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<br /> T. Je.ats Whitalur a_i�3 ��ch�rd �. ;.'tiitaiieec, escn in tiis and her own riqht and
<br /> aa t�tss apouae of each otl�er, hersin called the grantors, pursuant to the
<br /> proviaiotsa of the Decree of Dissolution of Marriage entered by the District
<br /> � Court of Hail County, Nebrasl�a, in Case No. 68-71, do hereby quitclsim, qraat,
<br /> ccmv.y ar�ci cctafina unto Richard E. Whitaker, alone, and herein called the
<br /> qrantee, the follcwing describad real property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> TR�t'.'T 11. l► trsct ot land Lxated in Lota 1 arid 2 Mainland Section 11, and Lots
<br /> 3 and � Islaad �ection 11, all in Townshlp 10 North, Range 10 West, of the
<br /> bth p.M., 8a11 Couiaty, Nebraaka, and more particularly d�eacribed as tollows:
<br /> H�Qitsssi�q at tt�� 1�iorthw+eatoCoraer of Mainland Section 11, Township 10 NortY►,
<br /> Rsnqe 10 fileat; 1'henae S 89 14'00�� E alonq the North Line aE said Mainland Se+ction
<br /> 11 a diatat�c• of One Thous$nd F1ve Hursdred Ninety-Three and F`ourteen Hundredths
<br /> (1593.14) f.ets th�nce S 0 27'15�� W a dietance of �y,qht Hundrad FiiFty-five and
<br /> Tfiirty-eiql+t Hundz•�dths (855.38) feet; thence N 89 37�00� W a dietance of O�
<br /> 'i'housand Five Hundred Ninety-Two and Five Hundredths (1592.05) feet to a point
<br /> caf �l�s� West yire aE the Horth�.rest Quarter of ea3d Ma3nlanc3 Section 12, thence
<br /> !I O 23�00" E alonq the Weat L1ne af th� Northwest Qusrter of said Mainland
<br /> Section 11 a distance of Eiq2at Hundred Sixty-Six and Four Hundredths (866.04)
<br /> lret to tha Point of Be4lnnir�g; said tract containing 31.47 acres more or leas
<br /> of which 0.66 acre more or l�ss is reserved for County Road Purposes.
<br /> TR11�t.T 8. 11 tract of land in Lot 1 Maialand Section 11, Lots 3 and 4 Ielarid
<br /> 8�ction 11, and the Southwest Quarter (Siv�) Island Section,ll, all in Township
<br /> 10 Diorth, Rang� 10 Weat of the 6th P.li., Hall County, Nebraska, and mors partic-
<br /> ttlarly deacribed as follows: Cane.nencing at the Northwes� Corner of Mrtinland
<br /> , S�ction 11, Toraahip 10 D7orth, Range 10 West, thence S 0 23'00" W alonq the
<br /> iNst Lin�aE thw Northweet Quarter of said Mainland Section 11 a diatan�e of
<br /> EiQht Hundred Sixty-Six and Four Hundredths (866.04) Feet; thence S 89 3��00�� E
<br /> s diststscw of �19ht Hundred Seventy-Five and Seventy-F�ve Hundredtha (975.75)
<br /> �t to the poiat of bsqinniaqs tY�ence continuinq S 89 37�00° E a dis�yancs ot
<br /> Sev�n Hut�zrd Sixtmen and Thirty blundredths ('I16.30) Feets thence S 0 2�'15�� W
<br /> s distsnc� of One Z�sousand Two Hundred 1'hirty-Two and Sixty-Nine Hundredths
<br /> (1232�69� Feet to the Cersterline of a Thir�y and no Hundredths (30.00) Feet �ride
<br /> •as��nt for Roadway purposea: thance S 50 01�30�� fT alonq the Cent�rline of said
<br /> !!►irtp s'oot Eaisrnent a dietanae of Nbne Huadred Thirty-Sevea and Fortp-Thre�
<br /> BttAdrodths (937.43) Fset; thence N 0 23�00� E a distance of One Thousmrsd Siqht
<br /> ilnrdrid Thirty-Eiqht and FiEteen Hundredths (1838.15) feert to the Point of
<br /> 8�qirsesiefqs eald tract containing 25.49 acrea mote or les� of which 0.32 acre
<br /> �oc� or l�sa 1s r�awsved aa th. North One Half (A�) of a thirty foot rlde
<br /> , "its�t fo� Road Purpoaes" on the Southerly Boundary of said tract.
<br /> To hav� and to hold the ahove deecribed premises together irith all teas�aente,
<br /> ls�r�di.tam�nta as�d appurt�nancea thereto belonqing unto the grasstee aad to
<br /> Qsant�'a heir� and aasigna forev�r. �
<br /> Dat�d ��-y � 1977 ^
<br /> / �� r
<br /> �7.cv�1 � � %`1�--� �,.� �� ,,
<br /> T. Jean Whitaker Richaxd E. Whitaker
<br /> S?�Ti OT lRBAJ1.S7C11 ) sa.
<br /> C�IffPY C�' L�1►I.L )
<br /> 8+�fore me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally catne T. Jean
<br /> Mhitakar, l�ows to me to be the identical person who siqnad tha foreqoinq
<br /> instruw�nt and �knovledged the e�cecution thereof to be her voluntary act
<br /> s:fd d�d. -'
<br /> Nitnees a�y hand and notarial 1 on ��� / �7
<br /> .
<br /> _.._ ,,: .
<br /> !� cawsi�aias aor�►ir�a. .. . ._�r ic
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<br /> ST�T� OF N�i"rHii�1S�UU �....� � ,
<br /> t7C��l1l Q!' Gi�LL �ss. �*�•� _
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<br /> ., .:,. .:,�
<br /> �e!'ocs se. a nat --- -- - �
<br /> , ary public qualified for said county, parsondlly came Richard >
<br /> E. 1A!Ri.taltor. laacwa to me to b� th�e ideatical peraos► vho signed the foregoinq �
<br /> izsf�tsstMat aisd ack�owl�q+�d t�+e aec�cution thareof to be his voluntary act -
<br /> ' a�w+� 3�d. _.. .. , �
<br /> �
<br /> ,� Mita�sa � b+st�d aM eotarial aeal oes ,�,' ��`7,�_, . µ
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