� �
<br /> RV .
<br /> ` �• UQSS'�er3
<br /> �.,.M�
<br /> STO�?I SEi�dEB EASEMENT `�,
<br /> �3�t Schooi Di�trict of the City of Grand Island in the County of
<br /> !la12 in the 3tate of Nebraaka. hereia called the Grantor, -in consideratiosi
<br /> p� tkve and no/lf� Dollars (51.00>
<br /> .
<br /> r�eipt of �rlsieh is hereby acknowledged, and of the further agreementa
<br /> lssrein atated. hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br /> a musticipil corparation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the Grantee,
<br /> s pertsstas�nt and perpetual ea6ement and right-of-way to survey, construct,
<br /> rrsconstruct, relocate, inspect, repair, replace, extend, remove, maintain
<br /> �d operate thereoa underground public utilities, including, but not limited
<br /> to stoxmm �ewers, and necessary surface markers and other appurtenances alaag,
<br /> scz'o�s, tusderneath and through a tract of land comprising a part of the
<br /> l4st Hslf of the Southw�est Quarter (E'�SW�) of Section Eight (8) , To�m$hip
<br /> Elevr�a {it) North, Range Nine (9) Weat of the 6th P.M. , City of Grand Islaad.
<br /> llall Cot�nty, I�isbraska. more particularly described as follows:
<br /> � First, to ascertain tMe point of beginning, start at a
<br /> '� polat oa the r�r�est line of Iemnanuel Saptist Addition, said
<br /> � point being 76.3 feet north of the southweat corner of said
<br /> i atlditic�n, said point aleo being the southeast corner af Lot
<br /> ^ lline (9)� Im�erial Viliage Seventh Subdfvision; thence russning
<br /> a N 89�' 37' SO ' W a distance of one hundred forty-five (145)
<br /> ; fe�t to the south�e�t corner of said Lot Nis�e (9) and beiag
<br /> ; ths 1lC?tJAL poiat of beginning; thence five feet on either side
<br /> � of the line running from the ACTUAL point of begins�ing
<br /> ; S 55� 02' gg" E a dietance of 136.09 feet to the center line
<br /> of asa exiating sixteen (16) foot wide easement, all as shawa
<br /> on the plat attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated
<br /> b�► r�ference.
<br /> t,c��ther with the following rights:
<br /> � � 1. Grsatge �hall have the right of ingress and egress across Grantor's
<br /> 3
<br /> i propertp fos any purpoae necessary in connection with the aurvey, construc-
<br /> t tie�a, reconstrvetion, relocation, inspection, repair. repiacement, extensian,
<br /> :
<br /> � " sdditiaa to, w,aie�tenance, operstion and reenoval of utilities. Such ingresa
<br /> w> wwd sssess alfzll be exercised in a reaaonable manner.
<br /> 2• Grasto� say cttitivate. use and en,joy the land within the right-of-
<br /> Mq; pa^oA►�L�t. t1s�t sucl� uae sha;l ewt, in the judgment of Grantee. endangex ::,
<br /> +�fe M a L�aauesd to or iq�resf+�e xfth the su�qeY, cmnstructi'on. rcconetrssctian, � ��
<br /> � ��� ��iaa. s'��sic, repla+c�st. .extension. addition to, main- � � ,'
<br /> �
<br /> . �;
<br /> A
<br /> �w�
<br /> +^a+ah
<br /> � r� w:g
<br /> 4 � � �'�w _ 1 _
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