! .�_� .
<br /> I �
<br /> 77- �.) (� fi �? � �
<br /> � �aa�trcwao� r�u�x�t mvENwx�^s wNn ,►cR�Es: . . �
<br /> Th.t .ar. !/�M+a� wilt P•r tee i�be.an... as Yawn6.dww P,v�videal.
<br /> � � 'J'hi1 th� 'Moef,sa�q �1{ � ��}�,er of �id pruperty in tee rimple aqd has gond right and lawtul authority to nell nnd
<br /> ponvey the ��� ,1�1 lb,�t ,t6s �11N � [aee and clear Qt any lirn or encumbrance : and that Mortgagor wilt warranl aHd do[end the
<br /> title to afid P��/ ��MC :'�M! �� � � P� w1wIpYM�e�r•
<br /> To pq. gqypl�ed�el�r �r�fe�pi.. �/e �� PsY�e � �i! �enecd �taaces. e�Cial tsYen, speeiel� aeu�rcamvnLv. waler chargea, aewer aerv-
<br /> ice charEes, ind �atiW tfsr+ r+id chergew againrt xuid property . anci all taxPs levi«1 on the �lel�t sse<•ured herrby , uracl to (urnish the
<br /> Mortgagee, LLpoq ��feq�Aeat, witlf � the original or duplie8te� recti�lts tkrrefor. Thr M<>rtgagor aqreeK �lhat thrre xlfall tw addrd to
<br /> e�ch munthly pay�nent re4ujred hereunder ur under ihe evidenur uf debt �rcured h�r�Ay an ym��uul estimatrd by the Mortgagee
<br /> t� 6e yu�Ak.y¢�wi` �p ��Ni,��{e" !he ��lotRR�ltae tn �iuy , as theY �comr eiui•, all tax�, ae�eeu�menls. and .imilar char6ea u{wn tbe piem�
<br /> iae6 �subjeet fhereto: any 'ArRcic�nc•y Fr�<•auvr t�f the insuffici.�ncy of sucti additional p�ymi•nt� .hall he forthwith Aep�mited fiy thr
<br /> _ Mortgayor with thr MorLgager u�wn drurand by thc• Murtgagee. Any de(ault undr�r thi � panaKraph vhall b�• dermrd a �lefgult in
<br /> pryinrn! of lax�++, ae�:ssments, nr x�milar charga�� rryu� rwl hvrrunder.
<br /> The Murty�lGor egr�ee� that thrre si�all a1M� br, addrei tu <•ach monthiy p:�ymcnt . d principal anJ interest reyuired here- �
<br /> under en amcwnt r�timnlyd by thv Mortgager f+� br xufTii•irnL t�� ruablo thr MortgnK�'�' t�, l�ay , uti it tu>cnrnen du�� , tha insurance
<br /> premiurn un ttt�y u�sur&nce (x�1iCY �Irliverr,d fu t}«' Mortgagre Any drfu'irnc.Y f.w•cnus+• � �f Ihe• msuAicivnry �d +uc1� addition�il pay .
<br /> men}n e:hall �e forthwith deP����rd f�y the Mortgxqor with the. Mortgagrr u �r��n drmanri by th�� Mortgagea•. Any dFtwult undrr Ihis
<br /> paruqra{�h xhall F� dvrmed a drfaull in thf� paymr�nt of insuranr� pn•miumn If thr �H,� i.-v or �diri�s �ir• p��vit��d ;� rr euoh as I'wimv �
<br /> own�•n: ur all nEk �x�licirs. and the de�w�tits ar.• inxufffcia�nt tu paY th�• rntirr { � n.��nlum . thr Mortqay,rr m�y aPPly the drpo�t to
<br /> pey j�rerniumn on nsks rryuired fA� Fw inaurrd 1>y this m�rrlKaK�•.
<br /> 1'aymrnts made by the M�,rtKaK��r undrr the abu�•r paragraphe may , tal thr �.E�Gun ut lhr Mi,rtgaK�'� . t�- held � by it and
<br /> cumrninglyd wilh uthrr xu�•h funds or itH �.wn fundn G . r Iha� peymenl u[ su�•h ifrme, an�l until w� appli��.i , such peymenls are hpr�•hy
<br /> plr�igrd wn ercurity for thv unpaid halannr uf thr m�� � ty;aKe intlrtit[vinrwx.
<br /> Tu prarurr, Arlivrr t�, , and rriaintain fur th.� b.,n�•tit � �f thr b1ur�gagt�r during thr lifr n( thi. murtgaKt' �+ri�inal �wlu•irs and
<br /> renewula thrrewf, de�ivi•re�r! ut Ir�st t���n d•e )'> f�rf��m th�• .�x {drafiun n[ any sw•h pulicir.. , insunng against. fire and uther insurable
<br /> hezardx, raaualtieo, and contin$encirr ee the Mortgagevr may require, in an amount rqual to the indrbtedneae aecun+d by thie
<br /> Murtgugr, and in cn�ar�ania•s au�eptable tn th�r• Mortk�K�'�' . w�� �� lovK payablr vlaueW in favur � �f and in (orm acYreptablr tu the Martqa-
<br /> �re. ln the evenl any pa�l�cy ia not rrnew.•A un �.r brG��rr ten days u( il� expirauon. tbr MortK�K�'•' mey Proevre insurance un the
<br /> improvementer, pay thr prrmium thrrrfur, arwi such sum xhall Iwrcnrnr �mma�l�utely dur and pxyahlr with inlrrent at thr, rate art
<br /> (orth in waid notr until pe�d and shall IH• :rc�urd by tht. m�.rtKuKt•. 1'�uilure un lhe y�art. u! Lhr MortgaYur tn furnish auoh ren.•walg
<br /> ar� are he�rin requfred ur [ailure tu pay any surne advanood hrrrun�3�•r nhall , at thr uptiun uf thr MurtgaKrr, <:�nstiWtr a drfault
<br /> undrr thr ternt� uf lh�w mortgaK� . '1'hr rlrlivrn' o( sui'F� � �� ilirn.�. +hall , in [ hr• �•ve-nl of drfault . � � �nsti � utr an atisiknmt�nl uf th�• un�
<br /> errnrd premium .
<br /> AnY aumx rri'e� vr< I Iry lh.� Murt.gnK�•�' by rra+��n � d InSs nr da�na7;v in.urrd ngain.t mar i�a- rrtainrd by lhr A7urlgnKrn
<br /> rnd applled [uwYrd the paytna•nt uf thr � Irbt he� rrby c� �rured . or . al Lhr upGc+n uf Uir Mortgagr�� , such �;ums �•ither whully ��r in
<br /> part may be Vo�d uvrr t.0 thr M��rtgaK��r ln Vw urrd tu r«�pair .urh buildings ur tr� build � new building+ in thr� r placr ur for any
<br /> uthef {wr{x� or ob�ect wtisfartury l�, [hr M� �rt �ag�•.• .+�� � �n �ut aflri•ting th.• lirn � m thr murtgxqe fur thr full amuunt s��rurrd he• re �
<br /> by hrfure euch prymenf rvrr tcwik ��lace.
<br /> 'jb prurtfpdy repair . rrKtore• ur r.�bwld any bwld�ng. � � r impru� rmentn nuw � .r hrrraltrr un thr �irrm �v^s whii�h may be �
<br /> cumr d�ena�ed ur dee�troyrci '. tu kre�� sa�d prnmi�a�� in ga�d cond� tir,n and rv•pair an�1 (rer trum any m.•chenYe'� lu• n ur other Gen ur
<br /> claim �d lien +wt exprrxvlY yuFwrdinated tu lhr lirn hrrs•uC nui tu suflrr or {x• rm� l any unlawful usr uf or any nuisancw to exixt on
<br /> Wid pcoper'/Y nor to perm�t wretr � .n euia.l ��rrmiu�s, nur t �� do any uthrr u��t �when-by thr prc,prrty herrby i�unveyrd shall Ix�cume
<br /> le� vdutblr, nor tu diminieih ur irt�pair iGt vulur try any acl � �r utni ..iun t �� a.�� �. to rnmpl � with all r.-qwrrmenlx uf law with rrvpect
<br /> to the mortga{rd prem�rrs and thr u� thrrruf.
<br /> Th:t ohuuld the ryremiea-x ur any part Ihrrr� �f tir takrn ur damagrd by rrawun .�I xny pubGc irnpr�.vrmrnt ur cundemntl� ion
<br /> . prui.�eed�nr, or under thr right ut rminrnt dumain , ur m any uther mannrr , thr Morlgag��r shall he entitlrcl lo a1l com�irnsaUor�v,
<br /> - awarda, and any other payment or rrlief thrrefor, end ehall Ar entiUed, at itx option, tu commenee . ap�x�ar in ana7 praeecutr �n ita
<br /> own �tYwte �ny acGun ur yroc.�r�•dinY , ur tu makr any cumpromixr ur nettic�mrnt in ounnrctinn with such tukinR ur Aam�e. A(1 e�uch
<br /> � �papr�p�, n.r�rds, da���, nRht ut actu�n �nd pruceodr arr iwreby a�ciYned �n lhe MortKaKc�, Who may . dter deductin�
<br /> _ ����yp �,q iis scperuea, reteyae mY aoneys xo rec'¢�ved bY il or aPP�y the aame un any indebtrdner�n secured luereby . Thr Mort-
<br /> prsr as.ew a «c«.ve. w,�ch fur�her arienmrefsr uf anY �'��mpensxUun. ewanir. dxmages. end rightx <�( wtiun and Rtva•rede ax the
<br /> I�9et�s fMY ;'MW+'�.
<br /> That �n eare u[ failure to prrf.�rm any ��f thr cuvrnants h<v.•in, thr Mortgagrr may du �+n thc• MortgaK��r's kiehalf evrrything
<br /> q covenantecl ; thrt thr Murtga�er may alew do 8ny act it. may deem nect•�:aary ln protect tha lirn thrrroC that fhr MnrtKaRor wi❑
<br /> ' re�y �ype dsmand �ny enon�y� yid or Aiabueeevl tw the MortgaqNe for any nf thr aM��ve pur�xiwrs , antl xuch mc��wvs togrther with
<br /> jw�seeat M�seeon at Nfe rate provided in a�id nofr ehall hecumr sa s�uch additionel indeMe�lneas hercby arcue�A rnd may �e ia- ;�
<br /> �{ydad ;w any dacree (ortwluwatg thiu murtgage and be� paid uut of the rnnta or proceecls of erale o! ra�A �>rem�aes if no! otherwi�e
<br /> nid; Wat rt ahail nd 6e u61i��f.ory u{wn the Mortgagre tu inyuirr into thr validity uf any I�en, rncumbrancrw . ur claim in aA-
<br /> �iw� �ne�sy� r aiova autM�iaed, 6ut nuthins herein conta�ned rhatl 6e co�truvd a� rnywrinR the Mort«aYrr lu �vanc+r any
<br /> �p�r�. � �y �eA pu�poog a�y tp do anY aet hereuoder: and thst M�ri�a�Lue xlwN �wt i�+cur any fk' ��nel lirb�lity hecause uf anY '
<br /> ��[ K �MY ds or tl�11A !a do laereusdes. , . s
<br /> In t1�e rvent o( the �[ault by Murt�liy{ur in thr paymunt ut any inetallment, ar reyuiraKi by thr Note ►e�tured herri�y. or
<br /> (� tir pwtoemanoe o( the abli�ation in this mortga�v or in �he note oecured tlsereby , tkx� MurtgaN�' +hall k�r rntitled G> declare 1he
<br /> dq* Mf�pypr� 4p��aby dur rad yy�YrLle .� ithout twLc�, ai:d ihc \loztyayec shal! br cntitl��d .v♦ irc o�ihnn .vith�.ut n../ �or CIL+1P� by itwlf
<br /> us 1y a teoeiver to be �lapuinted by Yfie ccwrt tfiezpof, sn<1� witt+out re�ard to the edequxy of eny secti`ity for tAe indrbteelnerx we-
<br /> � My�p�r. fq ew0er tfpm+ and lake ponis�kion- o'� tl+e mortgaged pre�ni�, and to collect and recrive the rentsc, i+cuer and profib
<br /> �e�e� �d� a�f1y tl�e rwine. Jeip ce�l� ot eperK'son anA chllectiow, upon ths indeb(winers +ecunki !�y tl�is �rtS�gw: w4d nnb,
<br /> jrye� �. � �ej� 1�ersyy ��d to itie ll�oR�aeoe� �a further �ecuritY for the paYment of alt indebtednrse cecum! herc�y. i
<br /> 7"be Afoeitasee al+all hive the p�wer to aypoint any a`ent or a�ents it may desire [or the purpoan of repairin6 xaiA peem-
<br /> .l
<br /> �,: �yy� �y �e: � 11�e rww�, oeveRues and incaate. �ed it maY WY �ut of seid incuane all ezpr. swee �ncurred ia rent- � ° �.;, ,.
<br /> _
<br /> . � i� ri �fp� � � �r�e ard d co�wetini t1+e eentaL lMrefewn. 1'I�e 6�Iance rern�ining. it �ny . rhrU be applia+d �owaed the �'� .
<br /> � �( qy � j�qiNrw. '!'Aa a�ai�arnent u to te�nninate �ad bei.�ome eull and voiA upon relrarr of thi� nwei�a�e.
<br /> � . ,.. � , �.;��
<br /> . . . . .,m,.,
<br /> . . . . . , .. , . ..
<br /> . . . ciw:.:' .
<br /> , �
<br />