r �
<br /> 8'PATE O!� NRBiLABR.A, Couaty af ..,.................................................: .
<br /> P'i�ed tor troord aa ................................ 19.»..».at..................»........ o'eloek ........................ M.
<br /> ' awd z+sea�rd+ed in t6e Deed �rd ................................. PaQr, .......,..................... � �� ���
<br /> 7 .«».........»...............�s 4! l�ed�r...........».... By ..............Depaty.8e�oter.oi.Dee�#s........,............._. � '�"��
<br /> a
<br /> �.(�6558
<br /> � ALEiOtT G. CLAtT3BEN arid 3Z1�0l�IA CLAUSSEN� husband and wife, each in his eta�d,
<br /> other
<br /> harz own right and as epouse af each / , hereaa esll�d the arentor wheth�r wu er mas+e,
<br /> 1
<br /> < ia a+a,�id�esstion at THZRTY-3EVEN 1HOUSAND snd no/100 DOLLARS (�3?,000.00)
<br /> ireesiv�d trsm �rantee�, doe� Qrant, baraain, sell eoavey and confirm unW
<br /> JOHN i�i. ALBRIt�iT and KAY L. ALBRIGHT,
<br /> ; husband and wi�e,
<br /> as joint f�asnta witit riiht of �nrnivor�hip, rad aot as tenante in common, the lollowia� de�oribed ra,al
<br /> 1e�ep�e�,y ia ...............�a.�,........._........................... County,Nebraaka: ,,
<br /> Lot 7�i.rteea (13), Block �vo (2), First Artlstic Homes Addition to the
<br /> City ot Crand Ialand� Hall County, Nebraaka
<br /> STATEMEf�►t AIIAG1iFjl
<br /> STA*.1P TAX
<br /> ' �d n V '� �7`1
<br /> $�.Z����_
<br /> � .s�:
<br /> To have aad to hoLd ttie above de�crited premirea toeether �vith all tenewents, heredit,ameats
<br /> a'd appusNsanees Lk�eeto belongie� neto the sraatee� sad W their arrisae, ar W the heis� aad ac�igns
<br /> et tke wttvivee of tLea► torerer.
<br /> �nd Rraator does hereb' oovesaat with tlu granteer and svith t�eir usi� aad witk t6e betrs
<br /> aed a�w o!the atrviv�of them tlut �rantor is lawfully seiaed oP said premutes;that t6ey ue lree tronn
<br /> �
<br /> �eate� _
<br /> �hst tesalot hss`sod ri�ht aad 4wlu1 autltority to convey the �an�e; aad that grantor wsrranta and will
<br /> �ieE�ad tiue title to �sid premisec a�ainst the larvtul claimo of all perrons µ•Loiuscever.
<br /> It is tk� fatention oi all psrtier hereto th�t in the event ot the death of either ot the �raateer,
<br /> t4e eotire !ee tit�e to thir real prop.�rtp whall vest in the eurviving grantee.
<br /> n.sea Noveaber 5. is7'7
<br /> ;� ,
<br /> ._.................................................................................. ...............�,.+..a ... ._..
<br /> , ���'�.�en°"`.`�
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<br /> : �iioria'"CZai�ta'"sen
<br /> ;
<br /> ; `' �It'!i W' ...... �l .,....,.......... , Councy ot ...............Ha].3........................._...»...
<br /> JMf/[�I iMr a Mt�r�poblio�alilisd foz aaid countq, per�umally aame
<br /> ," 41�c"t C. daauss� �d 31'oasa Clauas�, husband rd ri.te. each in hia
<br /> i ,
<br /> .� ..• a�M� i�,! �ww r,i�ht aw! ar apoust ot each ottisr ,�
<br /> ; �
<br /> '� �, �I1111r�e�i!��u�r bs b�e ttie identled paews ae y�ron�w!s ai�ned tise fore�eiat ia�trnmest and selmowi�dsed �
<br /> n
<br /> �� 1M�MIiM/rRi�1M�w[fa M iis.L�e oe tlr�ir�ela�taer aet nad Ased. �
<br /> M � R��y �� af�{'lil iiJ� .. �.�... ....7 .LD..•L.4.�...« �,.��.
<br /> 4
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<br /> _' ,;:, '�rr'yn' t�,� 1(� ess�irrtaa ezpie�es .�1l6c�...:�r......, I9..�........
<br /> lwe�a {�`"�"w ��1lwwd ry \ebra��be Bae laweisti� rw..�wrr ar..u..r..�wr..
<br /> , .,. . .. �
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