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<br /> 77• UUfi534
<br /> . ,.
<br /> � xa�a�os:':srJs^l�ie c3ov�rG►srrs ��.o w��. , . , ,
<br /> e ,
<br /> 'Tluc �" , � , ; . , °
<br /> '�",� t�� � ���""�'�.�.,�'��` a`: . _ z : . , '
<br /> ,. J ,�,., ,�� , , " � � ,.
<br /> � 'Z7�u1 {�r �dqMt",�';.� 4p�yar of a�d propertY in Lee simple aqd has F� right and lowful autfiority to ceU and �
<br /> , oowveS � �1�l�!MP �� , �� � � �lRY �l�O w� enc�oe' awi! that� Mu'tiWi�r wil� warra�t �nd dri�iad ihe ; �
<br /> �
<br /> . . . ..
<br /> �. �j +�
<br /> i: . ,:
<br /> ,.. �O e0 M� �R� . �'^.�.' .'� � �d'� �y'g�� , �� If2s. kleC.1M � .. . . , .. � , ��'. v � r.���. . .
<br /> � �. . � ;: �. � t� � � .� _I.����' t � ' . . . � '
<br /> ,''�,"O � t � i{Hf` l f# 1 auwY+rmenta. water chaiges, sewer serv- . .
<br /> uy �)f�e,�ea, �.,A�p�t�� �, �c�aK�„ �[m, aat .�e�i�. pro,per�,v. aqd all taxcts ievirci on the d,ebt recured hereby. and to turnish the �� '
<br /> I Ma��at. �'"'rl�r�t� f �!!�1` 'oAa9d�7" 1�r t/�ltppke' .++el�%pRt f�eeetor. '�'he Muttsago� agre�s tf��t' tt�re �+MIII he ofieled to �"
<br /> �� t�Ci� p�ppt{a�� i� a�JreQ , here�uixlef M� wid4r the evidence of debt secured hereby an amnunt eatimated by lhce Mort;�agee
<br /> '' � � . ` �" � r ^ '� ' : � � '{� paY, as they bec��me Aue. ay �� fexes, axp�as�nb, end ximilar ehtlr the ran7• � �
<br /> . , . , , - �cw aF� n p
<br /> ;IWYiI�"ltYb� �` " iKkS�y � uoe of tfie �irurutflciency at euch additionp) geymentn shatl he forlhwith AepcusiteA hy thr � .
<br /> ; Llorl�at�or ,wiEh thu MI,XC(�aQCP uE�on demand by Ehe Mortgagre. Any default under this Paragraph xhall Gr drrmed a J�lsuH in . . �
<br /> " p��7Ment pi �takfs, 71Metame�ft�;�- � cispitar charge�¢ . �uquirxd Iaera+uncier. � �
<br /> '7 The ,MtNtarLwt ae�� thAt tlyere shal{ �tMw � br ac}�ded tv each mnnthly puyrnent of principal $nd intrrext reqwrrd F�ere� � �
<br /> under an amcwat eatimaled by the Mortgager W tx• sufficient to rnable lhe MortgaKer G> pay , as it hrcum.•s due , thr inx�rance
<br /> pe�mium Pn �y ineurAnce. {x+licy delive['dd to the Mortg$gNr. Any drficiency becauser o[ the inauMicienCy uf 6uCtJ B�Iditiu[181 pay - �
<br /> ' matetL"���ahttl 6e fortlfwith dept�itet! by thr MortBaSor with th.• Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortr3agee. Any �le[ault undr. r this . �
<br /> pfraRt'apA sha11 M dcemerl a de(ault irt th�� fsaym��r� t o/ inWutancr Prriniiirnx. If f{iv �H�li.'y ur nolicies drpoait��d an� su<'h es hume �
<br /> � owne� us all risk {wliciev, and the deEwuita brt• innuffici�•nt tu pay thr rntim prrmium , � hr M��rtgax��� mey uppiy th�� d���unrrt tn . .
<br /> � piy prrmiuma un riskx required to Fx+ insurrd by this morlg:��;��
<br /> Paymen4 etfede by ihe MurtK�R��r undr� thr abovr parHgraphs may . al lh�• ��pWm of thr Mucigage�• , tw hrld by rt end
<br /> caenmiaeled with olher such lunds nr it.a own funds (ur thr payment u( .urh itrms, aml unt�l w� appiii•A , ruch payme�ntx arr hrreAy
<br /> pl�clge,d ar security for lhr un�iaid halance uf thr rn�irtgagr indrbledne�;x. �
<br /> To pr�cure, deliver to, an<l maintain for the licnefit �+f the Mortgsigee durinK tlu> li(e uf this murtgage uriginal polic�irs and
<br /> renewate t,her�af, delivered ut lea�t ten duys kwfure th�• t� xP� rnliun of Hny such �wliciF�s , inxuring ega�nvt (ir� anA ulFwr ine�urable
<br /> haaatd�, caruelties, and cuntingenciea ae the Morf.gager miay rrquirr, in an emount equal ta the inde6tedruesx wcK•ured by thiu . �
<br /> Mo�rt�aa�e, and in eompaniea aexrpfuhle tn the Mortgeqer. with loss payaMr• clause• in favur ot and in form acerplablr to thr M<�rtgu- � � .
<br /> e
<br /> �ee. In I.he e�ent tny (x.dicy in nc.t renrw�Ll nn ur k�furr tvn rluyc u( � ts �• xpirat�un , tha• M�,rtK�K<•e mav � �nx•urr Innurencr un the . . .
<br /> iaaprwementa. pay die Premium thrrrfur, and such sum ehall h�resamr immrdiafrly dur anA peyable with �ntert^et et t.hr rate itrt . .
<br /> lWi�h in raid ewle unlil paid and ahall br serurv•d by th�s mortgaKr. F'ailurr un the pert nf lhr Morlg.gor tA> turninh sucfi re•n.�wrls ,
<br /> Y are herein required ur [ailure tu {wy any ����N a�i���,.•�•d r�.•��u �,d�� shall . at the uption uf lF�r Mortgagew. conetitutr a default
<br /> uptler the ternsr of thix mortKagr. Thr drlivrry �r[ �uch ��� di��ie•a .shall, in YYir ��vent o[ rlv[ault, oonetitute an a±rxiKnment of thr un- . . -
<br /> e�rtied P�e+niu�a.
<br /> Any rumr recwivrd hy thr M.�rtguge�e hy rra.on u( luas or damage inaured againct may be reta� nrd by the MurtRagee -
<br /> md appliaed towan! the payment u! ttK• deLt hrrarby s��a•urrd. or. a � thr c:ptiun uf thr M��rrgage•v, su�•h sum� Fithvr .vhnlly ur in �
<br /> p�l/ moy 6e pYld over tu tbe MortKaK��� tu be usred to rrpalr xuch bwldings or to build ni•w builAingn tr� tl�rir placr ur fur any , . -
<br /> otifei pu[pwr u� obJK't �t�s(uctury U� �i�e Murtgagrr withuut aHecting [hr• lirn un lhr mortgage for thr !u! 1 amuunt wourrd here �
<br /> by Ae(aNe wch payment ever Wole ptace. � . �
<br /> To pnxnptly rrWir. reeWre ue rebuild any bui�ding� or impruvementrs now or herea(trr r.n the prrmiaee which may he- , �
<br /> . �p�e d�muqod ur ded.roynd ; to kerp xaid prrmisee� m K<r�d rnnditiun and rrpair and trc•r from any mechanic'x I �rn nr uther lien or �
<br /> tlaitp o� lien no/ eftprewly ruburd.inated to the lirn hrreof , not to xuHrr ur F�rrmit uny unlawfut une ot or any nuiw�n�w W raict on
<br /> ' y,jd property nar to permit waste un wid premiw�e, nor lu do any olher act wr�.•�rn� the pruryerty hereby conveYed xhall t�ecom� � .
<br /> {M� vilYahle, nor b diminiah or impair ite valur by any acf ur omiMYi�an t� »ct �, tn corn���l � with all rryuirrmeMa uf Iaw with reapect � �
<br /> � W the morl�aE�+d premi�er and the uee there�if. � � .
<br /> Tlfot rhould the premirex or any part thrrrof br tekrn ur damegeri by rrasun uf any public improvrmrnt or cwademnation "
<br /> � pe�upsdips, uc under thc ri�ht of emment domain , ur �� any other mannex. the Murtgager shall br rntitlyd to all a,mpen�ati�s.
<br /> � rs�rRL„ awd any otl�er payment or relief therefur, and ehaN be entitla�d, at ifs optiun. to eammence, ap�ear +n �aHl Pro�ecotr ia N+
<br /> , ayrp p�p�p yny aetion ur proca.�eding, or ta make any compromise or wetdrment in oonnectinn with ruch takinR <x Aama�e. All ruch
<br /> � qlr1�, awr�. d�a, ry1�t of �otiaw aKl par�or�ed� are heneby asiYned to the Mort.�aRer, who �Y. �fcer deAuMin;
<br /> tirnrOe�Ma aY ib �s0��• eeterr� aeY m�+s �o reoeived bY it or �PPIY tlx+ �aeae �n anY indeMndeaew �ecund he►eby_ The Mo�t-
<br /> ' pMr �/As b ao�atte wci+ furlhar sriin+��nta o( ony c�un{x�nrat�un. awarclr, damages, and rightm o( aMiun snA �rooewdr as tl�e - ..
<br /> �i�rl/�IiM w�fi ++q�riu�. ,
<br /> • TA�t ia ca�e o( [ailure to prrfurm rny of thr <awenantx F�rein. [hr MoHgaRee may do on thr MortL�IC�r's behatf everythin� ,
<br /> � p dowysbd; Clrt Wr Murfsseee may alto do any act it may deem neveweary W pmtrct the ►irn thera�ol: that the Mort�aEor will ;
<br /> ��� �� �y y�pr d�nd apy �oney� �paid or dirbut�ed b,v the MorttaR� for any of tF�e �bove purpoew . and euch �ruiney� t�yetlisr with :
<br /> IOt!'l�R tl�ersw� �t H+a� rNe Peov�de�d iw wid nate shall becume so muct� selAitio�al in�iebt+dne�s Aereby .e�rur�ed �wd �naY Ir iw- ...
<br /> � � e�ded 'q �ny dece*e [traclo�in� thir murls�e and be paid out of the rents or proca+eds ot wlc o� a�id pnwrnwea if wol othewi*w
<br /> � p�Ud; tlrt it �iutl wat (+s oWiptory' ut+� � �orfsasee to inquire into the wlidity o! any lie'n. encumbrar+cr., or ctaim in ad-
<br /> v�oY1� w�w� a� aWvw a�tlaa�s�d. brt autbiaK 1►ereia contaieed �haU be ca�rtrued a� ee9uinng the Mo*Ki�e w advaw�e �ny
<br /> � �.r�qs iw +rsr a�eh wspe�� uer M da +ar aot l�eTeuwder: a++d � Mo+�s�s.e ahatl noc uKar snv r�n�nr! lid�i�r b.c.rr. �f awr-
<br /> �� � tiii� it t� d� tR �w�i� t� do I�wwu��drr•
<br /> �. ,;, � (w W�r wvat d tlr �d�MM bY alwti�iQ� in tl+e paYme+nt ot any inataF.lment. ar required by khr Note wcweed hre�ebY. or
<br /> j� � � a( tM qy�af,pe pt tlus mo�i�a�e or in the nota� oecured thereby, the MortQatee chstl be enLiUsd fn decl�ee tlr
<br /> v � �� .r,..�iy��_�,���'�yy,d,_ys A� pfyl�bie wi/Mwt nuRioe, aad, t1+e Mor4gyar ahall br entitled at if� option. witlfouR notipt, eiAl►er by ipelf
<br /> at �'�IMYRiVWt��'r a* �. �e►t�d Yy N�w 'C.nuet R4�ereol: a►rd wfCho�ut es[+er1 En the idequacy � anY �ecurity /or Ehe indebtsd�+e�s se-
<br /> lMY H �
<br /> � � y�� �q � � �pd Wct �wiuti uT thc rourt�a�rd premisee, and tn eo!!eM and rrcwive thr tfR�A, IMl1PM and p'a![M
<br /> 1i�. � dir� ��`��s.e�.kMs aaifs ta/ ay�entian and � oelleetion. apen i.� iedelrtnAwer seeuesd b9 tkif w�et{�t; �rid �ls.
<br /> � , tru�. .a�e ���ws..ss � b �fs � Y tYli�re! MOwitY lK tlN WYAent ol aN indebladne�r seeumd �y.
<br /> :�.�. . ..: �� +*� �e �iratl hw+s N�s pewsr to y�oiat anY +�fe'n� or Ke�rls it m+9 deaire (or Nre Rurfw�e ef repMruK nid M�e+• w
<br /> �+. � � �. I�M.. � �"�► � � � � �Y Pwp out ot wid iwoose �11 espeeres i�R4rned iw roat- . . ,,..:. .
<br /> . _ ,�• � : �` � ��� � � � _.
<br /> i11� �Il � i�M Md el o�nelin[ ilts nentaN tmerolran. `1'he b�l�++ce mmainin�. i/ anY, ahaM be applied eorrard tlr _. , -
<br /> � ' �'� ' '!'Ar �/wwe�t u b Reew�fn�fa aecl beco+ne wuN, Md void upew �w�ei�e e[ t�N ww�l�•
<br /> ,
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