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<br /> j An ordiaaeee� es�atia6 Wat�r Conneccion M�triet No. �36T ia ttall County, pebraska; r+�°,' x�'
<br /> �, � �
<br /> defialas tha bamdazie• ot ths district; providing for thw laying of a vater main in said � �
<br /> �y, y�,�
<br /> di�triet; providlna for plan• and specifications aad seeuring bids; psovidiag for tha cosutection �?' �;
<br /> !`es for eonneetina to �ueh vater main; providiag for certification to th� Regi�ter of Deeds; �,
<br /> �;
<br /> and psoviding ths effcctive date hareof. 1
<br /> SLCTIOt1 1. Vat�r Coes++action Distriet IQo. �362 ia t!►� City o! 6rand 2sland, Nebra�ka,
<br /> k�
<br /> i• heseby cr�ated for tha layiag of an eighteen '_�:ch vater maia within the boundaries ot the �s"
<br /> distrlet; •
<br /> SECTZON 2. Ths boundaries of such vatar connection distsiet shall b� a• follow�: ` �= y�"'�
<br /> Easie+ains •t a point 13 faet, or 10.058 r..et�rs, �a�t o! the quarter •�etion
<br /> corner loeat�d in th� intersection at cre junetlon o! Airport Aveaw vith �;
<br /> S�venth Str�at and Fourth Street; thence runniag �rut on the center line o! �'
<br /> Seventh Street £or a di�tance of 121.46 feet, or 36.997 meter�, to the south `W
<br /> proloagation of the weat line of Lot Ten <10) in Block Four (4) of Eaet Park; ys�.;
<br /> thence running north on a 11ne along the wesc line of Lot One (1) end Lot Ten �'��
<br /> (10) 1n Block Four (4) and B1ock One (') in Eaet Park for a diatanca of 660 fest, 4�'' �,�
<br /> or 201.168 metera, to the south line of Raborn Street; �henee runaiag vest oa
<br /> the �outh 11ne of Raborn Street for a ciscanca of 69.53 feet, os 21.193 meten; � ��;�'����;
<br /> thence running north oa a line along tne wert line of Lot One (1) in Frank P. t' ,� � ��
<br /> Sarke' Subdivision for a distance of 3�;: feet, or 111.223 meters, to the eenteT- '
<br /> line of vacaced Glendale Street; thence continuing north on a line along the west ' ; ,���
<br /> line of Lot 23 in Frank P. Barks' Subdivision No. 2, having been subaequently r �,+ `
<br /> platted as Marshall'a Subdivision, ther. vscated in June 1971, and eontinuing aosth ',�w ��,:
<br /> on a lina along the west line of Lot 24 in Frank P. Barks' Subdivision No. Z, and ,4r�,�
<br /> continuin� north on a line along the weat line of Lot 39. Lot 40, aed Lot 55 in � � ��;
<br /> � Fsank P. Barka' Subdivision No. 3, for a diatanee of 1.372 feet, or 418.Ld6 maurs. ; ��;
<br /> ^ � fzosn the eenterline of vacated Glendale S:reet to a point on the w+eet liae 219.66 w
<br /> :- feet, or 66.952 meter�, south of the nercnvest corner of Lot 55 in Frank P. Barka' ,�
<br /> "' � Subdivision No. 3; thence running vest nr, a line parallel to and 219.66 feet, oz �;�,
<br /> s� � 66.952 enetess, routh of the north 2ine c? Sunny Side Subdivi�ion for a disunce of
<br /> � 452.2 feet, or :37.831 meters, to the caeat line of Lot 45 in Sunnq Side Subdivieion, � ,�;'
<br /> ' v thence sunain6 aorth on the west line o' Lot 45 in Sunny Sfde Subdlviaian and its � �;
<br /> - p � north prolongation for a diatance of 1Q!.6 feet, os 30.968 metera, to the center- �
<br /> line of the vacated alley running east �nd west; thence running .re�t on a line ��
<br /> " being the centerline o£ che vacated a11cy running east and weat in Sunny Side �, ��,
<br /> Subdivision, and the ru�est prolongation c: the centerline of eaid vacated alley �
<br /> for a diatance of 439.4 feet, or 133.9�� meters, to the vest line of Geddes Str�et: �� d�q
<br /> thenee running south on che west line o° Geddea Street for a dlstanee of 14.3 feet. *�,�
<br /> or 4.359 meters, to the aoutheaet eorner of Lot One (1) in Sloek One (1) in Coodrieh i,�
<br /> Subdivision; thes+ce runnirg west o=s the eouth line of Lota One (1) throuah Siz (6) +,;
<br /> inclu�ive in Block One (1) of Goodrich Subdiviaion for a distance of 264 feet, or 4��'
<br /> 80.467 meter�, to the west line of Goodzich Subdlvlsion; thence ruaning north on r
<br /> • � the vest line of Goodrich Subdivision e^.d it� north prolongation for a discanoe
<br /> of 202 feet, or 61.57 meters, �o the nor_h line of Capital Avenue; thenee running �;;
<br /> east on the north line of Capital Avenca for s diatance of 1,344.76 feet, or +:
<br /> � 409.833 meters, more or lese, to a poinc on the eest line of Airport Avenue, beinE
<br /> • �3 feet, or 10.058 meters, east of the section liae running north aad south located
<br /> ir Airport Avenue; thence running aouth on the eaet line of Airport Avenue for a
<br /> dl�tanee of 2,680.2 feet, or 816.925 meters, more or less, to the point of beginning,
<br /> all as shown on the plats dated 9/19/77 r.arked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
<br /> Saeorporated herein by reference.
<br /> �(
<br /> sLCTZOti 7. Said improvement s2�a11 be made in aeeordaaee vith plana aad rpacitication•
<br /> �pared by th� Lusin�er for the City, vho shall estimate ths'cost thereof, and submit tha
<br /> .r
<br /> same te tl+e City �ouncil, and, upoe approval of the san�, Mds !or th� conetruetioa oi �aid
<br /> tiat�r sain �hsll ba tak.�n and eontrsct� esster�d inte ia t!u mansies provided by lav.
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