1 �
<br /> _77• (! F�Q_s�L_ � �
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<br /> .. :___ _ -_. , ,_ _ �.
<br /> . ._. - __�# -=�
<br /> �Of*�--C.��ntbw iwWw�l� Wunwty O�w (Mv4M 1N�) �n.x.e�.0 owa.a swc�s aa...,uveo�..x.er. i�
<br /> — _..__._.__�—._..__.._._ �.---- I�
<br /> i���T,I'Q�$YZ�n�ii71'�f,Th°t GOLDEN VIKING, INC. �� � '
<br /> } ; ��
<br /> t! � � �
<br /> �, ►eapoeatiosa arc�ised and�ziatias nnder aad by virtue o!We lawo of the fitate of Nebraska ;� ' ��t
<br /> } ti
<br /> ���� Seven Thousand Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($7.fi00.00� gj �5
<br /> I . . (�
<br /> � reeeieed [irom �rsntee, does eraat, bargain, cell, convey and confirm uuto ��
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br /> `� Melvin W. Williams and Patricia D. Williams ��
<br /> � y�
<br /> j as joiat tenanb with right of rurvivorahip,aad not ua tenants in commou,the folluwing deocribed teal property ia �i
<br /> ���?' Hall Connty, �� �
<br /> � Lot 'huent . ��
<br /> � y-seven (27) in Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, part oP the �
<br /> �: East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E�NW�) of Section Eleven (11) , 'i
<br /> � Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , �
<br /> � Hall County, Nebraska. , �i
<br /> STAMP TAX ;
<br /> j A,��PG��O N r V — 3 �77
<br /> a:
<br /> � 5'�P��M��� ��_s �� � �
<br /> � ;�
<br /> ��
<br /> + To have aod to hold t!►e above dercribed premiees tugether with ull tenements, heteditamentr and apptat-
<br /> � teaaoeer t6ereto belongiag uato ttie gr�nteer and to their areigux, or to the heit� a¢d eocigns oi the rurvivor of �
<br /> i them lonver. ,�
<br /> ? And grantor for itelf and its rueceseors dceo hereby covenant with the grautaer and with theit acai�n�a�d ��
<br /> with the heira aad aasi�na of the rurvivor ot them that grantor ie lawfutly eeised u[ aaid premirer, thst they are 'j
<br /> freefromeneumbrsnee except easements and restrictions of record ��
<br /> rfi
<br /> � that graettor haa Qood right and lawful suthority to couvey the enme; aud that grantor warrants aad will defasbd
<br /> as d
<br /> I t6e title to�aid premises agaiast the lawful cleims of all pereons whomroever. �f
<br /> j It ir th�e iateatioa of sll parties 6ereto tbat in the event oP the death of either of tlu3 graateer,the eatire
<br /> j fee rimpi�e title to tbe rea! ertate ahali veot in the rurviving geantee. ;j
<br /> 1 It witnesr whereot, grantor haei hereunto eaused itm curporate seal to be alfized sad these peerentr ri�erl �$
<br /> j bj its President. ;j
<br /> �� October 2 7 19 �� ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> j ...., OLDE .V�K�N� �NC._ ,,,, ��
<br /> ° .�.. ...�• � ... ..... �.
<br /> HY ..Presidmt ��
<br /> BTwTBC OF...NEHRASKA... ......, Couaty of... .... .�1.7,....... ...: i; ,
<br /> "� Before me, a notary pnblic qurlified in etiai3 coanty,per�nally aume i'
<br /> i�
<br /> � M. JOHN BAI LEY Prerideat ot "
<br /> � GOLDEN VIKING, INC. ,s oorpc�ratioaq :'i
<br /> knowa W me to be the President snd ideatieai perron wh o ii�ned thr loreeoin6 ia�tnte�eat, and ackao�vledg�ed the
<br /> ge
<br /> eseetrtisa thereol Co be his �t�tnatary set aad deed ar�ueh officer and the volwttary act asd deed ot said corpo-
<br /> saRi+s snd that its euepoe�ate�eai�va� thereto affized by its suthority. ,
<br /> '; �iteen m�h; oiaei�t oeal on.. '��' ..�7 ,19.�7.. � �
<br /> '�� , .., �,�'1'!/Y.�ht+dil� � �I
<br /> ��,� .. ... ....�j..r ..........N� ���
<br /> ,,,1�► �ce�,t�..c.�.is� x,eo��........._.t,?•�:...�..... .�s v.. � �'';
<br /> .
<br /> � ,
<br /> 1�'!�'!'� Oiip. �1 ,..,.......
<br /> < � .... .•. ... ...........•.....� '� r
<br /> .''. �M ail► w�Meie�t �s awi t�d !ss recad ie bhe B�uter a! Deeds Offiae of rsid County the �� � �.
<br /> � ............i�/�d.................. .. .19..... .at...........o'eirek rad... . .... mie�atos Y., ii i
<br /> Msd r�eerded im Eleeit............... .....ol....................af pa,rc......._......... ' i� . ^ .
<br /> ��� _ . ........... ............ .... .. ........ '�i .�'�6 ,. .-"r£'� .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> SeR.of Ue:ea9x
<br /> ____— .�.�,==.—=..—,.�By - --. ..-: . . .. ........... ..Depaty}
<br /> ---------- _ _, �
<br /> i .
<br /> i
<br />