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, r � <br /> f � <br /> (11 � ud w b� as ciid rolt d eves dr/e awt Ihis iaaVrstet rre iwswW w art reinaurcd under the proviswne uf Ihe Na�riqxl Hawsin� A�t . an � <br /> a�wW w�icy�l lu accueulW 'r Ms Yaadr of d�e AWder u�c 111 sonW prior iu Ns due dyte eht �anurl mon�aye iesurance premwm �n �vdcr tu <br /> prnviAt q1CY Yalde�r wilY tup�s to prY wcA orewigw W t6e SesrctatY � Houcin{ aM Urbao Devek�pmcnl purawuu w the Nsuivaul Huusiry Acl . � <br /> � u ase�ded. rd ap�iieable RqWapw� thereuMer. or � <br /> (/l) N aad iu byat �ad oWe uf ewa dWe aod IAu iwclruoee� ars hef0 by d�c SecteuvY d H�wa+xx� wd U�Mu� �rvdupmen�. r aoowAly c1urY� lio � <br /> � Yar d a serfp/r ir�wanae pes�iu�) rvhicA �YaY be iw u amo�w epua� iu ese-nreHtp 11/t?I uf we-�Wf 11121 Oer ccnwm d tYc avsrye uW- <br /> � ' Mrd�Y h�M�a N�t o� IYe �we cos�a0 ri�hew mltiwy inw accow� delinyueacies or OrciayioeNs: . . <br /> . � (b/ A ws srW b tlie �ouN rWr. if rY. �cu due. Pw� eAe orewiums �hw �viN xea� 6econc Oue a,d oryrbk un policie� ot fvc +od oeher hrxrrd 'mwrance � . <br /> � ' �wiy 14 �ert�yed N�e*srtY. OW� �a�es a�d as�ers�auc �ca� d�u ow Mc sonpyeA poperry (ill u esinaaud l+v � Mwtpoecl k+� �II cw�s �I- <br /> roa/y {�i� 16eratx �ividW rY �Yt w�►ar d wuelb w NYp�e 6slurc we nonN P� �o tMe da�e wMea wch Ynwnd rewts. premiuma, u�aec and re`esc- . <br /> � �YM � 6eeaes �. `rc6 +w�wx a bs Mek bY �1MN� in tuN �e OaY Yid Yw�W �snK. Pemiwnc, taaex aad *O�cial ac�cumeMa: ye4 . . � <br /> �`. (C! Ar A�Y�itl� �CAhOYe N wf f1Y0 /fO� f1�fQC1YK O� �Is �1YYyl'!�1 YIIe VI PiY1Plwlf IO bt I�IYdt Y6d!'f U1C BWC tiCCYlOd hKebY a1111�i �'K Y�td �, . . <br /> . 1a�. aM tlie qrn�Ms a�ern tMerwuf sLrtl fie P+od by Me Monfyw �c6 �unth w y s�Vle PaY�nent m be aPPlied M' Me Murttatae W the tuN�r� . .. <br /> � tle n <br /> iy Nt's i� tl�e ader �el fordr . . <br /> ' , If) pnewlY�1 CWjlr WI/6� Ne coNrut af ieaurynca rvith /4 SecrtWrY d IioUsin� red U�Ma OerNopmeN . ar mon�lY' churye lin tie�u �t nort`rye � . . . <br /> �: i�WrMcs Omsiuwl, u 1!e cace iesY Ae : <br /> �. � /tll �W111/ n�ts. hass. uutc�altNr . 6re red oMn ha2�rd �aewance premiwna: . . <br /> N <br /> � t1f11 iwrev o� �Ye no�e secur�d horeby: a.d . <br /> 11 V 1 a�onixNiuw d �M /risoiNl d erid Awe. � . <br /> MY dsic�e�cY ui tl�e �aa� uf +�eY �� MV�[+� �u�Y I+rY�eet dwM. uNee� made �yrW bY � MwtQwror prw+r to l6e due dyie u( tAt Ka� swch � <br /> � NY��M , cwR�W1e +m ewat uf delault under thi� murtOrte . 7Le Murtgyee m�Y Wlkct y "ly�e �luaroe.. nut w exceed (�,(ur t,up dollrt �SI I . . <br /> ,; af saC► paymewt 0are lluu iheee 1 �51 AyYe ie srexr> Iu cover t4e sK1n et;enac �a��dved in lu�ndliny 41�nyurnt pyY�nta (� ClQt/ . <br /> S. 'I'wal if f�e totat of We pry�tti wrde by fhr Nort�r under (L/ of paraqrapl� 'l prect+din� R+Ls1i ezceed <br /> q�e asiwwL et rsy�entx sctually �nare by the MoKqage,e tw snwwd rents. tazos rnd ab�;eK�sentx or iwewrance pre- <br /> �tir�a, wa tl�e ea�e s:y be, ecuch excess. if ehe loea is cueren�, at d+e opcion of che Morcgagcx. shali 6e credi�ed by <br /> f4e Merl;r�ee en ewbae�ewt psysewts ts be aisde by U�e Murtgrgor, or refunded b tl�e Morcgafiur. If, however. thp <br /> �tl�1y 'sywe�ts: aiede by d�e Mortgagor under (61 d paraBraph 2 preceding shall �wc be sufficirnc co P�Y B*�� <br /> rew�, taxee and asweee�ent� ur in�wrance presiu�x� , 7iti WIH CBFiP may be, when fhe srwe shal l beco�+e dre awA py- <br /> able. tl►ew tie Morl,�a�ar ahall psy to the Mor�gx�ee au�y wsount werew�;ary to �ake uip the de�ciency . on ur before <br /> tke date wAep 'aywest of e��ch grouwd reeth, trxees, sasee+sw�tb or ieKurance .resiw�+ e�ail be due. It at rwy <br /> tire tl�e 1NeetRa�or ehall lar�r tu /Le Nertg�ue. in acc�►idmce wilh the pruvi �ions of tl�e nole nacured hereby, <br /> fYl1 osy�eet ot tbe ewtire inrebtedsesa repre�eate�d d�ereby . the Nortgaqee s6all . in cosputisg the �omt of eauch <br /> indrcbcedness, aedit w tl+e accounc of che A�anyr�or all paymenss made urder d�e provisions of (a1 of Paragr+�pi� Z <br /> hae�eof wi�icM tl+e Mset�a�ee h� not bece�e+ obll�at.ed to pry lu the �iecretary of Nouwiwq s� l�rbru Developeenc <br /> a� w�y bala�ce rewainina iw fbe fiude u.cuwulsted under tl�e provisienti of (b) of para�apA 2 heeeu(. It d�ere <br /> rhall ie s �efarlt ue�er rny o( tbe peovisiose of tj+is Morl�a�e reKultiwg in a prblic hale of Ire p�i �aes covered <br /> Ye�eewy, o� if M�e II{aetsaaee acyuiroe tha prd� utb6rwihe uffer defauli. We MartKa�er ed�sll rqrly, at the ti�e o[ ' <br /> the caa�saece�ent of eurh proccediegc;, w a! dfe ti�e N�e property ia otfirrwi +e rcquired . W� balance tben rewrie- <br /> iA= is the !rn/s nccuwlstei u�der ( hl ol �ar�raph `l precedia�, ae; a credit a�ain�+l 1ie ourasnt of priecipa) thee <br /> rewaiaing w�paid uider eaid no/e. aw/ �sll properly adjuet any paymc+nts whiel+ �h�11 have `aunn esde uwder (a! <br /> at � 8. <br /> 4. T'hat the A/ort`aoor wiU pay <round rents, uKes , assessenents, water re�es, and al�er �vernmeotal or municip�l <br /> cl�ae�ec, fiaes, ar i�pocitia�s, for which provisiun Iwa rtot k+een made I�ereinbefore , and in defxuh tMereo( the Mort;a�ee �y <br /> prY the w�we: aed tArd tNe Mort�r Wili promptly deliver the olficial rcceipts thercfor to the Mort�ee . <br /> S. T6e 1ltort*a/�x rriM pay al! traces wltich may lx Itvied upon the McutsaQee's ieterest iw said real ebtate and iiaprove• <br /> iwewts. aeA �vhicA nuy be kviod urwn dws mcxt�e or the deM secured hereMy fb��t unly to the eKtent tMuf such is na prohibil- <br /> � ed by taW asd onfy to the eateM tlwt such will nut mxke this bae usuriwu�/, iwt ezcludinQ any income tax . State w Foderal, <br /> io�poied on tlloryp�ee, awd will 61e the olici�! receipt slwWinQ such payment wiih tht M�tga�te . Upon violati�e of this uaAer- <br /> t�ciws. or if tl�e Mort�aso► is prohibited by eny I�w nuw or l�ereafter eK+stina /rom paYi+� the W holt or aay portion of Ihe afore- <br /> sai�d txzes. ar upon tl�e rcwderias of any ciwrt decree prohibiting �he payn+ent by [he Mart�ur cx aoy wch taxed . cx it such taw <br /> w decret pwviA�es thrt aey amcwut w paid by the Mnrtya�or �hatt 6e credited w+ the mcxt`a�t debt , the Mcxt�ee shxll have <br /> t6e ti�t to pve wieety days' written notice tn the oWner of the rwort�ed premius , requiri� Ihe p�+yment ot tfie mort�s�e <br /> debt . 1f sucl� natice be pven. drc syid debt slwil becwne due. payable xnd colkctit+k et tl+e expira�ion of said ninety days . <br /> 6. llut should be (ail lo pry �y swn ur Itotp any covenr�nt provided for in ihis Mort�:tat , then the Mortpa�ee . al its up- <br /> ` Goa. euY O�►Y � P�a� � �e , and al� ezpenditares so made shull Ne udded to the principal sum ow inQ an Me ab�vt nott. <br /> saaM be xcured 6ereby , and shutl bear ietcrest at thc ratt set forth i++ the said note , until pmid. <br /> 7. '� 1ut he tiereby issipFc, trawsfers aod u�s over to tAe Mar[�yee , tu be �lied toward tAe paya�ent of the nde and ali <br /> we�s cecured hereby in case of a de(auM in the ptrformanu uf any of the term� and cw+ditu�ns of thi� Mons.�e ax the said <br /> , �ote, aN d�e rents . reveeaes and iaccune to be derivod frww Ihe m�xt�yyed premi�es duria� such time aa tl�e mwt�s�e indehtcd- <br /> ; necc chali nmaiw uepaid: aad ti�e Alort�et chall hxve power to appoie� any a�eeat cu a�ents it may deaire for tMe purpose uf <br /> rcpairi� a�id pren�ises asd of rcntin� the san+e and colkctin� the ren�s , reveaues and income . aed il may pay cwt ot srid ie- <br /> coses all ezpewses o1 repa+rin� said prcrnises ynd necessary oomrwiscions awd e +cpenses incurred in rcwting and mans�ie� tht <br /> sawe �d at ccNlectiws rewtalc trerefrorw : the halynce ren�aini�g, if xny , to !+c applicd toward the diaelwrge of axid monp,s�e <br /> indebteAnesr. <br /> 8. 'TArt he wil� Icup the ia�proveiwenls �ww existing ur hereafter erected on the rnaxty�ed praperty , iesured •rs may !+e <br /> �DqY'vCd (rtwa tiwt to tiw�e by tl�e Mort�te a�ainst loss by fire and uther hazards . casuxltie+ rnd contin�enc�es in such <br /> aswunts snd for such petiods as may !ie reQuircd by the Murtss�ee and will pay pr<rmptly , when due , any prcenimms cNe wch <br /> insur�wa provicion for pay�newt of wluch lu�s nw Aern mr�e I�einbefcxe . AN insur�ce xhYil he carried in ewnpanics aD- <br /> proved by �e lyat�ee aad dse poticies and renewalx thereof shaN he held by the Mcxt�aget and have attacfKd tAtreto loss <br /> ; prYabk ciruses iw tavor of awd in torn� acceptable w the MonEa�ee . In event of k�ss Mortyagw wifl give immediate wtice by <br /> n�ail ta the fYtd�t�et, wNo enay n�ake proof of bss if not nwde promptly by Mixtea�cx, nnd each insurance canpany ew�- <br /> c�en�e� isl�ereby aatlwris�ed u�A dircc{CA !o nwlce prY�nt for aucA locc directty to the Mwtga�eee instead of to tfie Mixt�or <br /> ga <br /> pwd tht 1Norrt�yte jaiw(1Y . and tf�t inswa�ce proceeds . <x sny part Chereot, n�ay !ft applied I+y Me McmgzKet at itc opti�on e+ther <br /> to tlre ttduceiw� at the inAt�Medwess herei+y sec.•urcd ar t� the rc+toralson a repxer �+f tfie property dan+a�ed . In evern uf fore�b- <br /> � wre d tYs �woryt�e ur otMer Ma�sfer nf t�tle to lAe n�ert� properlY n+ cxtm�u�shmewi i�f �he �naebtrdness er�wnf hereL+y . <br /> ; aN r�IN. title w�/ +�6tKst u( the Me►tp�ur ie yad W �wy iwwratK:e palicies Ihee ia liu�e slull pa�s w the purchusrr ur �ryntet . <br /> , 9. 'llwt as s�i/idoeai aed coMMeral security ta tl�e paymewt of Me wde descrihed . •and y�l sun+a to l+ecome due under this <br /> S morl��lre. t`e Nartta�or ►eroby rcci�as lo tAe Morft,tyet xll pr�ts. �eve�ues . royylties , ri�Ms anJ lxnefi[s u4ruinQ w t!►� R <br /> Afoe�r MAitI tAy ar/ at! oi1 �d ps kasts ow sai�d pre�ices. wilM fl�t ri�h1 to receive a�d receipt fix the same ee�d a}aply <br /> � IOe� !o saiE ide6Ned�ecc � �# bda+e as a�a defa�lt in drc condioo�s of this mcxtRa�e . and tbe Mort�ee may demand. sue � �"�, <br /> ._ , ..._ <br /> �, � � � � � �/Y �M MY� � � � MY� � � skail �wt 6e req�eired w to Jo . This assipMnent i� to terminate , " <br /> e awi leceae �n/ ad vad uPoa releasc d tliis �uoryye . <br /> � Mi. TMrt #YiR � wi/ kst► tYs dwiliiq�c �os said pe�ites ie p�d a0a+r. aad Kither cc�mmit ncr permrt Waste � ` <br /> 1*r� Mi� W, r► 1rt siii}N�wi�es M be w0� /or a�y ��vhd �rpact . <br /> i � 11 . T'W � Wr �. s a�y ��rt fMensf. bie a�na�ewe�d w�er t4 pwer of ewi�ee� Ao�ain. cr acquired tcx a pubtic <br /> � we. lit �s �, i�s i�+k Fe► t1t !d¢i� at. er d�e oonireratiaw tor src4 �r:p►isNiow . to the eatewt ar( the fuli >,n <br /> ; sweoM Of iw�b�Mes yM� M�is �r�yt aM 1At eMt wVNeM it is �ivea b secwm nr�uanw� unprd , xe I�creby gs:�geed hy tl�e . @ , <br /> � Mia��K � rYe Mwwse. � ri�Y !e �� iw�ei�r+i r � liaryiyee w bt ayiplred by tlre l�tter un Krawwt uf the next . : � <br /> , wrei�irr�e�esei +rCi �. <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> � � � J <br />