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<br /> 10i6—iU1�V{VOA�MIP WARMNTV DEFO (bvls�d 1�i1) T►�S�ltwn a•s�rd euppl!Foare,Lincoln,NMr.
<br /> .._._�^ .�. �--__.___�____..----._—_..__..-�----�—...._.__. �.._ �__'.
<br /> �i KNQW Ai.L 2[EN BY THE$E PB,E9ENTS,Thxt C�Lo.,ten,cR, 9, ko{�i►an and Ca,tol.yn l. �
<br /> �` t�a�eaEa., N.�se.Gand nnd GI.C.�e and 7anee.e �. Xd,tten aad lU.t�u �t. XGt,t�n,
<br /> ' � K�tw�[wnd �d EdL�it, Each .�n. .th.e.trt au�n. t.tqht artd a.e apou.ec a� cach o.tJ�et, =
<br /> � ; 3l . �
<br /> , ; f.
<br /> � ,herein called the grautur whet6er one or more.
<br /> � in oonaide:ation ot 7hl.tty.-�tmo Tha Wand f.Lut kund�tul a/ad�ao/00 --(f3Z.500.00)-1bL(a.t.s ' {
<br /> !, teceived from graateen, does graat, bargain, srll convey and conPirm uut� � �'
<br /> ,� " ���
<br /> ' �dawit D. Btttseh,e.t and Boru�tt C. Bw,schex ��
<br /> ��
<br /> �� sr joiat tensste with right of sarvivonhip, and nut ae tenxuts in common, the fotlowing dcweribed rea! property in �
<br /> �! lktl,C Connty. !i ��
<br /> � �� T� �3�. �oac �4) a.ia f�u,� fs>, acack. �cy.—.a.a,en. 197�, �
<br /> �� .tn SeGGLon Six.teen (16). RCa.tted ae RaLl.toad Rdd.iUon .ta �'ytand #
<br /> ': 9s�l.and� Re.lt.ta.eka. ��� �
<br /> � STAMP TAX
<br /> 4; `� �'.
<br /> � i 0 ;�� ���`wr N p l� -8 �77 i
<br /> ; �; Sj h�`�.
<br /> ; ;i $�BY � ¢
<br /> i, t� To have $nd W hold the above deecribed premisrs togetLer with all teaementa,hereditameaL aad appar- �
<br /> � " teaa�neer thereto belongiag unto the grsntees and to their sewiKus, or ta the heirr sad arrigus of the susvi�or o! ,
<br /> �1 thes f,ure�er. ;
<br /> Aad groutur doea hereby cuvenant witu the gruntera and w-ith their areignr and wit6 the hain sad aasitas ¢ S
<br /> �r af the wrvivor of them that rantor iy lawfuil ceiced ot wud y �, t
<br /> j Q y premiaea; that the are free Prom rneumbranee �.
<br /> �! t t
<br /> thst grantor hao ri t and lawPul authorit to conve the wame; and that t
<br /> B� 8b Y y grantor wurantr and wi11 aelead
<br /> � � the titte W aaid premie�agaiurt the la�vful claims of all perwns whom�oever.
<br /> # j It ir t6e intention ot all parties hereto that in the event of the desth of either o! the gtanteee, the entire i
<br /> � fee oimple tiWe to the real e�taLe ahall veot in the surviving grsntee. k
<br /> �
<br /> �i Llated Ro ue.R.be.t 4 19 77 ? i
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<br /> � �i �
<br /> , �' BTATE OF...........�4s�:._....., county or... ..!da4l,.... ....R�..:
<br /> �;
<br /> �� S�oce me,a notary pablie qutlified tor rsid county,penonrlly o�me
<br /> ' �I Gt�ate�u.L �. Jla�(.waa and Ca.ta t. Mc�.�wa►�s kwl�artd and lJi.�t taid ;
<br /> � 1arese 1. X,Ztt�n and 2f.ine. R. , Itu.eLand and u.i,�e. £nch ,in
<br /> � � lht.�.s a�or+. t.i.qht an�d ae epoueo o{ sa.ch o#h�et,
<br /> � 1�aoaa Lo a�e to be t�e idestiesl person or penoa� wbo signed the foregoing inatrumeat and aokno�vledew! tie I ,
<br /> eseartioe tbreof to Se � w
<br /> li�,h�or their vole�tsry act sed deed.
<br /> i ,Ig� �
<br /> � ' ' �aal on. ... ...�Wt�M�..�... ,
<br /> a �
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<br /> ; �..s�.i4.L ..... ....J�A . �,-.1. C/.''L�...... ..._xot.e, Ptib4e
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<br /> � Yy asmmi�sioa�i�/. :.�.......... ....., is.7Jr'. I ,'
<br /> .� arraa� �cMr............................. � � .,..t�
<br /> "� c�.ew .........,..... ..............�"` � ;
<br /> ,. � �Nd ea �eeiArl iwdrz sad iiMd toe seeord ia tis 8a�ister o! A�� O!'!"�es e[ �aid i?oaat� tir � jj �','.
<br /> ;,, ' ..dy ei... ...... ..... ,Y'J..... ,at...........a'c2oc� aad...........minutos ...........Y., .
<br /> �." � ��+i�rd i4}lwk................._..st....................at pa�e............. .... I i *�:
<br /> ........... .............. .........._..
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<br /> � RcQ.o!Deeds...
<br /> : : B� .. . . ................... .......Deputy
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