...._.. � �
<br /> B'�'1TIi OF NR8RA8SA, Couszy � ....................................................: r,'a
<br /> .
<br /> # � �9!�i"S� OR .........._..................«..� 1�.....,..i� ' x �� ,.' �., ��,�.
<br /> ............................ O CIOCY ........................ �'
<br /> and s�s�a!'da� iR tite 1)e!d R�OOtd ...........»................ pa�p `�' � �
<br /> . «,».......................... •.,By ...............�.....:........... ., � � ��,�i
<br /> 4f(��5��� oi�....,........, "�,u�y'ia��':et�a:._.» .........._... 4w� �
<br /> , 1,�"�* ��
<br /> SURVIV'O� WARRANTY DEE� . ,�;�
<br /> �,..
<br /> .Terry !t. ltil3�r aAd Pameia A. AI311er. Susbsnd 8 W3fe� each itt ,�::
<br /> his wad i�er right snd sa apouse of emch other �?
<br /> .hesris oslled ths �raator �vhethsr o�e or soer„ r.'.
<br /> ia eon�ideratio,a ot Correc0lve Deed �"
<br /> reeRived h�om �rant�es, doer erant, b�arsaia, �ell ooavey and eoatirm unW
<br /> !'red M. Jaaiach and Donrsa M. Janiach. Husband i Wife �/
<br /> v jeiut teeaats wftb ri�ht ot sarvivorahip, aad aot as tenants ia common, the followiaa da�eitib�d re�l
<br /> PeMp�e'ty in ........�lhl.�............................................. Coanty,Nebrssta: s
<br /> Lot Biaet�ea (19) in Sase Second Subdivision. beiag iqested in �
<br /> Bectio�a Fourteen (14) . Tovaship El�ven (11) �forth, Rsage ifine �9)
<br /> Wsat of the 6th P.M., 3n 8sli County, Nebraska.
<br /> NEBRASKA D4CUM,ENTARY � ��` '��
<br /> STAMP 7AX � '� , , ;:�
<br /> -R��"�� r��.�U —� 1977 � ��.
<br /> � �P��� r� R.
<br /> �� P '/
<br /> 5„�P.�M 7' gy � f �,
<br /> ���
<br /> Ta �+s asd to h�ld tLe abeve �e�en'bed `�'`
<br /> Pt�mi�er to�sthes witii all tenenaeata, bec�di� ,
<br /> t
<br /> asd aD�W�eaeeear ti�aesto belaa�ie� oato the erantee� and �o tteir aw:ns, or to t�e heie+� a�rd ari�
<br /> el t� t��ee a!t!►+cm forev�.
<br /> rlad �santor don hereby oosweaat with tie �antess aod witk tieis a�i�es and with tbe haiss
<br /> w!anip�of tYe wirvivor st tkea thst esaatar i� iawiull�oei�ed ot�sid pramiws;that the�ue itse fsem
<br /> ss
<br /> � �xeept eu esents sad restrletioaa ot record
<br /> � ,;
<br /> l�Ys#�e�astet Lu�oci ri�ht aad is�vful autherity W convey the rame; aad that Qrantor warraab aad �ii�
<br /> d.i�d t6e tiUe to�ai�d premisce aqainat th� lawlul elaimr ot all peewoas w�orusoever.
<br /> it is due ieteation of sti ps,rtier hersto t�a� in tke evant af the desth ot either of ttte asantee�,
<br /> ths eetire tee titie to t6ir real proE�rty w6at1 sect. in the eurvivia` sraatee,
<br /> . Dit�ei xoveaber 2� !g 77
<br /> _..»............................................................................... ..�1�,,�G�......... ...... ...�
<br /> . ..�. . .... :
<br /> .... erry �ler ;
<br /> ..................................................... asels �A. l/il r •• ............
<br /> O'!'�1'� OF ».......• Y�braaYa..._.................... ty ���
<br /> Coun et ..................................................._.......
<br /> ��a�*1�!�'�al tat aaid eouaty, E►enosally caae �+ � `�'1 :
<br /> . �:••'' 1 � � '•`,�
<br /> J+rs�rl[. 1l121er and Paael• A. Miller, HuabaRd F Wif�, �ach t� hi-�- �
<br /> +Its� �is ass si�ltt �ad as apoase ot etch other " « .--
<br /> .. _, . . _ 'r �." ' .� . k
<br /> �^.+� .�. �� ,. , . , `r cv p � U; •'� .
<br /> „ ,
<br /> i
<br /> � � Ils 1Y is-�Irr Mw liwlie�t l�MMt�e �ll� tsirKoia� �fr�at a�'� � � � ,
<br /> �,,� �'�wo�wlrli'i��Y�R M M�ir.lrt 1ie �tas� ar��� ��, ,�_
<br /> r
<br /> , �' � '�aq►��t iM�rMeid ssd�ra ��,,,,,,,� �y/��� �:�`` .,
<br /> �...._. �f ..� Netar� P"ubtie ,M""�-�w�.,'
<br /> �,4, ,,,�.,,�,� ,.A.3�. t�s �..........
<br /> �.; -
<br /> lfr..� a;! tt►1w� .�..tia bs \hl+n.++ki.srw i..�,i...�+si�i.. n.r..wr o..u..�.,...,. �
<br />