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� � <br /> i .-... � <br /> aot extend or poat.pone the dUe date oP the inonthly iustallmentr+ referred to in parsgraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br /> O ehQoqe the amount ot such instalta�ente. <br /> � 10. Ia�e�r� llet RsLa�d. Extenaion of tlie time for �mpment or �nodification of amortization ot the eume <br /> � esuured by thitt Mart�e granted by Ixnder to any s�teceasor in interest of Borrower ahall not opernte to relesee, <br /> � � in any mpt�lser, the liabflity of tlie original Borrower and Borro�rer's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be <br /> Q roquired ta oomsuenee proeeedings agsingt sucl� successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwiee modify <br /> = amostisition of the �txeMs aecused by ti�is \Iortgage by reasa� of uny demsnd made by the original Borrower sad <br /> � Sote�rsr's weoereo�s ia intereat. <br /> ^ 11. fasb�arawe� bY L�nd�r Not a Wmv�r• Any iorbearance by I.ender in exerciaing any right or reaiedy <br /> P. i�ecew+der, or athe�vise afforded by appliceble iaw, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerciae of any ritht <br /> pr rca�edy hereunder. The procurement of iusurance or the pay�nent of taxes or other �iens qr chssgee by I.eader <br /> dul! not be s waiver ot I.ender's right to acceterate the maturity of the indebtedneas secured by thie Mortgage. <br /> 1Z Sarw�dir C�tulaliva. :�11 ren�edies provided in this Jlortgage are distinct and cumulstive to any other <br /> rjQbt or re�nedy under tFiis \Iortgage or ut�orded hv luN• or c�quic.y , ami may bc� exereised eoneurrently, independ- <br /> eat�ly or suaoe�rsively. <br /> 11. Su�owoas msd A�es Eound: 1oGnt m�►d S�vsral Liability; Captiasu. The co��enunts and ngreemente <br /> herein contained shall bind , and the rights hereunder �hall inur� to , thc respectivc succesaore und sesigpa of Le�ier <br /> and Bozrowez, s�uMjeet to the provieions of ��ar»Rrup1� I ? l�errof. All covenantF ynd agreements of Burrower shall <br /> be joiaL and several. The captions and headings of t6c paragra��l�s of thin \lortgage are for convenience only snd <br /> s[e not to be �ued to incerpret or define tl�c ��rovisions I�ereof. <br /> 14 Nolic�. Any sioticr. to Borro�� er procided ior in thi� \ tortgage �hall bc �;i�•em l�y mailing such notiee by <br /> eertified mail addressed to Borrow�er at tlic Yrupert�� Addres� stated bctoH , cxcept for an}• notice required under <br /> paragraph IS hereof to tx given to Horrower iu the n:anner prescribeci bp hpplicable law. ,�ny notice pruvided <br /> for ia thie �fortgsge bhsl ! Ix deemed to lia�•e beeu givrn to Borrow�er w lien gi�'en in che u�anner desigr�ated herein. <br /> 15, tTeiloea� A[orlysq�: Gov�reinq Law: Ssv�rabilily. Thi� forn� ot �uortgage c�mbi�es uniform covenants <br /> f� niLionsl use and non-unifom� covenants �vith limited variations b�• jurisdiction to constitute a uniform eeou- <br /> rity inrtrumcnt covering real property. This \lortgage shall bc goverued by the law of the juriediction in whioh <br /> We Propesty ie locsted. In the event that any provision or clause oC this Mortgage or the Note conRicte with <br /> appliesble lsv, such conHict shall not affect other provision� ot this \iortgege or the Note which can be given <br /> el[ect withcwt the conAicting provision , and to this end the pi•ovisions o( the �iortgage and the Note are deelazed <br /> W bs �erer�ble. <br /> li. See��dwrr's Ce�py. $orrower shall be furnisheci u confonned copy of this D4ortgage at the time of e�ceeu- <br /> taon or atter reoordstion hereof. <br /> 17. ?sdri�r ei t6� prep�ety: A�umptiea. If all or any � �art of the Property or an intereet therein is �old <br /> or traosfereed by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent , excluding ( a ) the creation of a lien or eacum- <br /> branee sul�edinsGe to this �Sortgage, 1b ) tl�e creution of u {�urcharc inoney eTecurity interest for houeehoid sppli- <br /> retoee, (c) s tra�sfer by devioe, desoent or b,y o��eration of la��� u��on the death ot a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of <br /> �ay 1ea�eLold intereot o! three yeers or lesa not containiug an optioii ta purchase , Lender may , at Lender's opEion, <br /> declan al! ttu ewne �eeured by thie !�fortgsge to l�e iininediately due and payable. Lender ehall have waived euch <br /> option to aecelerate iF, prior to tl�e sale or trsnsfer, Lender aud tl�e �ierson to whom the Property is to be toid or <br /> trsasfaered re�oh ssreement in w»tir� tl�st tF�e credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br /> p�yabie oo the �ums eecured l�y thia !�fortga�e sl�all t�e at �+ucl � rate as I.ender ehaU request . If I.ender hss w�ived <br /> t�e opt,�on to aoeelerste provided in this parugrapl� 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has ezecuted a writ- <br /> tes t�suenQtaon aQreement uooepted in writing by t.ender, Lender ed�sll mlease Borrower from sll obligations under <br /> tbir d[eetp�e aod t6e Note. <br /> It LeOder mceseiree sucL option to accelerate, Lender shall :uai! Borrower notice of aecelaration in s000tdanoe <br /> with para�[sph 14 hereof. Sucl� notice tlI18II �)I'O�'It�F 71 �ll'!!O(� of not lese than 30 days from the dete the ttotice ie <br /> m�ii�d rriWsjn which B+orrover may ��ay tt�e sun�e declared due. If Bormw•er faila to ��vy sucti sums prior to the <br /> espiratie�s of r-uch perisd , Leader inay , u•itlicsut furtlier noticr or �temand on Borrower, invoke any re�nedies per- <br /> mitted by par�ph 18 hereof. <br /> I�'ox-L'xiroRx (��ovExwrre. Borrower and Lender furt,li�r covenant and a�ree sE follows : <br /> l�. �ee�l�rdiea: A�m�diM. Exce��t as pro�'ide� l iu � �urssgt:a� �l� 17 I�ereuf, uEwn Borrower'B hreacli of an�� <br /> ooveeswt or agre+eee[ient of Borrow�er in tl� i� �lu�t�;xK�� , including t6c� covenant� to pay when dac gny sume secured <br /> �y tEtis \lortgage, Lender prior to ucceleration �hall wail notice tu Born�wer u� ��ro+•idc�al in paragraph 14 6ereoi <br /> epeeffyitu: ( i ) t4fe breach ; � 21 tl�e a�cuon rcyuired to eure e;uch hreaeh ; � 3 ) a date, not leee than thirty days <br /> irom tfie dste the notice is mailed to 13orro���c•r. I ,}• ���Iii��L ruc•li hmnch inu�;t lx� cur�vi ; and � 41 that failum to cvre <br /> , auch breaeh on or before tlie date epecified in thr uuticc may result in acrelrration of tltc: eUnlc secured by thie <br /> !14ort;r�e aed etle of tl�e Property . If the breaeh is not cured on or befom the date npecifieci in the notice, I.ender <br /> at Lender's option uuy declam all at the tiums secured b,y tl�is \lurtgage to be inunediaccly due and payable <br /> �vittwut furt.her demscd and mry forrclose thie \lortgage liy ju�ii�ial �ira�eeding. [.endrr shall fx rntitlecl to ooUect <br /> in rwch proceeding all expenses of foreclocurc , inclu� ling, hut not liiuit�d to , cost� of docu�nentar�� e�•idence, <br /> abstraab and titie reporfw. <br /> IL l�w�N''s li�i! M i�irlab. 1`otw�itlintsndin� I,ender'� xeceieration of the sunu �ecured by this <br /> ]Lottr�e, Soer�+er r6r11 have the ri�ht to Msve ar�y proceeciinK� Faequn by I.endcr to enturcr thin lfortgaqe die- <br /> eaet'twrd �t any time ptar to eaatry of a judgment enfqrinR thie \fortgaqe if : I ++ i Borrow•er paye I.ander all <br /> wrpr riiqL �vwuid b¢ Giwu+ Juk u�ci�� tiiis \lurtgu�� , ti�r \utr att�i tweee ciecur�ug k�utun• .�Jvuuecr, ii any , h»d nu <br /> aoeel�fstias a�wre+ed ; lb ) BorroaEer cut�r� all brracl�es uf ru�y utl�rr cu��rnanta ur agreeuiente vf Sorrower con- <br /> IYMi s tii D�Aelp�e ; (c) Botrorer paqs s11 reaaonable ex��enre� incurnri hy I.endrr in enforeing the covenaats <br /> a�d operrai� et Ba�swwee oa�etained in thi� 1[oetg�e rnd is� enlut�etn{� I.ct�aler'� reuudier ae provi� in pars- <br /> ; ; � li 1Mee�f. 'taeludia�. �wtt aet li�ited Lo, rewxu�rl+lr auonsry '� f� : x:ui 1 d 1 Borwwrr talces euch xetiax� as ' <br /> I��t e�a� ee�raa�bt� teq�itie to arwtne tlbt ti+e lien of this �loatqqge, I.ender's intereKt in the Property and <br /> D�M�e9 �b�ti�a be pay tlrt wmu oeeueed by thig 1iort�e Ehail continue unimpaired . Oron such pay�nent �* <br /> ted erl'i! b�► DeelO�et, t�is Alboet�l�e and tlte obliestiong secuned hetebr shall remain in full force snd e!lect ae if <br /> r � Y�i �ew:eA. <br /> w <br /> � � ��1�11rMt tE Mdlr A/�MM�r! �! ie�iMet tari�s ia Pwwioe. As rdditiooal eecurity here- <br /> MMu'. �rMwrt �rwl►Y �i�w � I.e�der f�s t� of the Propertv. �rcoridec� ti�4t Borrower ehaU. prior to aoeeler. <br /> ' �IfM� MMer paea{lapA !14 haee! or f� of the Pro�xrty . have tfie ri�lit to �olkrt and retsin such rente „�"''� <br /> � ir��n M a�! py�ile. ' `��,kt. <br /> � MN�MIe�ii�� Y�der p1e�[+�ph 1"R I�ereef a� alyandaameot of the YroQcrty . I.ender. in ��ereoa, hy agent " <br /> � by j�ifeilb �e� iae�iwer �� �e' entitled �o �tn' npen , tske �.oeNeasion of ae�d n�anage thr Pmperty <br /> a0d tv Co7�eCL �b¢ s�o3� of tAe P+'�P4i'LY, LN:�Y�Y�y{ ttiwt �irrl rlur. ��ll rcui. �•ullr�;Lcrl l,y Lei�.lvr w 6Le rrn;r.i � er <br /> �Y Yo �pii�t �t M �eeM6 �[ tl�s cwYs �f m�a�t of the PropertY aad collection of rente, including, but <br /> w�t Ii�rM1a� be, roeei+ee's fee�, �en►iume en n ceiver'e I+owdt and resaonstrlr xt<orney '�: feee . an�1 then t,o the eums <br /> Me�t y Nrr 3t�eefpsr. I.e�A�er aad the reeeiver ehalt he liafik to accwint only for thoc+e rnnts scRuslly recei�•ed . � <br />� <br /> 4 <br />