' r I
<br /> us�os�[ covsN.�rn. sor�n.ror aaa l.maer covenaat aaa a�reo as ra{ww :
<br /> l. �f'�� *t �1 ri 1MraN. Borrow�et �hall Pr�P�lY P+Y wbee due the priecipd ot and in� on the
<br /> �ssr evide�aed by the Nete� prspsYm�at aed 4ue clur�aa as provided in tl�e Note. ud the principal of sod ieta�at
<br /> ae as�+ Fu1�u�s Advaeoa �ea�r�d by tlw 1�lartja,e. �
<br /> 3. �i Ne 'lYrnt a�i t�or. 3uhject W rpplicable law ar to a writ�m wuv�es by Lender. $o�m�ver �hall D�Y
<br /> b I.Ae4K t� brp da!► awnthi�' imtallmonts ot ptiotipal and intermt ue pay�6le uoder tha Note. uetil the Note i� p�id ie [ull.
<br /> a we �tels "Fwd.'y oqnal w a�e-taratth oe che yediy wces and weameeu whicb may aaaie priority o.� Gd.
<br /> I/pfap. ae4 �rand ronb ae t�o Piope�ty� it wy. piuc ooe-tweltth o[ Yearly PMomium �a8aoenb for Muzard �munace.
<br /> P� ��� d' Y�Y P�� inWlimeotr for moct� insuranoe, i[ any. at1 as rearoa�bty stimated iaki�lly and tsam
<br /> ti�s m time hy I.yder an tbs b�sis of aaewnenb aad bi�4 and raascriabb e�timata t6anof.
<br /> � Pusds �aN be he{d ia aa inetitwion the deposits or accouots of which are insured o� �oaranteed by a Feder�t ar
<br /> �fs�e yn+ey (iedudia� I.ender if I.eodet u aueh an imtitution) • Lender ahali apply t6e Fusds oo pay said qxes. �uw+neets.
<br /> iwNuanae pttmiueas aad p+ouod rwts. L.eader roay not char'e for w holdia� and aPDrYin� the Fuods. snalyzins uid +sc�M.
<br /> oa' vaii[yiui asd oorspilin; sa9d arrdtmenb and bills. uakss L.eoder payt Borrower interou oa the Fuedt and applicab{e law�
<br /> � pe�mib Lamder to nute wch a clurDe. Borrower and Lender may ajrco in writiei at t6e time of esxution ot dw
<br /> � 1i(ortp/n thu iu�eroat on tl�e Fuoda ahall be paid to Boaower. aad unlas such ap�eemen[ u made or applicabb law
<br /> � requins a�ch iataest to 6e p�id. Lencbr �6at1 aot be requirai to pay Borrower any interest or earniags oo dfe Fuads. L.esdar
<br /> � thall p�e to Bosmwwr, without char;e, an annual accountinY of the Funds e6owin� credits aad debits to the Funds and the
<br /> v puspae for wLich ach debit to t6e Funds was made. 'Ibe Fuads ue pled�ed as additional cecuriry for tl�e wms aeeurod
<br /> by t6i� ►tort�ye.
<br /> w7 If t6e amount ot t6e Fundt held by Lender, waether with thc future monthly installmea4 of Funds payable prior to
<br /> t6a dne data of taxoa, aKasrnepts, insurance premiumc and Qround rente, shall exceed the amount required w pay aaid tsta.
<br /> ^ aw�mants, imuraece proiniums aad sround rents as they fell due. such excesc sha11 be, at Bonower's option, eiEAar
<br /> ^ promptly rep�id w 8orrnwer or credited W Sorrower oo monthly insallmenu of Funds. If Ne amoust of ti+e Fu�
<br /> hoid by Lmder a6dl not be w�eieat w pty taxes, as�easments, ineurance premiums and �round renu as they fall due,
<br /> 9orrorer shW p�y to Lender aAy amount necescary to mare up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notia u msiled
<br /> by l.eader to Yorcowa� requmtins payment tNereof.
<br /> Upoa payaaeot ia fuU of all sumr oocurod by this Mortaa�e. Leoder shall prompUy mfund to Borrower soy Fund�
<br /> ' held by I.ander. If uader {wasrraph 1 B hereof the ProQerty is sold oc the Propeny is aherwise acqui�ed by Lender. L.arder
<br /> aidl appiy. no later than immedistely prior to the sale of the Property or its acquiution by Lender, aoy Funds held by
<br /> [.�ader at the tie�e ot appticstian u a credit asainst the aums secured by this Mort�a�e.
<br /> �. A�IfeaflM el �a�e. Ualess applicabk law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br /> Noto and puajraphs 1 aed 2 heroof �hall be apQlied by Lender 8rst in payment of amounts payabk to L.cader by Aorrower
<br /> ueder paryrap6 2 hw+eof, t6en W interest payable on tix Nae, then to the principal of the Nota, and thea to interat and
<br /> piaeipat oe any Future Advancas.
<br /> �. CY�rrq Ii�r. Borrower chap pay aU taxec, assusmenu and other charsec, 8nes and impositions anributable W
<br /> lia PtopNty w�ich asy attain a priority over tkus Mortsaje, and leasehold payme�s or �roued tinte, it any, in the ma0eer
<br /> peovided ueder pva�tplf 2 heroof or. if not paid in such manner, by Borrower malcina psymeat, whp� due, di�r w me
<br /> payre t6onsof. lorrorer �6ali pnomptty furnish to Leeder all notices of amouau due under this {ars;r�ph. asd io d�e ewnt
<br /> YortoYvee tlult m�l[o paymont directty. Borrower s6s11 prompUy furnish to Lender reoeipts evidencins sucb ptyme.ts.
<br /> �eerower �haU pnomptly direhu�e any lien which Aas priority over thic Alortease: Providod. that Borwrrer shdl not be
<br /> �puirad W d�har�s aay wd� lien so loo� as Borrower shaU agree in writin� to tbe payn+eat of the obli�ation �ocursd by
<br /> t�ebliM in a maaaor aooephWe to La�der, or rhall in sood faith contect such lien by, or d�end enforcaoa+t of such lies in,
<br /> l�al pe�noaediqp which operate to prevent the enforousunt of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or aay psrt tlwreof.
<br /> 3. $rnl l�wr�et. Soerowor shall keep the impro�ements now exictins or hereafter erected oa the Property iecured
<br /> apiept !at by Aee, lurard� iacl��ded witfiin the cerm "exunded covera=e". and such ahet hazards as Lender may rcq�ro
<br /> �ed 'u prch ama�nts and for a�ch puiods as Leader may roquire: P�ovided. that Lender shall aot requirc thai the a�nount of
<br /> wci cowerye oxceed th�t amo�mt of cov�ra�e requirod to pay the wms secured by this Mort�aee.
<br /> 'ILs iswwr�e caerier providio� the imurana shal! be chwen by Borrower aubjat to approval by Lender, providod,
<br /> tlut w�c� �pprovd �It not be wns�sonably with6eb. All premiums on imurara policia ehall be peid in the mae�a
<br /> pnn+�+d�d usder pnatn�rh 2 6ueof or. if not paid in wch manucr. by Borrower �salcin` payefmt, wh� due. diroetiy w tfie
<br /> i�wra�tae carri�r.
<br /> Ar iewraeoe poiicie� �nd r�ewal� thereof ahall be in form acceptable to Lencier and shall incJude a uandard nwrts�e
<br /> dn� iw taror o[ aed in fors acoeptrb{e to Leader. Lender shatl have the ris6t to hold the policie� and r�e�wals thuoof.
<br /> a�d �orn�wet dMll peomptty furpish to Lender all renewal noGces and aU rexipu of paid piemiums. In the cvent of low.
<br /> ioeww*or t6a11 �ive prompt notice W t6e imurance carrur and Leoder. Lender may make proof of lac if not madt promptly
<br /> by �ore+o�rer.
<br /> Udut Laeder asd Horrower oUwrwise aQree in writin�, insurance procoeds shall be applied to restoratioa or repair o[
<br /> ths Prapaty dtma�ed. provided such rocwntioA or repair is eeonomieaUy feaaible a�d the aeeuriry of tf�is Mortp`er ic
<br /> not d�eroby in�i»d. If wcb reseoratioa or repair is not aonwaically teaaible or if the securiry of tfiia 5lortsa�e would
<br /> be i�pind, tbe Haurasoe prv�eedc slwU be applied to the cwns recured by tfiis btortia�. with the exoess. if aay. paid
<br /> Oo �o�ro�rar. If the Proptrty is ab�ndw�ed by Borrower , or if Borrower fails to recpond to l.ender widfin 30 dayc from efie
<br /> daN soNoe is �wailed by Lend�or to Borrower th:t the iosuraea carrier offees to settk a claim [or iacurance beaefitr„ [�eKfer
<br /> is aWYoeiaed w cdket aed apply t6e imura�ce proeeeM u Lender a option eitber w ratoration or repair of the ProP�Y
<br /> or b tie r� sec�uMd by tAis l�Iort�ye.
<br /> Uaie� leedor asd 8o�s�oweu otlxawi�e a�r+ee in writins. any such application of proceeds w principal clidl not e:�oed
<br /> or poMsme tha due dW o[ the esoat5ty ��tal�ents referred to in parqnphc 1 aad 2 i�ereot' or chan.e the aa�uunt of
<br /> weY �eots. lf uader p�es�ap6 18 hersof tde PropaRy is acquired by lmder. all ri�6t, titk and interast of Borrower
<br /> in aet b asy iesaraace policies aod In aed to ffie proceeds t6ereof reaultins from dama�e fo the PropertY Pcior w tl�e ule
<br /> or aoqYi�i4oe sdatl prt W Lmdor W tfie eztant of the sum� �ecured by this Mortjaje immediately prior eo wch uk or
<br /> ��•
<br /> i. lY�e��r� �i M�iMwree �f ln�lyi �.�Msl�t Ce�M�M�i��t !'I�w� UNt DewM�eM�. Barrower
<br /> Wil l��M ti�e Pa�ely is �ood repav aad a6�Y not cama� waeee or peraut �mpaern�du or detenoratwn of t6e PropertY
<br /> a�d tlril 000piy wil� the p�ovi�iao� of awy leare if thic l�lort�,a�e is oa a baschold. lf thic Mort��e ic oa a unit in a
<br /> oo�d0�l�w ot a pl�ned urit development. Botrow� shal! perform aN of Bo�ower's oNi�stian undu the declatation
<br /> or cowYsb ae�tips or ;overaiqs tbe cond�inium or planned unit devebpment, tAe by-laws and rcQulationc of du `
<br /> oe�iewi�iu� or pl�ed �it de�+eiopmeM. asd conrtitue�st documentn. If s condomini�f or plantfed unit developrnent
<br /> tids in aYauN/ by 1oo�arrr and ro�ro�rded �a�ethx wit6 this l�lorts�e. the coveoaa4 and ap�emments of cuc6 rider .,. , --. ;, " ��
<br /> .r.Y e. :owpe.ba :.ee ..e .Yall airem .na ay�pka� the covednu .ed a�reemaw oc this Llortsa�e ,s ir ihe riaer -
<br /> CO � "
<br /> 4Alr a �IZ �IOE��. �
<br /> '�. �R�r � �.�1� �l�1�'. �I BORO�O[ fYb t0 �tdf0[f0 d1E OOV�pOiAtf ald i�000100l� p0�tii00d ifl fbis
<br /> ��� Q � � '�fdl� Cf � It CO�COd W�1IC�f �7i�}' �GCtf �.iOOdOf�t IsfE['Dit b1 tdE hOpCR)'.
<br /> I�dY�ills, bYt ��0t ii�i1M b, s�eet dos�ia. ia4olve�eY. code en[oroement. or arran�anenp or precaedu�s involvin� s �
<br /> Yr�'�e er �roe�l�f, t�es [aier at [�dot"s uplios, u�oa ootioe to iarover, n�y msloe sucM �ppesraeoes, dishune urch . g�" ,
<br /> � 111s a�i f$e aa,� aetion as it aseeuary W protect I.eodet't interdt. includio�, but uot limited to, d'acburra�aent of ' . .
<br /> � e�wib ae10�'� 1w ri � up� t6s hopeety tt+ mNce repaiR. If Lesder reqeired mo�ye ieruranee ac a
<br /> oM�li�s a! ��� 1re !or a�d Ay tbis 11a��e, iorro+�ver skail PsY � A��� ro9�irod to �wintain uich
<br /> !r�'re� 4 �t �dl suei tie� aa tbe wquiwieet foe �uch iawrawoe tasior�es ia a000�d�noe with Donower's awd
<br /> k
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />.
<br />�
<br />