� �
<br /> .- , --"•, '
<br /> 1 ~ ? 7�Od �. �7� �
<br /> not e3tend or �aoatpone the due datc of tlie inonthly install.nents referred to in paragr8phs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> chsa�e the ama�nt af suoh ie�aLallmentr.
<br /> u, �r I�(�t �d, Facf�naion of thc time for payn�ent or modi&cation of amortization of the sums
<br /> �� 1�; t$� 1lqve{��s gteatad by I.sndef W any suoceseor in intereet of Borrower shali not o�erate to nleawe,
<br /> �p sus, uu�1s, tttae lisaility ol the oriRinal Sorrowe�• nnd F3or�vwer's succecsots iU intereet. I.ender ehsll not be
<br /> � p� �pen�p �rooeedlo;a aaaiast snct� euceaesor or retuse to extend time far payment or otheswioe modifq
<br /> � �ntis�tion oP t1ae sumc easured by thfs \tortgage I,y rewaoa� of any desnaad msde by the original Borrower and
<br /> Baesow�Cs aneo� ia interert.
<br /> tt, lRoelNia�a� L!' 1/ud�r liol a Waiwr. Any farbesrance by Leader in e�uercising sny rig3►t oz remedq
<br /> ', bet�ateder, ar �heewise sfforded by applicable law, ahall not be a waiver of or preclude tbe exercise of any ri�,ht
<br /> pr i,pmedy hereunder. The proeurement of insuranee or tlie payment of taxes or other liens or chargee by Lender
<br /> �bult npt be s waiver of Leader'e right W accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secared by this 2�Aae�t�,;e.
<br /> i�, � �, A)1 remediee provided in this �lortgsge are diatinct and cumulstive to sny other
<br /> ri�t os remedy under this 11o[tg�ge or afTot'deti �iy 1au• or equity , and �i�ay ix� exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> estls as w►ooe�sively.
<br /> 1�,, � � I�iyns Bo�p�d: joint m►d S�vsrd LiabilitY: CaPtions. The covenante snd ofagreem der
<br /> bssrin dontaimed ahstl bind , snd the rights l�ereunder shall inure to, the re���ectivc suoceseore and sesigns
<br /> aad Berrower, subject to the proviaionx of paragmph 17 hereof. 411 covenantr and �greements of Borer��ver aFts11
<br /> be joiut and several. The captionn and headings at t6e psragrapl�s oi this �iortgsge am for convenience only snd
<br /> ue pot f,p 6e used to interpret or define the provisioas liereof.
<br /> 1{. llptie�. Any notice to Borrower pm��idcd for in this \lurtqage �hall be gi�•en by mailing auch notiee by
<br /> certified �nail addressed to Borrower st the Pro��rty Addres� stuted helow , ezcei�t ia• any notice mquire� under
<br /> p�rrgrrph 18 heeeof to be given ro Borrow•er in t } �e uianner � �rescribe�i by xJ:���licaUle law. Any notice provided
<br /> fo�r in thie �lortgage r•hall be deenied to huvc been �i�•rn to BorroH�er N• lien given in ti,c uianner desigUated herein.
<br /> ��„ V�j�m ��; Gpv�t�ing ],aw; S�v�rability. 'Tl�ie forni of mortgage combines uniform covenante
<br /> fpc patjoop( use and non-uniform covenants witL limited �•ariations by jurisdiction to conatitute a uniform eeou-
<br /> A
<br /> ' tYty iwitru�pent oovering real property. Thia \fortgage �hall tw governe�i by the law of the juriediction in which
<br /> q� propee{.y is loested. In tlie event that any proviaion or clause of this Mortgage or the Note con8icts with
<br /> •pptieqbte lsw , such confliet shall not nffect otl�er provisions of this \lortgage or the Note which esn be given
<br /> e�CeoO �ritbouL the cot�diding provis+on , and to this end the pi•��isions ot t6e �Sortgage and the Note are declered
<br /> bo b� �sv�rable.
<br /> Ii. lxs�ew��s's Cop�t. Botrower shail be furniahed a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br /> Gioe ur after recotdation hereof.
<br /> 17. TesfYi�t o! !M psop�e�Y� �a►P� If al! or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> oe traa4fernad by Borrower without Lender's prior writien consent, exciuding (s ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> bF�tt,ue sulwrdit�ate to thie MortQage, lb ) the crestion ot a purchase money e�eecurity interest for househobd sppli-
<br /> c
<br /> �aae�, (o) a trsnefer by devuwe, descent or by operation of laa' upon the desth of a joint tenant or (d) the graut of
<br /> apty lea�eitold iaterest of thrce years a• less not containing an o�>tion to purchuse, Lender msy, at Lender'e optia�+,
<br /> deola�s a►( the ruetu eecuted by this Mortgsge to be iiiimediately due and puyable. Leader ehall hsve weived aucl�
<br /> pptj4s 6o seuelerde if, prior to tl�e eale or trancfet, Lender and tt�e person to whom the Property ia to be aoM or
<br /> t�ty{�� �ch a�reement in writing Lhst the credit of such ��eroon is satisfactory to Lender and that the intereat
<br /> p�psbj� pn the rums eecured by this Mortgage �halt tx at e,ucl� rate as I,ender shall request. If Lender hae waived
<br /> ' tLa eQt,j4p to �ewetarate pe�ovided in this paragraph 17 und if Borrower's auccessor in intereuk hae executed a writ-
<br /> � ��ior► a�teeuoent xceepted in writing by I.ender, Lender ehall release Borrower from all obli�sGiawc unds:
<br /> :�
<br /> t�i� Moat�a�e and W�e Note.
<br /> If lsnder enerciror eucti option to a�ccelerwte, I.ender shali �usil Borrower notice of acceleration in scooxiaaoe
<br /> witt� ►w�trQrapK 1! kes�f. 6uch notice sl�ull provide a ��erioci of not leue tlian 30 dayn from the date the notiae ia
<br /> �� within which Borrower may pay the su:i� declared due. It Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> �p��,pp of s�e}i period, I,ender lnay , w•ithout furtLer noticr or demand on B�orrower, invoke any remediee per-
<br /> mNifed by p�ta�raph 18 hereo#.
<br /> Nox-LTx [t'oaac (%ovENwxrs. Aori•ower and Lendei� further covenant and agree a� followb :
<br /> (�. Aqp�l�eaMeet ]I�a�di�s. Except a� prorid��l in � �aragru� �L 17 hereof, upon Barrower's breaclz of any
<br /> epv�ea�wt or att�eeanent of Borroe'er in this '�1oK�ag��, including tHc covenante to pay w�hen due any sumv eecured
<br /> by tku �Zortsa�e. Lender ��rsor to aecelei�ution ,hall wuil nutice to Borrower as ��rovidcMi in psrsgrsph l4 hereoi
<br /> rpeQityfe�: ( 1 ) tlre breach : � 21 tLe action rcyuimd to ewr eucl� brench ; ( 31 a datc , iwt leae tl�an tfiirly dsys
<br /> ' from the date the notite is uuile�9 to Burro�ver. hy �+' liiel� �ucl � hre:ioh wust kx� cw•cd : and 141 thnt failurc to cure
<br /> rsueb �h on or before tl�e date s{�ecified iu tl�r c3utice �uay i•eeult in accelerstion of tLe autY�h �cured by this
<br /> 1Lort�a�e aad sple u! tt� Pivr�{�erty. lf tiie breacli ia not eured �n or befutr tl�e date specified in the notice, l.�nder
<br /> yR Leeder'a oQtian nuy dectam all of the sums wecurecf by this 4lortgage to t�e immediately due and payable
<br /> withat►t fuether detnrod and may foreclose tl�is Mortgage by judirial proceeding. I.ender siiall t�e entitiecl to edlect
<br /> ia sueh �>rooeeding sll expeflees of foreclosum , including , but not li�uited to , costs of docwnentary evidence,
<br /> . , a6rEtiats +urd title repc�e'ts•
<br /> l�, ]�+'� �� M �. \otwitha�tanding Lender'b acceleration of the sumF decured by thia
<br /> y[qeM/yp, Bose�owmr rhsli hare the ri�fit to hsve any proceedings hegun by l.endcr cu enforcc chis Mortgage dis-
<br /> �1i�y�d at awy t�e prier �o entry of a judgmene enfqtring this �tortgage if : la � Borrower pay� I.ender sll
<br /> �ypw �,1� wqdd (fe t�ea dye w+d�er thie 11ort��. tl►e tiote a�i nacra esecuring F'utum AdvanGee, ii sny> hsd �
<br /> aepsi�etijpn ooeuered ; (fi ► Botrowrer �uree NII F��PRC�1P� of All\" O�I1P!' PPYPOAM� O!' sgri�ement, of Borrowcr con-
<br /> 0
<br /> djM� � �y � ; (e) �rrow�er psys al! reasonahle ex�u�nsee in�urrcvl by I ,enAer in enforcing the covenants
<br /> � �pwNN� e( $�new�er ee�tained is thic !llort�aKe and iu enforcinR I.rmier's remedies ae provided is� para-
<br /> � l� heras(, iw�etetdia�. but uet limited to, reaaonehle attomey'� fee� : and � dl Borrower takes such action as �
<br /> j„�� � ��• hptijr�e te s�pp�e thst tl�e tien of thi� �foetgsEe . ]xnder's intereet in the Property snd
<br /> � �y � ts pr�7 tAe �u�ns �eeYeed by thi� Mortgage slisll cantinue uaimpaired. U f+on cuch paymee�t .. ;-- - , ,
<br /> � a�,� � �a�swae� thir d4�r6p�e asal t�e obii�stioe►s eeeured hereby siiall reinain in full force sad eReet as if �
<br /> � ws sewls�kiM� 6ri ee�emsed. '
<br /> � r. A�MM�! �,i�IMt �I�i�MI�� �i Mp1�+es frri�t is Te�i� Ac additioaai eecurity here- �
<br /> Mdw.#�les���'1w�U�! a�ri�rb I.ewd�ertfie neate af tl+e P4�operry. rve�ovicied thst Borrower ehall � Prior to aoeeler- �
<br /> + , �� �� ��� ���y.��.�ap.[ � � o!' the Pra�erty, have the right to colleot snd retsin euch rents =
<br /> '' M � � 1� Y�d a++se• .e , ,>
<br /> ' � a�eiwaRas� u�der 'Pe►� 1t! he�ea� ar sban[toamcn2 of the Yroperty� . Le�xier. iu ��rsw+, Ly u,gcul. ,��� ` �
<br /> ' et !� j�1�N1� a�p�OA eee�irwt �YII 1� eaRi�ri te eoftr u{x�. take poreedsim oi and ivana�e the Property
<br /> q� �I► +M�IwM tL� a�11 aE #M !'hP�X� �[ t�� 1� �e. A11 ren#e ool7ected by Lender or the reoeiver
<br /> ��l M �p�l V� M.Nl� /�f ahe oe�Os of � of tfie Pt�+erty rnd e+oile+�tion ef rn�1 � in�loding , I,ut
<br /> � �j�jyd � �pp�y �, �wi�an ar� �eoriwsr's i�oa�lt xnd rcasonable attornep 'R fer� . and then to the sumn
<br /> � �p�j � q� �, I,�/K aed qro �eeire�r �Mlt he lisble to seeount only for those mnte aetually received . �
<br /> a
<br /> E
<br />