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<br /> � T�l.�1T ' Sougbtoa Iu,du�strlal Eqs�1p.. Iac., s Nebraska Corporation '�
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<br /> �►''it�'Pvpari�rd eMd �.rvat�g �win ord by virtw of tbs fArai of tks Ststr of Nebraska � �}
<br /> ��af tlw a�rwr of '� ��� FIPPY-O�E Tt�US�ID NINE HUHTDRED NINETY 6 85---�OLL�tRS r�
<br /> psA�aMd�,dos+lu��by SBLL oad CONYEY w�to T� F1rst National Bank of Grand Islaad #�
<br /> of Hsll Cmeuty,State of �braska �e f�o��g �m�ysd trawires rihisted i�
<br /> Hall fi°'
<br /> � Co�a�ty, a�d State of Nebraelca ,io-p�it: �'�
<br /> "
<br /> Pert of the Northeast Quarter (bTE�y) of the Northweat Quarter (Nid�y) of '
<br /> Sectioa Twelve (12), Tovnship Eleven <11) North� Range Nine (9). W�sst �i
<br /> � of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Co�encing on the West line of ��
<br /> the NE'�6 b1iJk of said Section 12,Township 11 Horth, Range 9 West. vhere
<br /> � saoe intersecte the Northerly line of Highway 1130, thence Northerly �.
<br /> � along aad upon the Westerly line of sald NE�t NW3y of said Sectlon 12, �
<br /> 4 Tov=tship 11 North, Range 9 West, to the Southerly rlght-of-way line of
<br /> the Uaiop Pacific Railroad Company. thence Northeasterly along and upon ��
<br /> the SouCherly rlght-of-way line of said Union Pacific Rallroad Company �
<br /> s dlotance of 1275.5 feet, more or lese. to where esid Southerly
<br /> right-�ofway line of Un1on Pacific intereecte the Northerly 11ne of r
<br /> !�
<br /> � �i.�ay #30, thence Southvesterly along and upon the Northerly i;,
<br /> ri�ht-of-vay 11ne of Highway #30 to the point of beginning. except the
<br /> trsct dseded to the Cc�unty of Hail, as sa� is recorded in Deed Record #�117, Page 59 `
<br /> '1�
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<br /> Tl�s&itewtion b�eirp to co�nvy ksr�by aa absolrte sitls a fse,rarple. !�
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<br /> tke � Soughtoo Induatrial Equip. . Inc. ,;
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<br /> f�� ���; NZNE HUND&ED NINE3'Y and 85/100-- C
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<br /> Boughton Industrisl Equip., Inc.
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<br /> ayb M�to tAw�wii Nsortpapaa, tl�ew tieu jr�m�tt!o bs rowi1,eli+reows to bs awJ rewieiw i� �+�it fores. �
<br /> row� 51
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<br /> M�+r;����sri�a�ee w+Qy pay s�ch faxas m�d procw�re arcb ius�raxce; axd tke rr� ru advo�se�d, sei�b4 iMNrir�t st ! ,
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