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r --� <br /> � � . <br /> 77-UG�637 <br /> uu. c'wis.axSiuii iwaci.i+%avT $ LL,4.37.L� <br /> In eoazsidoration of tbe exteasias ot the tiar of psyseat oF the origlnal <br /> � Pzaail�sc�rY not• 6areiaaEter 8�atrlbad, tl� uadersiga�d. Warren B. Garrstt and <br /> Tbereala !t. Gser�tk, R�uab�nd eod iT1fe. hsreby covtaante and agrees to pay to Tl�e <br /> e <br /> F3xst Natts►aal 1�►ak o� Grand Ialsad, Grand Island, Alebrsaka. or order. tise <br /> pr�iscipal a� af FQ8'FY-Ftl[i8 Tl�D17SAA1D FO.UA HUDiDREH THIRiY-SEPEDi ANA 42/100 DOLLARS <br /> �44�437.62), together with iaterest thereon at Niae Per Cen�t (9Z) pec anauta fra� <br /> Ctae dste hereof� principal payable oa or before Uetobez 28 1978. Iater�st <br /> papable seml-aanua22y on the 28th day of April 1478 sod the 23th dzy of Octo�c 1g78. <br /> Tbo origiasl pzincipal note 1n the amount of FOATY-EIGL�T THLIUSADtI) AND NO/100 DOt�LA,RS <br /> ($48sQO4.0i0), was sxscuted aad dsliver�d by the uaderoigned under the dste of <br /> +flctobsr 28, 1976. to The Firat aiatioaal Bar�k of Graad Lslaad. Graad Island. Nebrasks, <br /> and wo dva and payable on the 28th day of October. l977, togeth�r with fnterest at <br /> 9X per aaau� aad �ecured by a Real Estate Mortgage recorded under pocument #76-00643b <br /> in the l�ortgage Becords of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> The undersigned agrees to psy auch extended balance of principal of Forty-Four <br /> Thousand F�r Hundred Thirty-Seven and 42/100 Dollare ($44,437.G2), together vith <br /> lntereat thereon at Niae Pe r Cent (9Z) per annun. such princlpal and interest te <br /> be payal+le in lawful saney of the United States of America at Tho Firet Natiosal <br /> Bank of Graad Islaad. Grand Islasad, Nebraeka. <br /> All of the coveaaats aad agreea�enta in such origiasl aote and the 8ea1 Estate <br /> Mortgage above-described, other than hereinbefore sodlfied. ohall be and reaoia <br /> unchaagad �ad in fulI force sad effect during euch exteeded peric.d. <br /> Ia further consideratioa of such extenelon of tise of paysent of such indebte�ss�. <br /> ve tt�reby ratify aad confirs such Real Estate Mortgage recorded under pocuaeot <br /> �76-046436 of t1u !lort�age Records of Hall County, Nebraaka, as being a liee upon <br /> our equity in t!u real property referred [o thereln. <br /> The us�dersign�d executss this Extsnaion Agres�eat vith reference to aqd on the <br /> falth astd esodit of their property vhlch they nov ovn or have aa iaterest ia os � <br /> heresfter ssy aequire; the express int�ntioa being to ct�arge and to coatinue to <br /> �hsree aay aad all of ouch property with the paymeat of the indebteda�ss, the <br /> payosat of which ie he rein extended. <br /> IN WITfiLSS WNERFAF. the underaigaed have hereuato set their haads th ,28th day <br /> of Occober. 1977. ; �' , <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> � � ; _ <br /> < � "� - <br /> , _ , <br /> � i .,,�. ,e - . <br /> � Warren 8. Garr <br /> �. !j ,� ' <br /> Thereu : Cszrett <br /> STATE OF NB�RASKA ) <br /> ) ss <br /> ' r <br /> COU11T1C OF l�ALL ) <br /> On this 28th daq of October, 1977. before �e the uaderaigaed, a Notary <br /> ' Public. ia aad for Nall County, Nebrasica. persoaally eawe (iarrw s. 6arratt aod <br /> � Theresa !!. Garrett, }»erso�trlly kexs��n to ae to be the idamtical persoes wlwse �es <br /> � are sffi�oed t� tlte abowe and fore�oiug Esteasloa Agre�t as ask.�rs. aed <br /> ' a�knov}wdEed said lartr�sent aad the e�cecutlon thereof to be their voluatary acC <br /> i "�. � de�d fo r the purpa�e therein e xpressed. <br /> i <5 :�.n <br /> + �, �". ,' ' �1 ' ,!�l�Y W�', I hsve har�unto affixed �g baad aad ae�ai at GcanB <br /> � � � . on tlse day and year last vrittea. , ''� <br /> _ , , <br /> � � `_ <br /> ; r„� , <br /> „ ., � , <br /> , <br /> � . iidllh►�r . <br /> , , <br /> .; ,.,. . <br /> o r� ` , .. - t Pubiic : <br /> � "w.; '�3"�a' ! <br /> �� f� <br /> �j _«�, �'` <br /> .ei�,��..' . . � � � . . � . <br /> ,� . . _..�,. .. . <br /> .,:" L1�..•��., .. . ......... . ;aa;� <br /> ,s� � ...�,. �,,�. <br /> r�: <br /> d;;:�,.�:r , . .,. �. � � . . <br /> �4�w"�G,r G� .��.k'.� fR"p/y?� JC+d/l�y�. � <br />