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r -� <br /> �. � 7 - ouv y ? 9 . ^, <br /> aot es�end ar �ws�pone the due date oi tl�e inonthly infitallrnent� referrecl to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br /> ohan�e the �ar�ounE o[ sueh insta,llmenta. <br /> 19. �Meq+�r�cllat B�Ma�d. Eztensio� of the time for pnyment or modificstion of amortization of the sums <br /> eeeu►�ed b�r tk� MorE�aRe granf�ed I�y I.ender to eay euccessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to relea�e, <br /> ia auy tnaa�uer, the lisbility of the orfginal Sorrower and Borrower's succeasors in interest. I.ender sha!! not be <br /> i <br /> � eequat+ed to eo�ae proovedin�s a=ainst euoli oucaeesor or refusc to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br /> qpwrtisstaiea af tke rw� aeoutad wy tlii�c \fortgage by reasoii of ai�y demand rnade by the original Borrower and <br /> � Beee�aver's iueaaworo ia interest. <br /> 9 il. l�si�nmso� bY I�nd�e Nol a WmvK. Any torbearance by Lencier in exereising sny right or semady <br /> hereu+�der. or otherwire a�orded by spplicable iaw , sl�ail not f�e s wai�er of or preclude the exereise of any riQht <br /> or remedy heraunder. The prw:urement of iasursnee or the payment of taxes or other liens or chasges by Lender <br /> a4wt1 uot be a waiver of I,ender's right to accelerate the msturity of the indebtedneas 'secured by this Mottgage. <br /> !iL 8�d1�sC��s�eiativa. All remedies provided in thie �lortgage are dietinet and cumulative to any other <br /> riRltt or repoedy under this \iortgage or uR'ordecl by law� or ec�uiTy . and n3ay be eaemixed coneurrently, independ- <br /> eably or sueoeesively. <br /> t!. suoowess mrd Aasigas 8ovad: loint aad 3�vwrd Liability: Caplioas. Tl�e covenants aad sgreemente <br /> heoein c�cin6ained shall Uind , and the rights I�ereunder shall inure to, the respective succeaeore �nd assigas of I.ender <br /> ' sbd $orrower, subj�t to the provisions of paragraph 17 hercof. All covenants and agreemente of Bocrower ahal! <br /> 6e joiat and several. The eaptions and lieadings of the paragraphs of this \lortgage arc for convenienee only snd <br /> ste aot Eo be used to iatetpret or def�ne the l�rovisioi�s hereof. <br /> !1. Nolie�. Any notire to Borrower pro��ided for in tl�i� \lort�age �hall he gi��eu hy muiling such notice by <br /> certiffed iusil addressed to Borrower at th�• Yroperty Addre�� rtateil hcloµ� , exce:pt fur suy notice required under <br /> parsgraph 18 laereof to be gi�•e» to Borrow ��r in tlie mauner prescrihrd I>y iip� dicublc law. Any notice provided <br /> tor in this �iortgage ahall be deeined tu hace been �;i �•en tu f3urroK�er �clien gi��en in tlu+ iussnner deeignated Uerein. <br /> 15. Bsifano Morlya�e: Gov�rai�ag Law; $�v�rability. 'Chie fonu of wortguge eombines uniform covenante <br /> fos natioaal use and non-uniform wvenauts witii limitcai variations by juri,diction to conetitute a uniform eecu- <br /> ri0p iattNmant covering real propert}�. This \Iortgage shall bc governed by the Iaw of the jurisdiction in which <br /> ; the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of t.f� is Mortgage or the Note con9icte with <br /> appliwbk lsw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Uortgage or the Note which can be given <br /> e�eet without the conflictiag proviaion, and to this end the pi•u��isions of the �Sortgagc and the Note are declsred <br /> to !fe �ewnabl4- <br /> !f. >aerowK's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conforrned copy of this �lortgage at the time of ezecu- <br /> faon or aiter raoordation hereof. <br /> 17. =kaorf�r oE t!� prepaty; A�sumptios�. If all or any �,art of the Property or su interest therein is sold <br /> ; or ttanaferead by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent . excluding ( a ) the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brinoe �ubordiaste to this :4tortgage, Ibl tl�e creation of a Nurcha�;e inoney security interest for ltiowehoM oppli- <br /> aemes, (e) s trsnefer by devise, de�cent or by o�ieration of la�� upor� the desth of a joint tenant ar (d ) the trant of <br /> any leasehold intere�t of tluee yearr or lres nat containiug uu option to purchasc:, Lender may , at I.ender's optiou, <br /> i deaF�lre all the sumr secured by thic Mortgage w be innnediately duc and payable. I.ender ehall have waived sueh <br /> ap6ioA to socelerate if, prior to tlse sele or tranefer, Lender sud the person to whom the Property ie to be sold or <br /> t,TSAs[erred reseli a8reement in writing tl�at the credit oi such person is eatisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br /> ' Qs�a6is qs the sume eec.ured by thie Mortgage ehall lie at sucl� rate as I,ender shall request. If Lender hae waived <br /> the optdm to sa�oelerrte provided in this paragra�L 17 and if Borrower'e euccessor in interest lias exeouted a writ- <br /> ten arru�ion atreemeut �ooepted in writing by I .ender, Lender shall release Borrower fron� all obligationsz undez '� <br /> j thi� 1toe�e sad t.he Not+e. <br /> I! Iwoder exetcisec sucl� option to accelerate , Lender shall �usii Borrower notice of acceleration in ao�wedsnoe ' '1`s <br /> with pataeraph 14 hereoP. �uch notice �liall pro�-ide a ��erioci of not. lee� thnn 30 days from the date the notioe ie <br /> ' mailed within which Borwwer �nay pay the eu�ns declared due. If Borrower faile to pay sueh suros prior to the <br /> eYpitstion of such period, Lender inay. «�ithout furtlier notice or deivand on B'orrower, invoke any remediee per- <br /> a�itted by parasr�ph 18 hereot. <br /> lv'ox-fJxisoa.x Covsxex�. F3orrou�er and Lennder furkLer eo�•en�nt and agree ati followe: : <br /> 1�. AeWLtafiea: ��di�a. Exce�n as � ,ro��idcd in � �aragra� �h I7 hereof , upon Borrower's bteach of any <br /> toaeaant or a�reement o( Borrow•er in this �lort �;agc• , i»�• luding che coveiiantE to pay when duc any sume secured <br /> by thu �So�t;ase, Lender i �riar to �ncreleratiou almll wuil nolice w liurc•uw�•r an � �ro�� ided in paragrapli 14 hereof <br /> rpeeifying: ( 1 ) the breacli ; 12 ) tlae action mquired to cur�� Du�•h I �reac6 ; 131 x data not It� tlion thirty daye <br /> ; frorn the dste the notiee ie ntaileci to Borro���cr, I .}� ���hicli �ucl � breac• h uwst ix ew•�s� ; and 141 tl�sst failum to eare <br /> rueh breaah on or be[ore tlie date epecified in the noncc iuuy renult in acceleration o( tlie buine secured by this <br /> ' Mortgrge and sale of thr Ym��erty . If thr breacL is not curc�i on or Le[o:ti• the datr apecific� in thr notiee, I.ender <br /> at I.ender's optioa iifay declare all of the suir�e eeru�rd by tlii� �ZortRxtgi to lae immediately due and payable <br /> without fuef.her demand and msy foreclose thi� \iortgxgc: by judicial proceeding. Lender shall V�e entitled to colleet <br /> i� wch ��roceeiding all ezpeneee of fomelosum , including , but not limitcd to , co�ts of documentar,y evideuce, <br /> abetraotr asd title reporis. <br /> 1/. �w��s �i�t 1s A�irlslw Notw�thutanciing I,ender '�: ncceleretion of the aumR eecured by thia <br /> )toeep�e, Sorr+e7rer shall kaave the ri=ht W have sny �iroceedinK* bequn by Lendcr to enforcr thi� �lortgage dis- <br /> eeRtiwed #t seq tiailee prioe W �try of A judgment enfa4rinK this 14ortgage if : � al Borro+ver paya I.ender all <br /> snr�s w�hiel� va�ld be tlren due under thie !1lortga�ge. tiic Note arn1 note�+ �ecurinR t utum A�ivanoec, if any , had no <br /> weoeMraOi�s oewrnad ; (t�) Bore�av�+' �ureei ali brea�•hc�: of e►ny other coaenants or a�reements of Borro�ver con- <br /> U1wd ia d� dioet�e ; �ef il�orrew�er pays al! reasonabir eac�xt�se� incurrcvl bv lxnder �n ��nforcing the covenanw <br /> ael a�eesrt`s o[ Aserew�ar eoatained ia th� \;ortRnge and in enturcinR I.enacr'�; remedies ae provided in pars- <br /> � �l�h li Laeieaf, inelwii�, but eat ti�ited w. reaeonable attorney 'e feet : sud � d I Borrower tak� auoh action as r� <br /> ;' L�Mi�r M� sarewbl�► �aqud+e to arrure that tl�e lien of thi�s �iortgagr. I.ender'K intereat in the ProQerty and <br /> A Sef�sr's �hi�tiM ts p�wy td�e wq�s �spue�ed �y thie blottgage �:halt continue unin�paired . UTron auch payment .. z..._. <br /> atdi eul!! by 8o!lbwar, � Mert�e aad tht obl"sastiotte� secured hereb�� shull remain in full force and eHect ae if x <br /> a� a�e�i�a lui oee�erai. ' <br /> �. �� i �� �� a1�41�t �t e[ Lwiaw� I.�l�r ie FbwM�en. e�s additioau►1 security fiere- � �° <br /> � s <br /> M1iM'. l�ee breeib7' � W I�der the � ot the Pra{+ertt . (►rovided that Borrower eha11, �u�ior to aooeler- <br /> �ii�� wi�e pM�pyh � I�Msof ar a6asdaurest of the P'noryerty , have tfic right to cdMet and retain ruch ree�tr <br /> re <br /> � r iM�r�iNr�r diw a�d *r�Aie. +� ' �� <br /> ; 17�aU ilwree�f'bien �r parstra�t Is ls�re�! or ahandunment of the Yropertv . Ixnder, in F�er�wn, l�y x�rat <br /> � <br /> : M' M,�"' �ilirM� aMp�ilNed rsai*e�r �ir�11 M asfi�ied 6o ew6�r upon. tate �oec�exeion of and �nana�e the Property �"` <br /> ; � �i a� i�! 1MNs O�' iA! Pl�Mrty. �Ndfu� t#�ere parR dne. Ap rente coilected hy I.endief or the receiver <br /> alll� 411p�iid �11M6 bs q�7pe�R � 4A�C t�eMkil d a�nR,�tteQt ot t1�e F'ro{xrty aAd colleMion of rents, includiog, but <br /> rtik rir�ilyd Lu, �ww�erL iurw, � ew e�eoeiver'r i�onrir rnd ersecu�sble nttarney 's ieen. and then to the sums <br /> s f�n1i 1Ny tais ]�ripl�e. T�e�de� aad !ie reeeiwr �aa!! be liable to �rcount only for thoc�ee rnnts aMuelly reeeived . � <br /> 4 <br />