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<br /> � `_ REAL ESTATE MORTGA�E_ _ _' `Foaw FLB zoa tae�• i—»)
<br /> _ �_..y
<br /> ,� ,i
<br /> � pate November�,Q,L 1977 ��
<br /> , !
<br /> � Rvges ltichsel Syll van aa��erniece E Sullivan husband and wife
<br /> li
<br /> . . NortgBgoI'S. � . . . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> ot Hall �Q�ty, Nebraska , in consiaeration of ��
<br /> ¢hs a4vance of tbe principal sum reclteG Sn the note hereinafter descriDed,receipt of whlch ls acknowledged, hereDy . �
<br /> � mortgege and convey to i.
<br /> '`• TNE fEDERAL LAND 9�NK OF ONANA, a Corooration. '�
<br /> "! of Owaha. Douylas Couety, Mebrask�, whwe addre�s '
<br /> � is Fan� Credit Building, Osaha, Nebraska 68100.
<br /> � �
<br /> � � Mortgngee (subJect to 011, gas, and mineral rlghts owned by parties other thru: Mortgagors; exlsting easements of . .
<br /> :� �[ record; reservatlons 1n Ilnited States and State Detents;ana the rlghts of the public Sn ell hlghways), the followln8-
<br /> Hall co„r,cy, *lebraska
<br /> �j descriDed real eatate ln '
<br /> � SEC. TMP. R8. I
<br /> �
<br /> � (
<br /> � �}
<br /> ��
<br /> i S� SVs6 (ezcept 1.88 acres, more or less, conveyed to
<br /> �I Eisstings aad Grand Island Railroad Company by deed ��
<br /> recorded 1n Book H of Deed Records a[ Page 118) - - - - — 32 9� g, �j8 6th P.M. � ,:
<br /> i� c,, � � � � _ ,��
<br /> f� — {. � ��.�'� � '�
<br /> �� �.,, .� cy o ,, � � � ',
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<br /> �r
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<br /> �� . ` N a ' �; � �'. .. ..
<br /> f� ; �'`-� I�� i
<br /> { F y J � ir
<br /> ir �� � N P' . . ... .
<br /> � ,; 7�
<br /> t�� �7.13 � +s� � .
<br /> � 1 contalning acrPs, more or less, toger.her w1t.*4 all of the r1�t, C1CLe, and SnCeiest .
<br /> � (now owned orherea!ter acqulred) of Lhe 17ortBae;urs in sxid prcperty, SncludSng all �u11d1nKs, improveieents, fSxtures, .
<br /> '`' or apQurtar�ancc�s thereon or Lereafter placeA ttiereon: all wacer, Srrigatlon, and dralnage rights; the tenements,
<br /> . f� dereAltements, and appurtenances thereto and tt�e rents, Sssues, crops, antl protits arlsing from sa1Q Imds; and (Sf � : E
<br /> � (, Wte Mortgagors� righta Sn the puDlic domaln eire required Dy Morcqagee for securtty purpuses) all lesses, perialts, ''+'
<br /> ,� 11caRaea,orprSvlleges, aypurtenant or nonappurteuant to sa14 mortaRqeC premises,nowor hereafter lssued, extended, i .
<br /> � ,� or renewed to the tbrtqagors by the United States or the state Sn wh7ch t.he nbova-Qescrlbed property Is locateQ or . .
<br /> ;� etny depsrtment, burerw, or agericy thereot. . � .
<br /> t�
<br /> 77t1s nwrtgage !s Riven to ser.ure a promissory note of even date herewl.ch, executetl by Hortgagors to Mortgagee, Sn . .
<br /> i� the princiPal sum or SIX1Y-SIGHT THOUSAND AAiI� NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -poLWpg.
<br /> p$yable w1t� Saterest xccordfnK *�o the terms of sald note, che final payment being due and payable on the flrst tlay � .
<br /> � S� of �a ZQ�6 . 'R�Ss conveysnee _^.hra11 be vold upoci the pr�yment of sald promis�ory note. , .�
<br /> �� Thls nwrtgage 1s subJect to the yrovlsions of THE FARM CRPllIT ACT anQ all acts amenQatary ther'eot or suppl.ementnl
<br /> � - ;; thsceto. The Droceeds of che loan secured hereby w111 De used far che Durposes specified in Lhe Mortgagors� appil- .
<br /> �j eatlon for saiC loan end suthorizetl Dy sala Act.
<br /> i1 'Tite Mo['tgago rs, and each of them, hereby warrant thet they ure fee owners oI Lhe moc•tgngea real Droperty; Ltiat tbey ` �:
<br /> � (� will CtefenQ the t1Cle ageinst ell clalments whomsoever, and Chat sdla property is free from all encwebrances; that
<br /> f� they w111 keeD all the i�rovements, flxtures, an� aDPurtenances occuqleG and Sn good repair and permit no acta of
<br /> wsste; anQ Lhey will rellnpulsh all rlghts oS homeateaQ in sald Dremises,and covenant and agree wlth the Mortgagee,
<br /> �f aa loilows:
<br /> (1) 7lfst they w111 pey +rhen due all tazes, ilens, JuAgments, or assessments which may be lawfulty assessed egnlnst
<br /> th� preperty nereln mortgagee.
<br /> �-� � (E� 77fat they w111 Snsure and keep lasureQ bulldings or other Smprovements now on or whlch may hereafter be placed ��� -
<br /> •1 otf ediA pfrwiaes to the satfsfactlon of the Mortgagee, suchlnaurance pollcy shall be endorsed with s mortgage elnuse f-.
<br /> � � �� witff the losa theteunder to De peyaDle to the Mortgagee. Any sums recelveA may De used to pay for reconstructlon
<br /> � of t!N QeatroyeC lwprovewsnts; or, Sf not so spplleQ, may, at the option of the MortgaRee, De applled Sn pqyment of � ,.
<br /> 9Py !nAeDfen�acs, �q(�11'Pf� !�!' 11lITAf�IT�PI'1� SPn�IrP!! hV ♦hi•• m.nffRAOP.
<br /> (3 To pe�Y �11 rents, Sees, or oharges nvw due or to bacane due under the terms of each lease, ��erm1G, llcenae, or „
<br /> )F�vilarga oa tb4 publlc domaln +rhlch la nyyurtenant or nonaHDurtenant to the mortgageC premises, whlch Ree been
<br /> � SaeueC,etteaQed,or renewsd by the United Statea or the state ln whlch the above-aescribed Droqerty Ss located: nnd �
<br /> Lo y�sfos� an4 mbs�rve evary act, covenant, canCition, and sciDulat3on necessary to keeD each of the same in good �
<br /> atipolt�; ap4 to Laka every aecassary step tio secure the relssue, renewul, or exLension of each of Lha same; and to
<br /> � us1� walre, ple+flee, ar enCo3�se to tZM !lortgagee each lease, permit, llcense, or privilege Sf Mortgagors� rights
<br /> � im pul�Sc 4oMin nre reQulreQ by Mort�se for securlty purpoaes. -•,r.-°•:
<br /> {4j 1'!Mt !e the svint EFl4 Mort�gee ia n party tu eny lltigatSon affmcting the security or tlae lien ot lts mort- ; � �
<br /> ,� �, i1�luA'!p�ap�sYit Dy tlte tlsrt¢��ee Lo fox^eclosp thls �os�tgage or any sult 1n whlc4 Lhe !lortgagee may De naieed
<br /> a�rt A�fsa�ft itn �Ql�f 1t 1a obll�ated to yrotect ita rights or 11en, including conQemnation and DankruDtcy �� f <'�
<br /> � ,. �p�s L,M lbTtpp� My inCYr �7tl�f�as mC nclvaace peytnent for abstract Sees, attorney fees (except to the �T'
<br /> .,Y,� i��4lst'Oitad bY law�, eomta. es9estmen, snC other chns'See. k,� ,
<br /> `" � � 151 SAaL La the svestit the Mortgaaora ta11 to DW'►�hen Cue aay taies, 11ens. �uCBments, or essessments, or fa11 to j ' " �'
<br /> ww�iaEsla � :Y 9ei^rir�fcw'e �'ovlAstl, ar full to y4y reaata, fs�es, or aparges untler the terme; of uqy tuase, .. ;�r ��
<br /> pa71t, lio�8lb, o!pTiY21�{e: os�Mortaagee Sa x^mpulred to Snctu� e�enses tor eDstrnet fees, attorney fres, costs,
<br /> s�Mw�,aaelatAsr c�lf�r�s 3�t ceoqqetl�► rlth 11t1�atlon, ttortgagae �qy malce sueb payment orDrovlde such lnaurance, � , � � �
<br /> os' !�^ �obil�L C#en, aad tM ewouwts psYA tlforefos� ahall becaoe a yert of t3�e Snaebtedness securetl heraDy dv� 1
<br /> wRA p�+�ble l�InoAtw?�ty, wwR+Mwl1 Miwr t�nt+�wst 14+�w the dite ef pavwnxnr. nt q�re awew race ex nr�vinP�1 r�� �Mwn7� i
<br /> 1# tt��OORI. ; �.
<br /> I
<br /> � .....� ._,._...T.__�_._.._......�._._��_ . ._ . . . . ...., _..._.... _ _.. .. ... .. . � � � .
<br /> �... ,.._..._..�.._.. .__....___.� _._�__.._.._.__:._._..._..____.....___....,,.,._�._.:.�_.. . ..... .. ..� �..
<br /> a J
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