we� aeA ywa�e�s oorained i� tlus <br /> Y� �[ � i11�' � a� �eMriy is �ao�re� wiici �rMori�fy a/�cls Laoder's ixts�est h tl� l+operty. <br /> iAMt rt iwilri Iw a�li��wt i��i�. .rai�r�. a�o�s a�ima�r. or r'e�w�.b or P� m'vd�'+Ai a i <br /> � Mn� ae��11�1/Mt. 14� LMiK at L+�M"s O�Iis4 ti!� ealiae �o �en+a��er. �sY wadee wrcr �ppewreoas, drMrse wc6 <br /> ; . �r�s aM 1�N MrOM ac�ilr as i� �y �o poMot l.rd�r's iw�we, ird�Aiy. iut aot linia� to, � of �,; ;: <br /> � w�ii� a�lr�t� f� a�i �rY r�� � lM�ey M �s +�n. !f i.e�rsr nqri�ed w�e�ye i�curasoe ac r � <br /> � ea�fili�lw �t arki� itr iw arc�rrd iy tiia � ia�uw�,r `�rii pry � orm�i�r �eq�rired u II+riutrio c�u:Lh � "µ <br /> i� !w �et Mlli w� liir r t1s a�riw�t �cY i�wrra� tee�iWe� i� aooeainoe with �«�ow�x�'s aud <br /> a <br /> n <br /> F <br /> � � � <br />� <br />
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