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�- � --•, � <br /> � . � <br /> , not exGend or postpone the due date oi thc monthly installinents referred to in parngraphs - 1 ncul 2 hereot or <br /> ohrn�e the amount of such instaltments. <br /> 30. Dossw�r�z Mot 1t�i�as�d. Exteneion of t he time for > >a,yment or �uodification ot amortization of 4he eums <br /> �s+ed by tdi�► Mortgsae granted by I.ender to any successor in interest ot Borrower ehall not operate to releate, <br /> in may msaaer, tha lisbility nf tk�e o�iginal $orrower and Borroa•er's successors in interest. I.ender shali not be <br /> � reqt�$tbd to apoau►e�u+e prqee�iinga agsin�t sucl� auccessor or refuse to extend time for Nayment or otherw�ire modify <br /> eq <br /> ar�ortiu�ties oi the ws�a secured by Wiie \lortgage by reason oi s��y demaucl �nade by the originsl Borrower aod <br /> � Saisro�'� aueeeaeoes io interest. <br /> � 11. F� bY I,en,d�s 10ot a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I.eader in exercising any rieht or semedy <br /> C� heseunder, or otherwiae atTorded by applicable law , el�all not be a waiver of or preclude the exerciee of aay ri�t <br /> ; �M or s�emedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> ; CL' �1la11 not be e, weiver o# I.ender's right to secelerate the maturity of ti�e indebtedness secured by thia Mortgage. <br /> � #4, �sCnmulaftvs. 411 remedies provided in thiy \?ortgage are distinct and cumulstive to any ot6er <br /> •:; rigbt or remedy under this liortgagc oi• uffordeci hy la��• or �ryiiity, and may iic exerciaed conrurrently , independ- <br /> ' � ently orrucceesively. <br /> � t9. auoewers aafd Aasigeu Bouad: Joint �d Ssve:d Liability: Capeioas. The covenants and agreem�te <br /> hereia eontsiaed ehali bind , and the righte Lereunder shall inure ro, ttic respective succeseors and aetigns of Leoder <br /> aud Borrowez, subject to the provisione of paragraph 17 hemof. :�11 covenantn and �greement.� of Borrower el►sll <br /> . be joint and seversl. The captionb and headings of che �+acagra�ihn of thin \ [ortgage are for convenience only and <br /> are nat to be ueed to interpret or de6n� thc ��rovieions liereof. <br /> 1 {. Notia. Any noticc to Borrower pro�•ided for in t6is \lortgag�� shall bc �;i�•en hy mailing nuch natice by <br /> certified �ueil addressed to Borrower at tl�c Yroperty addre.s rteited beloK• , exce�n for unv notice reyuired under <br /> para�zaph 18 hereof to be given co Ba�roKer in the manner preacribrd b}' npplicnble Iaw. :�ny notice provided <br /> fofitt this '_liortgage ehall fx deenied tu ha�•c been gi��en to Borroaer �vlien gi��en in th�• mnnner desigtisted herein. <br /> 15. Vaiioe� Mortqaqe: Gov�raing Law: Ssv�rabitity. "fl�ir iorm of uiortgage cotnbinee unifor�n covenants <br /> for aational use and non-uniform covenants �vith limited �•ariations by jurisdiction to conetitute a uniform secu- <br /> tity ieutrutuet►t covering real property. 1'his \fortgage shall lre goverued by the la�v of the jurisdiction in which <br /> t6e Psopetty ie located. In the event that any provision a• clause of tliis \tortgage or the Note conAicte with <br /> applieable lsw, euch conftict shall not nffect other pro�•isions of this \lortgage or the Note which can be given <br /> � eIIeet witFtout the conHictiag proviaion , and to this end the �irovisions of the �lortgage und the Note are declared <br /> to be �ever�ble. <br /> li. Se�es�owrr's Copy. Borrower shall be furnishec! a ��onformed copy of this 3fortgage at the time of execu- <br /> ' tioa or after reootdstion hereof. <br /> � 17. �r o! the Prop�ety: Aasumption. lf ull or u�,y purt of the Property or an interest thereia ie wld ;_ <br /> or tnneferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent , excluding Ial the creation of a lien or eneum- <br /> branoe cuboidinate to this biortgsge, � b ) the ereation of a F�urchase inoney aecurity intereet for hourehdd eppli- <br /> ances, (c) a trenafer by devise, descent or by operation uf la�� upon thc: death of u joint tenant or (d ) the glant of <br /> j »ny lesrehold intereat of three year� or less not containiug au option to purchase, Lender msy . at Lender's option, <br /> ' deolare sll the sume secured by this 3lortgage to be iiu�nediutelp due und payable. I.ender s6a1! liave waived ruch <br /> � opti�ee to sccelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and cLe � �erson to whorn the Property ie to be eold or <br /> ' tsanrf�rned s�eaoh agreement in writing t.hat the credit of Duch y�erson is Datiefactory to Lender and that the intere�t <br /> q'' paysWe on the su�a eecured by thie Mortgage shall be at bucl� rate as I,ender shall request. If Lender hae �v4ived <br /> the optim to accelerate provided in this parxgrapli 17 snd if Borrow�er's euccessor in interest lies executed a w�rit- <br /> teu arrumptiofl agreemept eccepted in writing by I.ender. Lender shal! release Borrower from all obligatione under ;;; <br /> this M�oet4a�e and the Note. <br /> If Lander exereices sucL option to aecelerute, Lender shall enail Borrower notice of acceleration in acooedap,oe <br /> with patagr�h 14 hereof. Sucli notice sliall pro�•ide a periai of not Icc:� tl�an 30 days from tl�c date tlie notice ia � <br /> m�iied within which Borrower �nay psy� thc auiue declarc�i duc. It Borrow•er fail. to � �ay suct� eums prior to the `� <br /> � e�epit�etion of euch peri+od, Lender inay , without further notice or de�uand oc� B'orrower, invoke any remedies per- <br /> � m�tted by pa�ra�rsph 18 hereof. <br /> Iw'o�c-IJxtgoex Covexwxrs. Burrower and Lender Yurtl�er co��enanti and a�ree ae follow�: : <br /> � li. Aoo�ra4en: E�m�di�s. Except ue pro��idcd in � uirugru� d� 17 hcreof , u�wu Borrower's breach of any <br /> ooveasnt or aRneetnent of Borrower in tl�is �fort�xgc , inc• ludiug tL�� covenants to �iav H•licn duc �ny ecums ezecured <br /> ± by tl�ir �tort�a�e, Lender jxior to uccc�lrratio�i �hull wui ! nutice 4o Borrower an jn•o�•idtsi in paragrapli 14 hereof <br /> �peeifyitK: ( 1 ) the breadi ; 121 the action required to cwr e:uch lirewcl� ; i3 ) a dete, not less than thirtv dsys <br /> fron� the date thc notice ie mailecl to Sorro�� er, I ��• �� hich ruel� hrea�h mu�t Ix cwrd ; and 141 thut tailum to cum <br /> � such 6reach on or befom tlie date specified in tl�e• noticc � uay result in accelrratio» of the su�us secumi by this <br /> Mortg�ge anci sale of the Property . If the breach is not cured on or I�ePore tl�e date apecified in the notiee, Leader <br /> at Leader'e option ivay declare nll oF tl�r swnes secu��ed Ly th�a �lortgagr to t�e iin�ncdiately due and payable <br /> witdwut futtk►er demand snd msy foreclose tLis 14ortKage by iuciieiul proceeding. Lender el�sl! bc entitlecl to collect <br /> ie �cif prooeeding al! expenaes uf foreclosure, including, hut uot liiuited to, coats of dcuuuirntary e��idence, <br /> � a abatsY,etr snd title reportrr. <br /> 11. �MNwrr'a �pif to R�l�. Notwit6�tanding I .ender's ncceleration of the sumF secuted bq thie <br /> dloe�aCe, Borrower ehal! hsve the rigl�t to ha��e any �xoceeclinK� begun by I.endrr to enforce this !�iortgage d'u- <br /> eol�nued at atty time priar to eetry ot a judqment enfqp�cing this \lortgage if : Ix � Borrou•er pa,ve I.ender all <br /> � srr w�fii�eh w�dd be Wtiee� due under clais \4ortqay;c, t6e Note :►nrl notes securin� Futum Ad��ances, if any , had no <br /> " aaae�st�ron aeurred ; ( b) Borrower cure� all breaeL�a uf xn�� otl�rr cuvenantr or aqreementn a�P Borrower oon- <br /> taio�d 'tn thu 114o�e : (cl Borrow+er pwye all rt•a�onablo r�livn�r� in�� �rr�r� h�• L�n�it�r in � �nfor�ing the covenantu <br /> Nd �{t�e[�e�l� of Beerower eontained in this 1{ort�uKe aad in enf'orcin� T.cniler'c remedieK a� ��rovided in pyre- <br /> O�yi 1$ �a�e�eo[. ineludias�, bnt nat liatited W. reasonable attornev '� tee� ; acNi i d 1 Borrower talces euch a,etion � <br /> " � LA�r ma� �roesblp reQuire to sewre that. the lien of thiti \tortgege . I.Pnder'e intereet in the Property and � <br /> ` , d�wer's �b�li��oa to Qsy LAe eums recured Iw thi� \4ortRa�e fiiall eontinuE� unimpaired . LTjwn eurh �vment <br /> ' aM aull� 6� Bae�aw�er, !tilir Meef�l�e w�d the obligationu �ecured herebr ehali remain in fu!! force and efFect sr if <br /> , .,. ,, ._.,, , . <br /> nw a�Yewli` �id eecuered. ' <br /> w <br /> �• �I�MMI1qt �t lr�Ms �pal�l�pe�e! d �ais�r. L�c is Perwioa. Ac udditional aecurity here- � <br /> � �wire. HMla�w�e het� aMi�ns �o L�eadet t�tfe teata of the Pt�ty. �rovided tlut Borroa�er shait, prior to aoeeler- <br /> ` ' �eF7ledrtp� !� bat�eo!' ar sbaadonareat ofi tiu I'rq�ty, have the right Co croliect anc9 retsin ruch rente � <br /> � �M ��� � � ��. � ` <br /> "; � etad�er narsarsph 18 hrreaf or abandaament of ihc Yro{,erty . I.en�irr , in }+rn�w, Lv ay�+ut ° , . - .. <br /> *r b�"�ac�eiA�' appennt�e�d *eeeiver al�ni! be tatitie+d to t�ttr tLpan , takc passecsio:� ai and �uuaaAe t}u Pro�x;rty� " <br /> 2 Ml� t�i !M�it Mia f�pqt� aF tlM �. � tbose �rt due. A1i rcnts eollectc+d hy I.ender cu t6e receiver x!*s , .;� <br /> � MM� �1ryp��'�eNtlo pM1�t�eRt +ot tJro �eerb of fasaa�eafeint af #he Property and eoileetion of rents, i�cludie�{S, but <br /> � OOt� �itad fA, eeoeiwt's fer�, � oa reeeiver's tfwxl+c wnei resira�naMlr attornev 'w farw xn�i thrn t� thr a��m� <br /> �eHed bq EAi b1a�4p�e. Lsedrar asd tie veee�Ya� rMll he lisble to sccaiot onlp tor those rrnta; sctunlly received. <br /> _i:,..m,..., � <br />