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,� <br /> e■-�- �- <br /> ��. <br /> 7�- U06385 � �' <br /> ;; b,� <br /> � <br /> ;.. � f �'°' <br /> . �; � �y <br /> ' . � kix,�.r'�Ya.a.'i <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 6219 � ' , <br /> '' 1 �: <br /> i � <br /> � An osdinas►ce crsatlag Stseot Improv�meat Distriet mo. 976; dafie�ia6 ths bou!►daries �1� �r���,�n�",,,`� <br /> o! the dietsict; psoviding Por the imp:ovee�ent of a �treet vithin th:e distsict by pavina. "k ';,"'^ <br /> Y Y��,, <br /> � �,,T.' <br /> eurbiag, gustering, and all incidentai vork in connectlon tl+erewith; and to pzovido for "' ,�;��, <br /> ' ,'�� :i��+� <br /> ats effactive date of thi• osdinance. � i r,� ���,,,�� <br /> EE IT ORDAINED BY 1'tiE MAYOR AND COULmCZL OF THE CISY OF GRMiD ISLAtQD, IIEBRASTJ�: �,�^�" '�'�„�� <br /> '±14��� �. r74-ur�� <br /> SECTICN 1. Strset Impsovamant Di�triot No. 936 in th� City o! Gsand S�land. M�bss�ka, r�` 4 3 , <br /> ia h�r�by es�at�d. ' `��`� <br /> �� fi. <br /> SECfION 2. The boundarie� of the dietriet ehall be a• follows: Y' � ;��F� <br /> a '� <br /> f�� <br /> Begianing on the •outh line of Faidley Aveeue at a point 126 fs�t, or 7e.60S a +�,err�� <br /> metere, east of the east Iine of Ruby Avenue; theace =unning soutls on a line '� ;t <br /> parallel to and 126 feec, or 38.405 meters, eaet of the east line of Ruby Avenue ;` �x .��� <br /> for a diatance of 238 feet, or 72.542 meter�, to the north line of 6th Stze4t; <' �:'- � � <br /> thence ruaning west on the north line of 6th Street for a distance of 6 feet, '� 'sr � <br /> or 1.829 meters, to a point 120 feet, or 36.576 mat�rs, eaat of tlu� sa�t lins J, ���'"� <br /> of Ruby Avenue; theace running �outh on a line parallel to and 120 f�et, or t�; <br /> 36.576 metera, east of the east line of Ruby Avenue for a di�tancs of 720 f�et. �S " <br /> or 219.456 metera, to the north line of 4th Street; thencs running ve�t oa the ��'4��', <br /> north line of 4th Street and ics west pzolongation for a distance of 180 feet, a����"`+ <br /> or 54.864 metere, to the weat line of Ruby Avenue; thence running south on the � �� <br /> we�t line of Ruby Avenue for a dietance of 12 feet, or 3.6576 metsrt, to che rv���� <br /> nosth line of 4th Street; thence running weat on the north line of 4th Stseet <br /> for a distance of :20 feet, or 36.576 meters, to a point on the east line of <br /> the alley vest of Ruby Avenue; theace running north oa a line parall•1 to ae+d z,��` <br /> 120 feet, or 36.576 meters, vest of the west line of Ruby Aveaue for a distanc� ':. .,,� r,�,�x;t, <br /> of 970 feet, or 295.656 meters, to the south line of Faidley Avenue; thenee r �,, <br /> running east on the south line of Faidley Avenue for a distance of 306 feet, or ��s� �"z�'�, <br /> -? 93.259 meters, to the point of beginning, all as ehowsl on the plat marked Exhiblt "�, �� p� sr� 1 , <br /> "A" attached hereto and incozporated herein by referenee. , ,�;v'� � <br /> r�, � �� <br /> �'�`' SECTION 3. The follovina atreet ia the district ehall be impraa�d by p�vi�ts, curbies, « ���, <br /> buttezing, aad all incidental work in connection therevith: ,^ ��*' - <br /> �x , <br /> Ruby Avenue from the north line of Fourth Street to the �euth llna e! <br /> Faldley Avenue. ,'' '� <br /> . ,i�s�q <br /> 3aid improvements •hall be euide in aceordanee vith plaas and rpscifieatien• prepased b� ��:r <br /> th� En ineer for the Cit and a y y �� <br /> 6 y, pproved b the Ma or and Couneil. 2, <br /> SEC?ION 4. The improvement• shall be made at public eo�t, but th� eo�t thsreof, "; �4�`- <br /> ,•��r'^�, <br /> ' exelttding inter�ections, shall be assessed upon the lot• and laad• in the di�trict •p�elallr �� � <br /> �' � <br /> beaeflted a• provldad by lav. ' ';�'�� <br /> SECT20N S. This ordinanee ehall be 1n foree aad take effeet fro� assd atter it• �? ��' <br /> t,r <br /> pusage, appsoval, and �ublicatlon, witheut the plat, as provided by law. {„ �;; <br /> SECfION 6. Thi• ordinance, vith the plat, is herebr directed te be filed in ths <br /> e;� <br /> • office of the lt��ister oP Deeds, Hall County, !cebra�ka. " <br /> t�" <br /> SECTION 7. After panage, approval, and publieation of thi� erdieanca, aeties of ttrt "a;. <br /> `� ereation of •tid di�triet �hall be published in the Grand I�land Daily Independent, a <br /> '� lebal nevspaper published aad of general circu�7,etion in said City, a• pzevided by lav. <br /> �" �,.�e.e �T :t � 1977 . <br /> �.���: <br /> res en��Te— o2'—imciT � �!� <br /> �' . ATi'LS ;;a� <br /> ' /��i t� �,, <br /> et <br /> . . . .,, <br /> Y,�, <br /> � ., <br /> :�� <br /> J <br /> ,, . . . , ,.,:; .. .. ; , . ..,;: ��� ,���w. �..,, A :, . <br /> , _ ��..,.,P°�^" <br />