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<br /> INDl�IDUAL �
<br /> ORJE ON BA6.lC
<br /> �AV/NCia lRJND
<br /> � . � lroww Na�.7Zp . . . � �:
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<br /> i L.aan Numbnr---3a681-- -;�,,¢8----;��
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<br /> M O R T G A G E
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE.taade end�ecuted this._.._.. .....'.��............ day of _/�!� ..�s--.r.�/.?.�!:Lr.. A.D.,
<br /> 19..�,�.,between the Mort{agor, --..Gaor.ge..Zt...Zosris..arsd.3andra..J.....IQaris..lwsband.and.arlfs, `
<br /> ...�D.tatly...9ad..8SCh.111..tha.ir..o1✓n..r.{$ftt................�-�-�---•-�----�•---....---.._...-----�-----......._..---�-----------•--...._.......... ;+
<br /> . of ......__.GratLd..ZsZac�d....., County of .............Xa.Z.Z._.._.........._,Stnte of..Neb=asXa........,l�ereinafter re�sre�t+d
<br /> to ae thie Bo:rower, aad the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOI,N, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its succescore and acaigne, her�nafter referred to
<br /> aa Lender.
<br /> ' Wirsaaesa�rH: That the esid Borrower for and in consideration of the wm of ...TI�IRTY..P.iy�„_�;lO�,qAaln
<br /> : FIVE BUNLYt�B'D.AND_N0�100----.----------.----------------'�Dol;are (US$-....35.�SOO.UO.-,--.
<br /> ............. ... ..........._ .---.....)
<br /> paid by aeici L.ender,doea hereby morteaBe� Brant and oonvey to Lender, ite eucrewora and a�rip�s; the
<br /> followinY dercribed pt+�perty located in the County of --_--__---Ha11........................., State of Nebraska:
<br /> Westerly Forty (40) feet of Lot Eight (8) and the F1asterly 2lventy (20) Feet
<br /> of Lot Sevea (7) in Grace Lutheran Church Subdiv3sion, an Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska .
<br /> TocsrHss with ali the ixnprovements now or hereafter erected on the Peaperty. and al! euemenfr,
<br /> Mhts, appnrtensi+cee, renGv, royalties, minerai, oil and gas rights and proStc, w�ter, water ri�hb. and
<br /> water st,ock,sed aA fisturee now or hereafter attached to the peoperty, all of which, includins repdaes-
<br /> meab aod adclitione thereto,stull be deemed to be and remain a pert of the property covered by thir
<br /> Moet�e; and a11 of the foregoing, together with aaid property (or the leseehold eotate in the event tl�is
<br /> Moetp►se is on a leaeehold) are herein referred to aa the "Property".
<br /> Bo�rrovver covenanta that Bornower is lawfully eeieed of tl�e eetnte hereby conveyed e+id hae the �l+t
<br /> to mo�t�age.gtaat and convey the ProPertY. that the Property is uaencumbee�ed, and that Borro.ver w*ill
<br /> w�srean#+ted defend ge�er.Lly the title to che Peoperty sgainet all claims and decna,�ds, subject to aay
<br /> eaoea�eeits and restrictioits listed in a echedule of etceptions to coverage in aay title insusatu�e pdicy ie-
<br /> wekt=i.ender's ieterest in the Property,ar (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstrsct of tifile ceeti6ed
<br /> by banded abstracter.
<br /> Psovinan Acw�vs, and these pre�ents are e:ec�uted and delivered upon the followios caaditions,a�ree-
<br /> a re -
<br /> m�ts aad obligationr of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> 17ae&uzower age�ees to pay to tl�e Lender�or order, the peincipal wm of ..Zld.i,RTY.._k'ZVE.T!@CNlSJ�d[tt_
<br /> ' FSYB.SIINl1BSD_.�liA..A1DL1QQr..---r.r..--r.r.--�cr.-r..--rr..---------Dollare (US�--.._��.SA.O..OA__.._........)
<br /> paYable u provided in a note ezecuted and delivered,concurrently herewith,tt�e ffnalpt yn►ent of prinapd,
<br /> , it u�ot�mosiee paid.on the.....__..lat,.-----_. dsy of _...November._.. .. . .- ---.�tB.2006
<br /> Ut�trnex CovaNstwra. Borrow�r and Iender oovenant and agree as toUowa:
<br /> 1• PaY�d of Priseipai m�d Ia+Ntwt Boetowet shall P��Pt�Y WY wleen due the prittci of and ia-
<br /> tereet oa tbe i�debtedaeor evidenoed by the Note,psepayment and late charges ae provxded in the Note,
<br /> and the prittcipel of and intet+est on any Future Advancea secured by thie Mortaage.
<br /> Z Fuoels for?mns�d lasur�o�. Subject to Lenda�'a option under paragrapi�o 4 and 5 hm�.+of, Bor-
<br /> a
<br /> rowec ri�ail pay to Lendet oa We day monW�iy in�tallments of ptincipsl and iate:+exL are prysble uader t6e
<br /> Note+,�mtil #he Note is paid in tull.a aum (herein "Fund�") e4ua1 to o�e-twelfth of the yearly ta:ec aad
<br /> aeeaeroa�ertb which may attaia puioes'ty over titir MortB+Be. a�d geound rente on t!� f'roPertY. if any piue
<br /> one-twroltEh of yearly premisua inatallmente tor hazard i4surance, plus one-t�velfth ot yearty preinivan in-
<br /> stallmerab Eos moa�#��e insucenee. if aeY, eli ae reasoaf�biy estiinated �nitialiy md fron+ t�ae to time bs�
<br /> i.onder on the t+eitas of s,�aaments end billa snd rensonable estimates thereof, I.ender sha11 appl�the Funds
<br /> �P�Y��a�as.anesaee�,inwra�soe pre�iums aAd gronnd renGs. Lender ehail tnake ne�e�fee so
<br /> �the$oesa� t�►oat ��� aed 000vpi}i�tg yid aeeearasentg sed b'llo. 'I'!+e i.esder at►all
<br /> �eardE aod t:l�e ��°'an atnwa!s000untios ot the Fmxls ehewits�credits sisd debifar!e tl�e �
<br /> ,}we�e�e fsr w!i�icb a�ch�bit bo t�e I+�sds wras mad�e. 'l7�e Fa�ds�pled�sd as ad�litie�i
<br /> �y f�fi�s�ra�r�eewee�d b�*t�iis�(�s.T7r 8oeeo�wer a�+ees ti�t t�e �ad�mry be 6eid b�. t6e
<br /> La�d�e'and caa�ed with od�r'l�wb�d �e I,��der e ovn tusds aad We L,eeder p a�eh items `_ - .s
<br /> ��i!s ana�s,�wl Wwr Iw�det al��ii not b�l�bL�or i�t oe divi�iends oi euc�6�
<br /> � a',
<br /> + I[4�e aes�ro�t:et M�t Ptiddit I�eld b�t,�p3�e.�et�ee wi�h tis � ma�t�y+ i�ee�s of PL�ds
<br /> lM�ii�eMa'M tlr d�s�liier f[MNr.�s�lr, �os�imr md�emrd renb. � emeed k "
<br /> "tY�.a�aqaiwd!o�y�rid Ir�r.a�M�„�taw�wmoe p�easwar ad�eeewd t�ew#s u they ti�due.
<br /> � auei►aw�a f�iE i�,at Hsa�rr't�ae.aili� e�p�'d!s H�newier or crediMd br Bc►e�ewr on • . ,
<br /> ` � ��b ad P`rlel$ if 3�fMe amotimt a[�]�d 53+i�oder ahaS aot be aufScient tv �aa,v `
<br /> � a•••�.�►�o.�.«Mt,�enw�d .�ew as ch.y t�u.Me. B�e�v.r,b.0 p.y eo Le..aer _.": �. .�;.
<br /> �Y������ f�s � �iia tlq�d�9s e�'tet netios Eanm�I.eodet to B�oee�ew+ee
<br /> �4� � ����i�ca�re ia a�oet�ly iestsil�els of P�odr requiaed,
<br /> � �r}�L�r wiWhiin tAw+ lV�d
<br /> �,; iip�sw pr,ya�nt im�In9 oE a�wr.s armrnd by f6iu Mee�,�.ad�.luit app�ly Fuods i+etd as a creci+c
<br /> � asaia�t a��as dr. J
<br />