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r � <br /> � <br /> Leeder•s wriuen aa^eemaet or applicable Isw. Borrower thall pay t6e amount ot alt moct�e inwrancx premiums in the <br /> ` maenor Pro„id� uader Para�esPh 2 hereof. <br /> � My ae�ounts diabuned by L.�der punuant w this WrajraPh 7. with iaterest tl�erooe. shall became additiond <br /> indebtednnt of Horrower �ecueed by tLis lNoRgase. Unkas Barower and L.d�der a`ree to ot6er oeems of paymec�t. wd� <br /> � amouap shal! be paysbk upa�a ootioe from I.eiMer to Borrower requextin` WYioent tl+eraof. and rhati 6ear incerat [rom tlMe <br /> paa <br /> x ' date o[ dbbur�»ak �t the nRe p�Y� trom time to titne on aibW�die� prinapai und�' the Note unle�c psym�et o[ , <br /> �• i�w�t �t sueL rale ywutd be coptrary w applic�bk law, in whicb eMent such �mounta �hall bear imetat at the 67slio�t nte <br /> � <br /> y "T' 0� �� �PR� lav. Nothit� cantained in this parajrsph 7 �6a11 eequin Londsr w inarr aay ezpaw or take <br /> e � �pr � l�ersunAer. <br /> i � f. IMNeYp�. Lender msy make or cawa to be made roasonabfe entries upon and i��peetiont of the Property. providod <br /> � Q tlut Leadsr shai( Siv�p Hoirpver ootico pr'ror W any sucl+ inspeetion specifyinj rea�onabie cauee therofor n�sted to [.a�der's <br /> , � 0 � ia tl�e Pro�+erty. . . <br /> } !. C�MIo�. The pra.�eeda of any award or claim for damaQe�. diroc� or consequn+tial, in aonnectbe with my <br /> � � ` �o�dawnatipn pr c�tl+er qkttfs oi the Property. or part thereot. or for conveyance in lieu of coodemoation. are he:ebY aw�eed <br /> � � aad ahati be p�id to Leeder. <br /> � <br /> ; y ie t6a event of a tota! takiny o[ the Property. the proceeds slwli be :Pplied W t!ro sums �xured by this Moetsa�e. <br /> with the eacw. if any. paid to Borrower. In the evmt of s partia! taking of the Proporty, unless Borrower and I.a�der <br /> � otbarwi�e asnse {n writina, thee+e eheit be applied to the sums secui+ed by this Mortpse such proportian of the Prnceed� <br /> as is oquat to that proportion which the amount of the wms sacured by this Mortya�e inamediately prior to the d�e d <br /> tatln� 6eas to the fsir maricet value of the Property immediatcly prior to the dste of takin`, witfi the bal�ce o[ d+e p�eoeed� <br /> � Oaid W HorroWer. <br /> /t d�e ProPerty it abandoned by Borrower. or i[. aher notia by I.e�der to Borrower Nwt the coeda�nor oRas to rad[e <br /> an award or �ettle a claim for damaea. Borcower fails to respond to Lender within 30 dayc after the date such notice is <br /> e�..::ad. Lee�der it authodzed w colbct and aPP�Y the proceeda. at I.ender's optioa. either to ratontion or eepair d th� <br /> Propeety or to the wms axwad by thic Mort�ase. <br /> Unkts Lend� and Borm�er otherwise �ree in writin;. any such spplication of procaeda to principal ahap not e:tend <br /> or post�one the due date of tF�e monthly inetellments reterred to in parographs 1 and 2 heroof or chan{e the an►o�iet d <br /> ywch iestallmeeta. <br /> 1�, ynrwer Not A�M�wi. Extemion of the time for paymd+t or modiflcation o[ aeaortizttion o( tl+e sura� �e�.v+rod <br /> by d+is Mo�a�e frsnted by Lender W any rucoeasor in incerest of Borrower shell not operate w n:ka�e. io �nY saw�er. <br /> d�e laability of the orisinal Botrower and Borrowor's successors in interect. Lender ahdl not be roq� to � <br /> Orooeadinp asainet such axcessor or refuse w extend time for payment or otlxwise madify amortiastian of d�e wnM <br /> ? s�cured by Mis Mort�e by reswo of any �msnd made by the original Borrower and Borrower's �auors in (rMmwt. <br /> 11. lo�ir�ere� y i.e�r Not s iYdver. Any foebeus�e by I.ender in ezercisin` any risht oc rea�edy 1�eeaw+der. or <br /> �pyr� �![oeded by .spplicabk Iew, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerci�e of any rud+ ri�ht or rem�dY• <br /> + '!fie pree�p�t p( Jpsurupce or tlu payment of uxes or other lienc or charees by Lender ahall na be a w�iver ot Leader's <br /> , e�Me :q, aCpefeeate N�p qqturity of the indebtedness uocured by this Mortp�e. <br /> n s oc <br /> r •1!. �Mir C�w1�M�e. All �emedia provided in this Mort�a`e sro diatinct aed cwnulative w any ot�r ri�ht a' <br /> j e�mody uedw tl+is Mortsa�e or alforded by Isw or oquity, and msy 6e mcerciaed concure+nntly, indepeadestly or wcca�lvaly <br /> 13. �ee�es a�i A�� i��: l�i�t a�/ Severd [3a��; Car11Nt. 'lUe covenantr and s�rea++eeb bmae <br /> oontaiaed shaN bi�ad. �ad tha rj�htt hereunider chall inure to. the respective weoe�son sed wi�m of Lawd�er and lortower. <br /> i wbject W xhe prcwidau ot para`nph t 7 hweof. All covenaats and a�roema+tc of Sorrrower th+l1 bs joiat aed �svsnt. <br /> '�1�e qOtio�u aed 6e�din�s o[ the puagnphs of tfis INortsaje ue for co�va+ienoe w►!y and are aot to 6e uw�d to <br /> � � or deAns the provi�ioas heroo[. ' <br /> � 11. NNiee. Faoapt far any notioe required under applicabk !aw to be �iven in another m�. (a) aey eoRioe eo <br /> � eern+�er pe�avideal [or ia thi� fr[ortsa�e dull be �iven by mailint such notice by certiAed mail adde'ered to ,orrower ac <br /> e <br /> tl�o Te�npeety Addneu or u sue5 atl�er addness ss Bor:ower msy desijnau by notice w I.ender as previded Mreia. ufd <br /> es <br /> l�) aty aotico w i.onder al+all be `iven by oertiBed mail. rotum raxipt roquesfed. w I.endejs add�eu stated t�erae or b <br /> �neh o�+er �dd+ws a Lee� may desip+ate by notice to Borrower u provided heroie. Any notioe Prm'idod �or in this <br /> ; 1{oet�ye dfalt be deaned to have boa� siven to Hor�v+�er or I.ender when siven in the �anser der�aMed Iwdn. <br /> bo <br /> 1!. U�� M�i �7eva�i�t L�wi B���Y. 71tis for�n of itwrtga�e combines uoitone cownants !or �tio�l <br /> u�e aed me-uaifoem covenaets with limit� varia�ions by juriadi�ion a ooeunuto � uniEoem �ecw+ey iarnweeiu oowrie{ <br /> � t�oal p�operty. 'i7�is Mart�a�e �al! be �ovarned by the law of the juritdictioe in which the lropmty ia 1ocaMd. I� tM <br /> sva�t tlut any prwition or cltu�e of tha Llortja�roe or the Note cw�Aicts with applicabk la�w. wch ca�kt �M not a/�et <br /> m1�er provisiows ot this l�io�e or t6e Note which can be 6ivew eRxt witl�out tl�o oonllictins pruvhio�. asd to tlar <br /> ewd f6e prov� o( tbe Mor�e and the Note ue declued to be mverabe. <br /> , yi, M�www's C�. Borrowsr siull be furnished a conforenal eopy of the NMe usd of tlus 1Aaxt{a�e �t tM tiss <br /> � d �ee�dion or afeer mca�dtdan heroof. <br /> 17. 'ha�er �f IM ln�elyt Aw�Y�4 If all � any paR of the Propeity or m interat tl�aerie i� tdd or hae�irrad <br /> ` � laercnr�er rr�lwut Lender's pr'wr written coeaent. exclud� (�1 the ceeatio� e� a tien or aace�beaiios wbeedi�w b <br /> tws afo+tsa�e. (b) tha crwtioe o! a punchaao nwney aecurity interest tor ho�rehold �pilianoes. Ec) a trur!!er 6y �. <br /> ' ddoeat or b)r opeeation of lsw upon tfie death ot a joint tenant or (d) the �raat d aey Ie�MoW ieCae�t ot tMee Y�++� a � <br /> eot �t � � Oo ptrohus, l.eeder maY. at L.�++der'c option. declare all tba wnu tecured bY �S Mo�a� �o be <br /> � dae awd pay�bk. L.ender shali have Waived wch optioa to wcelerrte if. Wior w the cale or �'. l.mdor <br /> awd tlis p[e�oa ro vrlws fie Propaty is to be wld or transfereed reach ase�eeaaent ia writin� tlut the oeedit ol mch pw� <br /> tls <br /> is s�laclory to [.�edar �d tl�[ the �st p�Yabk oe the swnc recurod by tlw Alo�t�ye duN be �t �ue6 tare u t.eeA�r <br /> a�rq n�uat, f( L,�pder Irr wraivad t�e option w acoelerate provided in tbis pan�raph 17. md if So�e�rerY wawror � <br /> is <br /> i�1e�+e�t 6�s a�we+�d � we�Kleai a�aunptiaa aQaement secepted in writins b' L.a�dx. Lender dul! ++eieus �orrer+sr fa�ew �N <br /> � oWp�ans u�der tbu 1Lo�ys aod tl�e Noee. <br /> � t[ I.MBK e�erci�es aucl qrtion to aaxle+'aee. Lsnder �hall mail Dorrow�or ootice of acoderat+on ie �ooerd�eoe wit6 <br /> ' � !4 6enol. S�oi� eat+oe thdl prov'de a period of oot l�s t6an �O da3'� trom tl�e d�te the ootice is mailed rrilhie <br /> Da�v�er wY P�Y ehe wpm d�elated due. If Sonswver faiit �o p�y such waw peior b ehe e+cpM�sim� be�ra[.�� <br /> � [,�ndrr a�ty, rrit�t !utlirr sotice a[ de�wnd on Bacmwer. iavdce sny rernediet P��� b9 P��Wh <br /> : <br /> ; AioMd)aw'OaM f�ovsN�t+rs. Soe'�v�rer and l..�sder turd+er ooveaaet aed slnb ac toilo�+�: <br /> � �. w.a«. 1�t� � rr+�+d r w�O'� �7 r..wr. rw �.n�rs .[ .q� �..�..rt .r <br /> ��M�IR �ir b a�edMnYr� id W MYe� b ��w�r �'W/ 1� !�+l� M+u�t �rcYl�% (u IYe yeouri ` <br /> : -� �Iir aRMn1 w�w� /� �+�r �eY i�reri l� � iM. rl lrs � � 4M !n� IYe its 1it �Mlce Y rM� M 1�w+s, ` <br /> !� vlildl wd� Mirw� ��t M ta�t a�i !11 trt !in b s�� +�e► M�ei M �r MNw /r We �� r Iw �e� _. _. • '�e <br /> , , � �� amlr!i1 �I�a�rs�i Iw w�s �awi b ils Y/+rMM� � M' l�r M+�[ �M �Y d /Y� 11�M. , <br /> � � �r..�sw��w.w. a.�..�... .e w .w .. ,.i..w. .r .ee.w.�w ..� ir. .w » ....�e r. rr. e...�... <br /> �+�r r�e� w[ a iMuit �r a�4' �4�r arMM� �t Mw�wrr r �eoiw�lrr a�i l�wdr�. r �M rMeY � � � � <br /> w .. wMr is �. +w+iMr/ b r .we.. I.ww .e l,.�ir1� � .s a�el.. r .r �. .... ..c�wi y <br /> � � M�I n�l l l A! /Ar M Lwi�l� �+�� ��� frlw i��i a�i �f' M�+d� b 1��� lN���� ��� <br /> � a�i i r M e r�1 e E l i! s l i �w w� Q 1Mw1rti r�M Mr at i�Yd r. ��Y �f irerw! � , i <br /> � �'�!�1i�� �M Mb wr�1�. . . ,�a� .,� <br /> y 1� YM��4 �t M �dI1IlYM. ��i �y ao�eieraliee o( tlr ��s ��ed hq elrs Me�• w , aC � � <br /> a i�Ir/wMt ii �1M� I�e t�t �01el�w � peeoMiiM� bN� 4Y La�rr eo �eloroe tiis 1[aeqye �oa�m�d u asy tise <br /> � � <br />