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<br /> ��:.
<br /> ° K�W ALL l4SI�t BY TI� PR�lV3'B: '17r.t Jl.m�,ie D. 8ueercher aad Bonnie C. Sueschst. �"� ;�;� ��
<br /> � 1Wsbmd aad ti�ifw, sa�b i�vt.�+tlly ia his amd her owo rlght aad aa sposrs� of tisa other, `k" � �..M
<br /> aR #1��1 "ta�1�r�Yr119fate d Nitbsaii[B ,tn ooavdentioa oE ths wm oE �°� „'"
<br /> ,.,,. • "
<br /> �, !!0�!'R` !'� Al�D lIQ/1t10—,.�...._....,.....__�__,.��----_-_—..--...,,_______,._..--_____Dc�LyARg '' �
<br /> fe iawi pdd,ds ia.by�I.L red OQNYEY unto The Firtt Natioaa2 Bank of Graad Island � ' ' �i
<br /> � ,�;
<br /> Fa �.'�
<br /> �� . � �"
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<br /> � q�( 8i�7. [!ounty.B�te at DTebTBilca t6e followia�dercri6ed p�pmi�os�ituafwd .
<br /> �µ �].1 Couaty� aod State ot Nebraska .towit: 'i ' ��'
<br /> µ 57
<br /> Lors rt�ras (3>, Four (4) ana Fsve (5), slock Ntnecy-sevea (97), ',:.
<br /> Ssetioa Sisisea (16), Plstted as Railsoad Addition to the C1Ly � ,�
<br /> af Grand Islusd, Nebrsaka. �
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<br /> Ttae iwtartion bein�Co oonvey hrreby an si�lute tiUe in tce rimFle. including all the riehtr ot k�omerteed end dowrer. r;
<br /> 1'O HAVE AND TO HQi.D the Premixer ahuve deacribed, with all the rppurtenances thereunto belanging. uatp Lhe pid �"�jt.
<br /> moa�{a) and to his, Mr or their heire and areigno forever, provided alwaya. and the�e preoea4 are upoa t6e esprar „ �'"� "
<br /> oaaditioa that if the asid A �` ''
<br /> mortss`or(r).hir,her or tFwir hein, e:ecuton. adminirtrators ar aarignr ehalt pay or cawe W 6e a��
<br /> s;��
<br /> p�i/ Ao W►wid morti+Asee(�).1W. 6er or their heirr.execuk�ra. adminietrators or aarigns.the princiyrl rum ol f 40�OOO.flO .„'
<br /> a�r.wo..tutww..w�t:
<br /> �
<br /> �� : ': � ,
<br /> $517.b0 pes aoath, iacluding priacipal and interest. atarting on ;' ` ,
<br /> tbs 15th dsq of pecesber, 1977. snd on the 15th dsy of each month � � ,
<br /> C�sMafter. wlth fiaal payment of princlpal and lntereat dus oa � '�
<br /> Dseabar 15. 1987. ,'a,
<br /> r,
<br /> �Y`1
<br /> �
<br /> �rilh iafeae�t amoadisi to the tmu:and eQect of the mort�eson w�ritLen promis�ory note beering even date�rith tF�ere preoeab '
<br /> ere rea �r
<br /> a�el w�N pay ai1 t�u�s�aed a�e�enb levied upon asid re�al extate�amd all ot6ar f�er.lev�and aoe�es4 levied nP�R6is
<br /> �eel�ap or tke sole'wl+icl� f!� mortaa�e u sivue to ��ure. before the rame be�oomer delinquent.aod keep the buitd:a{s oa ,,'s'
<br /> frli Pe�iw iewared fot the rwa oE 8 �j� �O.QO . kws�i[anY.PeYahle to the raid morfYa�Lee.t6en t6e�e pre�enh . �
<br /> bs M v+oW�otJ�mwire t�o be aad ee�aia ia fWl foroe. �
<br /> �T' [8 FIIRTHER AGREED (11 Th+t if the wid mortsagor r6all feil to wY ach tausi or praaare �tch inwraace.d�s
<br /> Mid a�eel�{es vY WY weh taee�aad proo�are wch inwrw�ee� and the sum eo advanced, with intereat at 11X per ; " ;`.
<br /> e�M.�r 6e r�pHd bY�sid iooet�or,wd Hsie mort�sse rhali atand ae aecurity tor the Yme. (21 That a tsilure to p�y aqy
<br /> d�rid e�a�+Y. �r peiaoipd ar intera�t. wises the wues b�comr due. or a failare to ooinply with aay of tbe loergoie�
<br /> Ml��.d�it a�u�e the w�oie a�a ot mw�ey heroie recured to becmoa due aad collsetil�le at a! !he option of tie ?
<br /> �N+• �
<br /> �.d tl+u 8th d:y ot Novesb¢r 7 � p�
<br /> • �' . {i ��, �..
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<br /> ..._�ItblasiFi .. ....... ......._................. I ;.
<br /> II vitie vu�11Md tor aud cou�ty, vano►u11y oame Jlmrsie D. Buescher a.pd ' �,
<br /> Eonaie C. Hue:chu ��
<br /> ira�aia ar M�aae� w�Lo �sed tLe tonsaius �meat aad aalmorLdpd tAa �ea�tfoa
<br /> e �ir Mslr�MarY�d�d dwd.
<br /> ,,,�1 . ...1tow.rb.r,.a _ _.._ .?.._ � ,
<br /> �� ��� . ...,-..,. �..._. •--• . .r..r_r�._......Nic�eyla6ise. � ,�
<br /> � � ' .�, � � �',�
<br /> � S�Mrd a� areeeisl Lde: �i Y�d for a+�ooad ��� � ��"�
<br /> k �,� ,f�IMll�r .._.._._......._,..�M.�� 1�Mr�r d I]Mis Oie�d aid Qourq�tlr `��.`
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