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<br /> ORUIli/1I10E N0. 6218
<br /> An osdinaee� io vacate a portloa of an alley in Evu►t Addition ia the Cit� o! Grand
<br /> i�land. �sbrs�ks, eoaditioned upon the reservation ot a utilit� easemestt in the eatir�
<br /> allsy vaeated; and to provide the effeetive date of this ordinane�.
<br /> • SECPION 1. Tl+at the alley. being sixteea (16) feet, os 4.877 meters, in vidth, an8
<br /> tilt�-nie►� and ��wntr-�i=ht htsndr�dth� (59.70) t��t, or 1e,221 a���s�, sos� er 1���, b�ins
<br /> th� r�a l�n�th of a portioa o! the allay, lrom tha c�eter lirs of vteat�d tvaa� Stze�t to
<br /> the vostezly riaht-ol-way line of the Ord Braach of the Union Paeifie Railroad, be, aad the
<br /> •ame is hereby vacated; provided and conditloned, that tha City of Grand I�laad, !lebraska,
<br /> heseby re�srv� a utility easement in the entire area of maid vacatad all�q fos sewr lims�,
<br /> telephone lins�, eloetrie linea, aad appurtenancea thereto, but not limitod to th� eon-
<br /> struetion, operatioa, maintenance, extending, repalring, replaeirig, aad ramoving public
<br /> ntilities and appurtenances thereto, in, upon, over, undernaath, and throea6h •aid utilit�
<br /> �as�seat, together vith the right of iagress and egrass through and acro�s the utility
<br /> sa�ement fos tha purpose of exercising the right• herair granted. No improvameat�, •truetus��,
<br /> , or buildieaa� of any kind vhateoever shall be alloved in, upon, os over the ea�ement herain
<br /> r�tained.
<br /> Th� for�6oin6 portion of the vacated alley eotstain• 946.4e •qusr� fe�t, er ds.t3�
<br /> �uare set�ri, more or le��, as shrnon on the drawing ieasked Exhibit "A" dat•d 10/21/77
<br /> sttae2ud lumrsto and ineozporated hesein by rwfereaee.
<br /> SEC2ION 2. Shat the title to tha portion of the a11ey vaeated by Seetlon 1 0! th1�
<br /> asdiaanc� •hall severt to th� ormer or ovners of lots or lands abuttin6 the �ame in propostion
<br /> to tha respsctiw ewn�rships of ruch lots or arounds.
<br /> BECTION �. ThaC this osdinanee, with thw plat, i• hereby directed to b� fil�d in th�
<br /> olfiew of the Rssister of Deede, Hall Co�mty, ICebraska.
<br /> SEC7ION 4. ?his ozdiaaetce shall be in force aad tak� •ff�et troe snd aft�r it� pa�sa;�
<br /> md publication within fifteen days in one issue of the Grand Ialand Efaily Independent,
<br /> vithout ttu plat, a• provided by law.
<br /> Enacted 0 CT 3 ] i377 '
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