r --�
<br /> �1't1TE 11F At�88�A.8RA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> F'il�d t*e c�eord om ........_........................ 19........at...............»......._... o'clock _....................... M.
<br /> aai n�aedi�d i� tk� T�d Bseord BTATENIENT�#TTACHED 'i
<br /> i ................................. Pa�s ............................. NEBRASKA OOCUMENTARY , �
<br /> By ............. ...,.... .._.. . STAt+AP T/1X ��'
<br /> �� .•Y•...�.•»•..�.•.�.Ba�o! Tleeti�......,....�.... .Deputy R�btes� �Dsed� _8 � � �
<br /> � � hIQV 3,�^
<br /> ;��� � ��. UU�528 �gVTVOF:SHIP 1i�VARI�2ANTY D � ,l, s 8Y �� � � ` �`
<br /> �� , .����-
<br /> .Tqi7.+�i $. HITTCIiI80N and pA?RICIA J. HUTCHZSON. Susband aad Wife, •aol�
<br /> ; ia bis aad b�a eva rist�t �nd as spouas of saoh otl�es
<br /> `� ,Laee�a ealled the �rmtor wl�sthas oa� oe moer,
<br /> � im ewaaidesslien o! THIRTY I[ZNE THOUSAND F=VE HUNDRED AND NO/1001`Hg DOLLARS
<br /> �
<br /> (�39,500.00)
<br /> r�e�iv�d lenm �eantees, doe� srant, barsaia, �eA eonvey and oon�rm uato ALLEN L. IN(3ERLE sad
<br /> �� M. Ilf4EALE, Eluabaad and Yifs
<br /> _�
<br /> as joint f�naat� with tisht of �arvivotship, and not aA tenantr ia commott, the tollowing de�osibsd real
<br /> 0
<br /> i p�y in .._..................��1�............................... Conaty. Nebsa�k�:
<br /> Tb• Seut1� Sixty Six (66) Fset oP tl�e West Ons Half of ' '
<br /> Lot '!"lts�• (3�� ia Yillism Frank Additioa to tbs City
<br /> �;
<br /> s! f3rsad I+land. Hall County. N�br��3ca, tog�tb�r witb
<br /> � �s •as�a�nt for drivevay purpo�ea o! r�cord ov�r and
<br /> �eso�a tLe Soutb F1ve (s) Fest of tl�e Nortl�erly '!'lfirty '
<br /> � ' Tsur (��) F��t of tbs Yest One Half ot' said Lot Tbr�� �+��
<br /> (9�, iw Yillia� Fr�nk Addition to tl�e C3ty of tir�a�d �` ?
<br /> � I�laad. H�11 Oeuaty. N�bra�ka.
<br /> a::,�
<br /> f � j�i;.
<br /> ^��
<br /> T� Law aaci to hoki the above de�erihai pnamisea toQethes with all teaementr, hereditaese� �;
<br /> aad �p�tirberaieM Lhac�els beloaeisg nnto the �raatee� and W their a��n�, or to ths baiis aud � `':��,
<br /> j �[dq w�r�isae o!tiem fererer. =,�
<br /> ,, A�d �taaMr doe� he�by eovenant with t*e grantees and with their e�sipu aad witli t6e h�ss ,',`
<br /> � sad a�er ot tl�e w�rrivor of thes t�at�rantor is lawfully oeised of wid premi�;that they are ires troa
<br /> # �ee� �:e�pt for •�/N�A'ts aad r�itriation� of raosrd
<br /> �
<br /> t�iat �eaxE�e h�s�ood ris6t aad la�vful tuthority W convey the �ume; and thst azantor warraaL and wilt
<br /> de!'�ed tke title to said premiaes apinat the Lwtul claim� of all perrone wLomsoever.
<br /> � It ia t1e ist�tfon ol aii partien hereW that in the evaat of the death of either ot ttie �sauteau,
<br /> t6e eatire fee title to this real propertp shall vest ia the rurviv' grantee.
<br /> �
<br /> j Iaated 19
<br /> M � � iy � ._ .�
<br /> �..... . �..�,.�:�.....�.........�...z....... .- . .. .:.....
<br /> � . .....w...�...w
<br /> ���� O OA
<br /> , i • ,
<br /> �.; . , U . , . . '
<br /> � .................«....................................................... �� � . • . .`..�.
<br /> � .......... \. Q a... �tC� �tOA. aGQ-�Zj� .
<br /> � .. ��.� � ............. .��ICl..».................y �Aliatf O� ....................�all.....�«..»................ � . ,
<br /> ;:a ]�dAeM au.s aaksry pnblie qoalifisd !ar aaid cnuntY, perromally eame J03IAH E. HUTCHIS4N '
<br /> "`" s�sd !N1"RIQIA J. HE)TCHZ30N, Hu�b�nd and Vife, eaob in tiis and h�r
<br /> `•�� ww ri,sbt •nd as �pons• ef •arcb otbsr
<br /> :�1
<br /> ,.�..,�.:
<br /> �MIIM�IaI��rr iN t!1M!M i�a!p�a�re!Ms palMs vlts ri��d t6e fee�oiss itafa'emeat tnd sd�aow'ld�ed .r,;
<br /> i�r�M1rMN1hw f4�t 1M i»lih,�r�e�ie��tasr aet aad de�d. } "
<br /> �iM�lrlard a�t�faeinl tr�t�s ......�'�...�........., 19..._l...�... •� �
<br /> � • �
<br /> .
<br /> � � a
<br /> . L _ „� ,;
<br /> . . iNrww�r.�trr i • r► Fablie �
<br /> .....�:s�.:.�C._..................�L�7�'5.3.�.... alsry
<br /> G" k
<br /> 'a�� ,' �r ..��i..io..�r.......1'��......»....._....., il...�.Ct...
<br /> t l�We�4.! S'+� Me se�rw�t i�!' l►eMac�a�sar.lawrirttas ar.s.re a..ir��r.r.
<br /> � �
<br />