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r --� <br /> � ` . . - --�, � <br /> ue4 aKt�nd or ��e tbe due date of the �nontl�ly instelLnents referred to in paragraphs 1 'aud 2 1lereaf or <br /> � a�e t�0 amou� uf �ucb i�a,�lme�ts. <br /> � �M11#{. �Mww�r Iio4 �Md. Fadel�qan oE C4ie tu��e for payr��ent or inodi&cation of amortisaLion of the suu�s ';� <br /> �1} �� �� �+�iM�i��Ai�F �iiwiw"w: i:� �*..C:+�.:. :6 •.»f g•,:^. nmgn� �n 1l�FPM4� !lI R/1►MWP! ahp)1 nnf. nrsil�ste to 1'E�lYB: ? . .'�x <br /> � �p �kY �'. Ni Ira 11�biAi4� � �++ +o��ii+tir! $orcowe;• aud Hormwer w �ucceseoe� iu interest. I,ender ehail rwL b� E , <br /> , � �4tir�ld M �o � pg,�i�t rueu eucaM�psor or retuse to ex#,e�,i tis�e for paaymest� as oth�+rise mvdify �� <br /> ��� ,�wat#irMti���Q9f 1� MAm+s saewrad by tl�ie �lostp�e isy �^eswn of any demewr�d ra�de by the oti�inal Sot7o�ves sad • ° „ <br /> .a �° �> �.' <br /> " x S�IM�M�1��es i�s ��nst�. x r u <br /> � Z�i. 11, � Ar� I�wlrr 11et a W�. Any forb�mrance bq Lender in exercisiag suy ri'�t or rerr�edy z � '�v <br /> , ,��� 4�eNYod4e', oe �ire alWrtled by applice�b7�e lsw, ahall nat be a wsivcr of or preelude the er�erci�e of sny x i�t ' �'�" <br /> J ot t�erneAy hetrat�er. Ths procuremenL of ieuurance or the �>syment of tsxes or other liens or chaa�es by Landes �; . � <br /> ikNi s�i ba a w#itva q[ L� a tiQh+G ko pcoeleraCe the ►aaaturity of the indebWdnears ceetired by this Mort�e. f > <br /> � 1Z �IMIIi�4Qwu�iol�+r. Alt semedies provid+ed in tl�is '_1�Iortgage an distinct and cumulstive to aap okhsr � , �'^ <br /> q ef�ht a� t�ea#p�r t�ndee tlu� .l�ortgs�ge oc aAadod hy laa� or c+quicy , and may ix exercisE:d cancurrently, independ- i ? ''' <br /> i w►�iy Ar waaaeww�v�r,ty. �� , <br /> i ld. dres�ws asd � llouod: Iast m�d S�v�ral Lia�ility: Ceptioea, The covenxpts and agnpemsats ' . <br /> ' tMniA oont�p,d si�all bimd, and the righte l�ereuuder shall inure ko, tl�e reapective succeseors and araigins ot I.ender �,' <br /> sgn <br /> ' aad $orrower, swbjecw to the prc�viaione of parugrapl� i7 liereof. AU covenants aud agreements of Borrower ahall ° ' <br /> S bs je�pt aod ceversl. The car�tiaa� and I�eadinqe ot cl�e ��ar»gra��liK of thi� liortqage Am for convenience oniy and � - <br /> s�t+e mab to be u�ed to iates;f�+et or defin� tt�e provieioc� liereof. r � <br /> �, <br /> 14. Dieliw. Aay not,ic�e to Borrower pro�•ideci ior iri tliin \lortgagr st�all !� gi�•eti hy inailing such notice 6y t. <br /> ceeEified uui! yddrerred to Borrow�er ut t1u Yropeny �lddresb stated belou� , exce�it fc�r un,y notice required under '' ' <br /> • <br /> �raph 18 l�ereof to be gi��en to Borrow•ei• iu tDe manner ��rescribeai by a��plicable law. Any notice provided k, <br /> f� in thie 'ySortgase cheli t,e deemed to Las�c ixen givrn to Borroaer µ•hen gi��en in tLw �nanner designated tNerein. �'. <br /> l�. ti�a�e� �er1�s�: Go��snmq Law: 3�v�rsbility. Thie form of mongage canbines uniform coveaanta �' <br /> for a�tioesl uoe aad nan-uaifosm wvenante �vit.l� limited ��ariations by juriwiiction to constitute a unifoem aeeu- A; <br /> ertj i�meot aoverioa real pro�rerty. 1'his \iortgage shall be governed by the law ot the jurisdiotion ia wilioh <br /> thr Peoprrby ii1 loerted. Ia the event that uny provision or clauee of tl�is Mortgage or the Note coaHic4 nith $` <br /> ; applia�blo lsw, euoh esonHiot ehall not affect otl�er provisions of this 1lortgage or the Note which esn be `iven � <br /> s <br /> ; sRaOE w�Jti►eut t!►e oonflisting provision, and to thie end the provisions of the '_4tortgage and the NaGe are declsred <br /> be b� rw�rbM. �' <br /> � l�. �a�w�s's Copy Borrow�er shall be furnialied $ conformed co}�y of this Afortgage at the tioae of �eeu- �,; ' <br /> liaa a al9t�r reardstaa hereof. a <br /> ��• l�ir a( tlr� P'eeP�elY: �p4m If all or any part of t,he Property or an interest theteia is wld �� , "' <br /> ot' ta'aar(+e�i+d by Beeswwer withot:t I.eader'u prior written eonxent , excluding (a ) the creation of a lien or mavm- s ' ��4 <br /> brawes rubordinate W this Mortgage, ( b) the ereation of' a purchase �noney security interest for hauehold apg�li- `` <br /> aeew, (o) a tramhtr by +ievire, deaeenC or by operation of la��� upon the desth ot a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of �' <br /> ' �p lea�eliql�d mEee'�t of three yeprs or les� not contsining an option to purchase, I,ender raay , at Lett�er'e option, � ^" <br /> ; d�eMN aY (�S �ut� Ma+s�aid by thi� Mort�e co be iu�mediately due arnd ��$yrble. I,ender ehall hsve wsived ruc6 � TM'' <br /> � a�fo� !o aeoelr�te +f, prsor to We sale or transfer, Lender eud tt�e per�on to whom the Property is to be aold or �. �` <br /> s �e+e�d t+[�b �ti in wti6ias thst tlis credit of cuch ��erson ie satiefactory to i,ender and thst the isterest ' ,. ,�.[' <br /> r {�i� m t�e weoo reeut�ed by tltir �[o:t�e ehal! be at sucli rate ae I.ender shsll reyuest. Ii I.ender has wa,i^ved <br /> wn �•. <br /> ? tIM epf�ion W aoaslwrate ps�ovided in t,hie para�rapli 17 und if Borrower's euccesaor in interest has executed a wsit- � ' `` 1 <br /> 1 � � � aooepted in writing by I.eAder, Lender shrll releaee Borzower from all obliQat'eoAe ueder � <br /> 4 t�bir l�ebpp aed the Nate. <br /> ' It I�eede[ e�a�oises sucli option to acoelerste, Lender st�al! :uail Borrower notice of acexlerstion in saooedaeee <br /> �° witi par�h 14 iiereof. 6ueh aotice s11e11 provide s ��eriod of not less than 30 dayc from tbe drte tl�e notie� is `. � ' <br /> sirihi a^ithiw vrhi�eh Botr�ower tnay pay the suiiu: deelsred due. If 23orrower fails to pay sueh sumx prior to tlae <br /> ��ie�R�as d wksh psriod, [�ot►c�Cr x�ay, without furtlier notice or cleuia [ul a� Bbrrower, invoke say reeuedjar p�. <br /> Q�iMrd bY P+�i�O�+ 1B hl�rlOt. <br /> h'ox-i;xtfa�Y C:orcar,►xrc. Borrowei- nnd Lender f'ui•tUer c:o��enant and ag►•ee xs foltowe� : ± <br /> �. A40�Mr�Mioas �. Except u� ��rovulaxl ir� � �aragru��i� 17 hereof, U�IOU Borrower's hresch of any <br /> ` olwiesrnt et y�r�eeaen6 of Borrower in tl�ie !4[ortgug�, ineluding tl�e cwveifant� to j�ay when due aTy suats aeenrad <br /> � by tlfis :ltort�a�e, I.ender prior to acmleration �hall uwil naticc to BorroN•er aec J�ro��idai in raragra��l� 14 l�e�of <br /> r <br /> �e�ifyie�: fl ) the bnesch ; (2 ► ttse artion rcquireci to curc eucli hreQel� ; i3 ) a date , not lese than Lhirty dsye <br /> Irom tJ►e date the notiee is i�iaiMci ta l3orraw•er. i�r N� leirli �ucli I�mneli inust 1K cured ; and 1 �4 ) thst failurc to cure <br /> ; rr�ei� beeach on or before tlie da►tr specified in tlie ncrticc ivay result in aecelrracion ot tht• tlUlllti secured by this <br /> •ec <br /> Musyaye aod t!w ProEx�rty. If the t�reaeL ie not cured on or before the date speeified in the notice, Leswler <br /> � at I.e�der'� �iqag deelsroe ali ot the rum� ,secured hy thie '.btortgnge to be im�x�ediateiy due snd paqable <br /> j �Iraut furtfier dew�aad s:ad ma forecloae t6ia :41ort <br /> y �s�e k�y judicial proceeding. Lcnder shall he entitleci to collect <br /> ia suoh f�e'ooaedia` all enpet�eee ot foseelosum, inei��ling, buk not limited to, casta of docum�entary eviden�e, <br /> �8rts'�e�i aad title repoete. <br /> + 1!. 1�w'�'w"s �1lr! M �irlalw Not�rithutsnding Lender's screleration of the sume aecueed by this <br /> j �, Hae�w� ehat! bsve t6� zi�ht k► have atty �rooeerii� besun by T,eadcr to eninrer this Mortgige diw <br /> be <br /> , [ � � w!' � P� � ��'q of a judgneet enf�cing this \fortgage if : � al Borrower ��ay� I.ender all <br /> � Niehs �r�e6 �'ewtld b t�6�a ddue uuder thir• :\io+t8�gr� t�� hcrt,e uuc! weeunog Futurr Advnnons, if +wy, h�qd tw <br /> aee�Nstiew oeeu�red ; (bl cairr� all hreaeh�� of sn}• other co�•cnants ur ugrccments uf $orruw�er con- <br /> � Mi�d it t�lr lLM`I1�e : {el Seerar�er paqs all reasonal�te e�c��enaeR incurci� by i,ender in enforcing the covenanta <br /> � � ��M�M1 al �e6sarM" noeeMlin�ed in tbir l�tartga�r snd in et�forcing I.ender'� renredies sa �xovided in psra- <br /> � � �!* 1� �. �R, � � lami#ed W� 1'+89liOMAI)IA 21t10171C�' �F feea ; and Id ) Borrower tskes euch action as <br /> ' � I'+��' •4 �'� � be ar� t�t t�e lien of this \4ertgege, Lendcr'e intrrest is the " <br /> ProQerty aad <br /> � " � � I+ P� t4s wrw �ed b� f!w 114�y�sge shall eaatiaue uei�npaired. U�on eueh paymeet -�,.,�-.._:. <br /> »;�, ; <br /> �,: . �'�'�► �' ��� � �1pl� � tl�e aMipti�o�s seeitred herebq Rhali eeer►�in ia ful! torce ar�d ePfeet ar if , .T` <br /> +w► A�d a�e�sei, y.� <br /> � � �11�M11 �IPMIiM�/�i �f isriw�er L�drs i� l�i�e. As additiaoat eeeurity hene. <br /> �i � �11ri�lltta ��4�lttilr► y�AiMr � t1Ne P�rlipe�Ry. ��viale$ that Boirorer aAadl, peior to aooeler- �� <br /> .: , , <br /> ¢ � �M�� +�r � of W�e P1�o(�eewy, 3utre tlse riaht to c�iect aad retuin wch reats � •,a <br /> ' � �' � ��ry� #�Y�A�diG�ntiiflA� ot Ll�e Yt'4i�tlt�9 , !e �w"+'ela�t. �y Y�E�6 ,�„y.'^q�:,-: :�r,^�, l,. , ' <br /> �. .,� � . � �, , ��� �rn`;� �I4 q� � �'. 91�l. �i�7! j10ld�Ci06 O� aOQ Iil1►RLs,! t}LL` PI'OQClty <br /> `� � rl1 i�li! �IIMi�#r �f � � � dat. A!1 renta aolleeted by Le�er or t,tfe receiver <br /> M�M�� � '1�M+�� � �r�rtatfhe P�}+Mry snrl �tii�rfirm nf m+ta . in�fmling, t�ut <br /> �' w � � �� �MM�'� �1�� !s>lhee�rli 6� �ad raeasenabie aRloraey's f�ees, and then to the sums <br /> a <br /> � �I�wi �l'�Y' kw�ye• I��dba^�i tht 1+eaeieYr dfaW be iia�4e to aepouat only for thoee rents actuaily received . � <br /> +. , ,, ; . _ _ i � <br />