� �
<br /> . �����=491
<br /> Tl�st �5,������t �3�it f r+Otp,Qte,�.O�i ..� of � . .
<br /> (!f Grantor is not marrud.add wor s•'an unmuried perton".) .
<br /> ��"1 otsmry,Nebratka,in conciderstiran of f 1•� ,receip�of which is bereby xcknowledpcd.
<br /> �� �a�alcs tmC�ei ptysent of'i�a.�.for�—poles and�—snchorsawd o�her nrce�ary equipment when rrt on the followin�dsscri6sd property,
<br /> � 10...��h�al+y�ra,.s.�d comvey w�so cbe 1/abruka Yubli.e Pavtr Distriet
<br /> w
<br /> �� (Iwsalaa6Ger refaessd w u Gaaaten.w�et6er oae w mwe) . . .
<br /> �
<br /> '
<br /> i its �sl�eir)leree�.mcctaore and aai{nc..the pKIT�11tM lid�t,privilese and ea�ement oF a rithc-oF-w�y co conuruc[,opera[e. maintain aad ramore di neeeafary � . .
<br /> 1 po4�,wuae, Suys, undar�rouhl elec[ric [acTitics and o[6er nececsuy cquipmens in cunnection [herewich, on and uroxs che foqowit�pzopeny situated in
<br /> ��'1 Coun[y. Nebraska, more particuluty described as follows. piL'C of the Wl�C OtlC��ta�.f Of �LS
<br /> SaNtthrat ons qwrtsz of Saction f1ve, T-9.ti, A-9-W, of the 6th Plt, Hall County, llebraska.
<br /> '. TAe eketric Line yod underQr�wnd rlretric Eacili[ira herein con�emplated xhnll be locatrd on the proprrty approximatrly aa lollows: � .
<br /> tslatria� to t1� Dforthw�t corner of the Southweot qusrter of Section 5 and 620 f�at east
<br /> rltich ia t6s �etual poiat ol` bsginning, thence southerly 14 feet.
<br /> +
<br /> �
<br /> t;
<br /> a
<br /> l
<br /> �
<br /> � 'f!s GraMat �6ali alw hsve d�e privii�e and ta�erornt of ie�re�c and eQresc uroac the Property to itc(cluir) ofEuers and ampbyaes fue any purpoit necewey . �
<br /> �, ie caeneeswp ritb t6t conwuction,operanon,maintenance,u�spectiun and removal of sau!11ne wd underground ekctru fuilities. . . "
<br /> 2:
<br /> � '!'tie�Cu�M�e�6a11 dw havs[i�e ri1�t st any ume to trim or removr such creec aad �nderbrush Ys may in any way endan�a or iaterfere w�ith ti�e s�fe aperuiaw of � �
<br /> the lies�.u�dee�ucud aieceric fu$uiet and equ�pmrnt ueed in connec�ion[herzwi�h.
<br /> P�+
<br /> �- '�e Gr�aees du1! u all eiaea etersue a{I due cue xnd dili�ence[o avuid uijury or damaQn[o che czopc,livestock and other perwml peopeet y of the Gfaator, �
<br /> r d r6t Giaat�e idl indeienify u+d aave harmleac tba Craa[or from anv such dama�e and loac¢rie �r oecurrin`�o wch property wleiy by reaaon nf the � . �
<br /> 9 E �
<br /> w�M�,�a�taL �ainten�oee apd rewu�val of asy uverhead e4cvu linec,however,in the event tfiat aU or pr[of the underRouod eleetaic Csc3{itin v6ic4 � �
<br /> ��y�i ua�irid aa�vasewt ri�tof-way bocomes defective or uaaervice�b4'sn cbe sole jud�men[of the Granue,[6e Grsnue da�have Ibe�i�t w�t1�oy� .
<br /> � a0��peaa�payaeat or con�iderseioe to du Grantor or [hrv succeceorc in tick for any dama�{e or loes occacioned thereby,to matu[aua,repait or rep aeh
<br /> a{e
<br /> �frci}iitiss;provided.i(imprars�mentc to the prupe rty make the inuallation of wc6 rep4cements impru[ical a[the loc�ti.ou oF[ke orjp�tl�earameot
<br /> }j�
<br /> � �L�sr►y,�e Crruuor or tha'v wccewwr�in[i[b chall `rant and convey to che Gryntee,Eor[he aame considention u�iren hsrcin,an euewtent for tnch
<br /> ��u a location oa yid pcoperty which is mutuylly eaeia(ac[ory to the paniec IF[he panua fail to arree upon my cuch ne�r locaxion fw the ua/et� �� .
<br /> �d ds�riC 4eiUeiec.tLt Grawtae duH have[he ri�ht to de[umins �he most witable lucuion for ehe easement therefor and the Grsncor aRee�to coswry wd �
<br /> �:ani��l1e��rtier h+l to a�rx upon any such�v lucatinn for underaround�lectric fxcilitiec,the Grantee shall kave no ob{i�►tion to teplace or 4eaovide �
<br /> � t1�s ei�c4ic faefl9ties�ctor or to xny such proper[y.In de�erminin4 shr bcations for Further'vucallacio�[he Grantee�hall st a11 timea acercue dite
<br /> � urs�:e to avoid inyury�x daw�a`e �n thr peuperty ot tbe Grantor or their tucceecon. � .
<br /> t
<br /> l TMe Grtws�s yn�a t�t �YouW the koes yod urdar`rw�nd electric facilieiee conaructtd hereunder be abaeduned for a period of five ye�sa,eAe ris6[-of-vay .
<br /> sa,
<br /> � a�+re�aut bereby�ecurad�hrll Mea cea�r and trcmina[e,xnd thic contract shall be uf no further force and effec�.
<br /> a
<br /> .� ��-�¢!I V���4..�►a�V�7� .A.D.,19_L�. �� .
<br /> i NITMSSS . �� •�!)����i L�, � � . .
<br /> q .. r`., � �tire PraB�.dEl1C�.
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