;., � � i
<br /> ( --�,, . � ;
<br /> �
<br /> ' aot d�tsad or Z�tpone Ll�e due date oi tlw m,ont!►ly inataUment.�; referred to in paragnphs 1 and 2 �heseof or �
<br /> a�r tale amoain� uf sutc6 i�tsiime��ts. �
<br /> !�. �qaee�s fiaR �a�. Extas�ion uf the tlme for �►syn�eut or modifi�:wtion of aiuortisstioa� af the sums
<br /> lm
<br /> �+a1MMd '� �ids !�e R��� bY I.ender to any eue.eeasor in i�ttereRt o[ Bore+ower ehali not operste to rels�te. � -- `� �'`�
<br /> � ?s aCM�I' �. 1�N � �f f�F+e �al I3arrower s�ad Sart�ower�6 B{iCOP.�89ii 3A IO;f,@T08E. LEt1dE!' 6F18�J 14D� 'bO �. ` ; ,���
<br /> �4� �1 � � M�� ataii w►ocasros� or ref�o to estead tisra for piy�nent or �hcrxri�a atiqdifyr ,,�.
<br /> � � oI[ Hro �an�r i�sow�d bq this afortgag+e I�y reas�sn of any ds+m►nd �ade by the orisin�►1 Ba�rowes rud � " ;% `,��
<br /> � l�w+�"a wos�Mocr i� �a�. � � � �,� � �
<br /> � � � � � < i:i,� �lR�sl�o�e� L� I,�w1�s l�lat s Woirwr. hay foe�be�nnce bgr 7.�eader ia ezesemaing auy ri,�tt or :aasdy �� �,a��
<br /> i � 1�ts�1a$�e, or otiferwae �4forded by app�icnble isw, alisli not be a waiver of or preolude the exereisa of sc�y ri�ht � �, 1i
<br /> � u„ ae sea�pe�y heteunder. The proeurement ol inaurwnce or tlie payinent of taxea or other liena or charger 6y I.�nder �;; � ,�5�
<br /> �„ �rit aa�t be s wsirtr ot I.ender's rigt^+t to seceferat,e the maturity of the indebtedneaei 'eeoure�d by thie Mortgs`e. � �
<br /> � � 1y �IIM�r G�N�a. All �+emedies provided in tbis ?14ortgage are distinet and eumulativa W aeey othar 6
<br /> ; � ^�•' ri�ht or �edy tmd� th'ss 34oTtgage or aHorde<i hy lan� or iquicy, and �nay Ixa exercised concurrently, indepead- {; . '
<br /> � dd� 0�1" M��y. k�� . .
<br /> 1, � �. �Kawa�r asd A�es souad: loint aad S���ral Liabitity: Captioos. The covenanks sad xgreemeats ?: '
<br /> h�eia ese�kai�ed sltaii bind, asd the rights Lereunder shsll inure to, the reapective succeeeore and atai� of I.eader ; :
<br /> : �a�d Borrower, oubjeet taa the paovisiane of paragrat>I� 17 liereof. Alt covenanta a+� agreemente of Bc+rrower rhall a ;
<br /> ' �- be jp»t aad seversl. The capti+ons and l�eadinga of tLe � �aragra� ihe of thib \fortgaqe sre for convenienoe only sud
<br /> sss ept tA be tYsd W itsterpret or define tkae provision� liereof. ;; "�
<br /> tJ. lfoNo�. Any notice to Borrou�rr prorided for in thi� �lortgage �hall tx gi��en by maikiog euch oot�ice by "' �
<br /> � etetified auil uddre�sed to Borrower ut the Yroperty Addreen ntated below• , exaej�t fur �n,y notice required undes �; '
<br /> ' paragraple IB hereof to be given t� I3orrower in thc• �nanner � ireEcribed by xpplicable law. Any notice provided e, ,',�
<br /> F for ia t�6ic '_�itutQa�e shall tx deenied to lia�•c lieen given to Borrow•er w�lien given in the i�anner designated herein.
<br /> ; 1S. �pw MorEqeqa: Gor� Law; S�v�rabi3ity. 'fliis forni of mortgage combineu uaifotm coveusnLs �
<br /> �� . h ` �
<br /> ' � fae osEio�sl we and noa-uaiform covenauts �vith limited �•ariations by jurisdietion to conetitute a uaitorm seou- j
<br /> 1 e#,y i�umept coverin; real pro}>erty. This �lortgage shall bc governed by the law of the jurisdiction in vs6ioh '
<br /> � t�e Ptap�rGy is lceat�ed. In the event thst nny provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note coa9ieta with � � ' �'-
<br /> ed
<br /> � I►pPGM6iiM Is�v, wseh ooefliet shall not a8ect other prorieions af this ilortgage or the Note which ean be Qiv� �, ° '"
<br /> � a�teot +ri�o�st the oonitietiag proviaion , and to thie end the provisions of the lfortgage and the Note are declarad �;" , E' ����
<br /> � to b� r���ea61�. � x �c3�
<br /> iR �rews's Cepy. Borrower ahsll be furniahed a conformed copy of this !14ortgsge at the time o€ exeou- « �" x �
<br /> tio� oe aE#�es reeacdsti� hereof. �
<br /> ^ r�,
<br /> 17. lym�r o[ tlwr psep�ety; A�suspfiou. If sll or any l�art of the Property or as� interect thereia ie sold °" �#„�'
<br /> osLraosf�ti+ed by Bort+ower without Leader'� prior written consent , excluding (e ) the crestiou of a lien or eaaum- p '�`�'.'
<br /> j bra�o� wboediufste to ttiu ?�fortgage, ( b ? the creation of a puret�ase rswuey eecurity interest for hourshdd appli- � ��"� :
<br /> ; aooer, (e) a tranrfer by devire, descent or by operation of la�c u�wn the death of a joint tepant or (d ) the. prant ot ; `„wi;�,
<br /> j an�r levei�old iatarest of tluce years or !ew not oontaining an option to purchase, Leader msy, at I.en�des't aptio�, ;; , ��,��,�,
<br /> } deelaos aq t�he au�or ceeuted by thie Mort4a`e to be iuuiiediately due and payable. Lender ahall have waived woL 4 ,',QJ „
<br /> p apl� bs as�+elente if, prior W tlie eale or tranefer, Lender snd tl�e person to whom the Property is to be w�d or r , '� '
<br /> 1 t�ie�ee�d l�af�e� /1�reement ia �vriting thst ttie ctedit o[ cueli �mrson is eatiefsctory to I.ender and that the interest r '"' �_;�'�
<br /> y p1�M �a tbe wms secured by+ thie Moetgage xhsll Le at sucl� rate ae Lender shall request. If I.ender hae waived i' � e�+`
<br /> tJr opt�ps tp aeoeletate proviai�ed in this paretarapli 17 and if Borrower's succe�sor in interest 1� ezecuted a writ- ` ��'
<br /> ..; . ¢,. � �y',,.
<br /> Re�e a�iac a�ree�amt rooe�f�ed in writing by I.ender. Lender ehall release Borrower fran all obl't�atioos uader � 'p,^.�-
<br /> t� �lQet�s ard the N+�e. �
<br /> ' It land�er �s such option to accelerate, Lender shall enail Borrower notice of acoeleratian in s000�daaoe `
<br /> � +vit4 }�raRtaph 14 hee�eof. 6uch notice ehall provide a ��eri«i of not lese than 30 days fmm the dste the notiee is '
<br /> ! maiiad wathis whi�h Boerower mey pay the eurue declared due. If Borrower fails to psy such swnec prior Lo t!tt " V'
<br /> tl te
<br /> � of nfa�► perfled, �nder �nay , �vitfiout fnrtt�er notice or demand on Bbrrower, invoke any remediee per- , ,,
<br /> � �' P�'�
<br /> Noar-Uxiros�[ Covear.►arrs. Borrower and I.ender fui°tl�er cx>veriant an<i sE;ree aa followa :
<br /> � t�. �ea�i4u: M�diMa. Exoe{+t as proti�idelf in ��uragru� d� 17 hereaf, u�wn Plorrower'� breach of any
<br /> "� ae�eo� or �t+eeet�etst oi Sorrower it� tliis 11ort{�xgc, inr. luding tlre covenante to ��sy when due any �unus sseeured
<br /> , � by thi� �fotf�l�e, I,et�der prior to aceelerutio�� sLnl! in:�il nutice �o Borroa�cr as providctii in �iaregra{�L 1� l�ereof �r
<br /> j ppaoifyies: ( 1 ) the breach ; f2 ) tl�e action reyui��cil to <•ure suci� breacli ; � 3 ) a date, not lese tl�an thirty day�
<br /> fea�rn the date tbc notioe ie �uailtd to Borro�cer, 1 ,}• �chicl� �ucl� bmurli u�us�t lx� rw•ixi ; and 14 ) that failurc to cum ,� :',
<br /> ' w�eh beereh oo ar before tl�e dste xpecifsed m the uoticc ntay result in acceleration of tl�c suixie secured by thie " ^
<br /> � Aiortp�e aod r�4e af tlLe Ptv>perty. If the breac6 ie not cured on or before tl�e date speei5ed in tl�r notice, Lead+er
<br /> at I.uidMe's oiptiars truy decla:�e all of tlte �mns secured by this 34fort{ta�e to he itruriediately due wnd �xyaWe
<br /> � w�Aeut [!rtl�r dem�nd stu� msy foreeloee thie �^loetga�e by judicisl proceedinq. I.ender shaU be entitleci to Goliect ,
<br /> m�
<br /> � 's a�elt pe�meeedie� aN e�cpen�es of foreolosum , including, but not li�nited to, coste of docunaentary evidence,
<br /> aluEisot� aed title iep�eat,s.
<br /> so
<br /> � !#. l�w�s �i�l N �irlsb. Notwitl��tsndia� Lee+der's aceelerrtion of ttre sun�e eecured by thia
<br /> 7ieel�y Heen►var �at) bsae tl�e rigt�t W hsve say �roc+eeclin� hegun bq I.eneter W eafom thie Mort�aCe die-
<br /> „ ,� a1i11�f1MM�i � �10,► ti�e ptiot to eotry of a judqaient enfapring tfiiu �lort�e if : � ai Borrower pry� Lendtr al!
<br /> y �MMlis w�i� �wM tie tMn due a�der t�is a1oR�aqe. tl�e ?`Tote uni notes eecuring Future Advsacea, if aay, had no
<br /> � 4QOR�6iiti�m Qocuri+ed ; (2�) Bas�uw�r curr.r ull LrrxrGa� ut uu�� utl�er cu��r�uuite ur a�gn.+e�s�ntx ui Borruwdr uutf' .
<br /> ::j � � R�1s �l�s�t: (0� Baerover tafyQ ull rnarw�at�Je rx}�enree incurra�d by 1.r�ader ia► enfc►rciag tbe covenuata
<br /> # aI� �1�N�lArIM� �E �rl�s�ra� a�ed is Wair �oatga�r and ia enfarciag I�mier'K reroediev as ��rovic�ed ia pare-
<br /> �„a� �L� 1Mrs�t. p�di�. buL aat linit�od to. sauc�uw4le att�mev'. iew : an.! � d ) f3orroWer t�►kes �w ao�im as
<br /> 111q re�r sequ�c �o aaa�e thst L�e Lien d tl�is _l.iortgage, 1,er►der's• interest io L6e PsropeKy apd
<br /> �I�INMM�!'� �ii�A�a bs p� tbe sams �M�ed Isy tf�in 9+�ort�age shaN ca�tinue uaim��aired. Upon auch payfnent �.�.
<br /> +Il�lll �rt�j 1rIwAMwe, t1Mir �Mel�e �+fie ebliptioso +eeueed hereba �ha{� relaaen in fuil foree and effeot as if
<br /> w��w irrrl'�d .w.
<br /> , ����"M��R��I���M� J�1�R rE #r�ar�st I�drt is l�M�wie�. Ac addit�i re��rity h�e- „ :
<br /> �111i +M' t tils wi1Wt4 el k�! Rsispe�tY. M'evidai th�t Beea�ner shall. Praa' to �eesler-
<br /> ���Mli�'�ii1M�M� 7� �wIn11�+1e aMilwlarl��t #E t�e 1'eywntp, 6ave thr risht to eollect and reW►ia euoh ronts "
<br /> � y�r �
<br /> ..,� iw�rin� a� � : •� ,�� ��
<br /> ��MiMt �r �I�i i�'i�f �r�a�aewc ot Wee l+ropertg, l.eo�akr. ta �+erian, bp aaent .,.,,�:_.� ��;��
<br /> �It`�►!����'1II��i�M� w�a111�1� #Is aMil�lei! !Yslrbl�r uper, t�t p�e�ressiea ot atrd ir�seuge tFve Property '
<br /> � i1M� 'M�+IMI*A� �4 rt �
<br /> +�M'�l�r�. �iAilillill� 111rre � �a'. A11 �erks eol�eet� by J.ender or the reoeiver
<br /> p: � ��re�d'l� xD q�l �t � Ip� � cf thc !'ro�crts and collection of rcuia. includin�. l,ut
<br /> ' x M� � +�R �'���i�wws � ndeei�br'fe 4ewdr asd tr+ao�nabie rttonsey's feee, and then to the aums
<br /> �'�i �wn1�Y�fiW� �Ml��R. [Irirrf�i 11Ys ere�ee �i�il 6�e liabk te aeeoueR oniy Eer tfie�ee rents setusHy receivexl . �
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br />