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<br /> � �
<br /> F I R JT aHORT FORM Sn
<br /> FED/�jR�AL PROP�RTY IMPROVtMENT Loan Number_---_3_4_$�.�_'-G�1s' '��:
<br /> LI Nti�,J� rowM No.z+t «v.a�2i
<br /> [
<br /> 77� �.10�e�6 3 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT'$
<br /> THAT,_.,Richard L. Bales..and,.Connie,S.. _Balea� husband,.and_,wife,i_._,�ointlx.,and..each in their own
<br /> .................... .. . .. . .. .
<br /> ... ...................
<br /> rlght,
<br /> hereiaaftet called Mortg4gota,it1 ooneideistion of the aum of...THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY
<br /> ......................................................
<br /> ..��_.4�?'��..�Q�1 Q4---.-----.-----.-----------------------c--.---rr-.---r..-----.----.----r.-..---r-
<br /> (= 3,952.20 ) DOLLAA3, the teceipt o#which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br /> and CONVEY an abeolute title, including a11 the righb of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br /> Mot�tpsee,ib suocereora and aeeigns, the following deecribed real eatate, sitwted in........Hall ..
<br /> County,$tate of NEBItASKA. to-wit:
<br /> Lot Fifteen (15) in "Bernhard Voss Firet Subdivision" being part
<br /> of Lot One (1), Vose Subdlvision in the Southvest Quarter (SGAx)
<br /> of Section Eleven (11), Tovnehip Eleven (11) North, Raage Nine
<br /> (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the resl estate above deocribed, with all appurtenaaces theeeunbo
<br /> belonPni untu the nid Mort�agee. forever, pavvided always,and thir mort�ase u upw� the�pre�ao�
<br /> �tia�n that if the aforeoaid Mortga�ore, their hein, ezecuton,administrator�or aw�ns ehall pay or caur
<br /> to be d to the eaid Mortgagee, its succ�,aeors or a�na, the pn ncipal wm here►nabove rst focth. all
<br /> aocoedi�to the tenor and eSect of a certaia installme�t mote ot aaid Mort�agon be�ring eNxf date with
<br /> this mort;aee. and shall pay taues snd aweeements levied upoa eaid reul�tate,and all ot}�ta=ea,�
<br /> sad a�tamante levied upon this mortga�e�u the note w�hich this mortgaee is given to eecure, befua+e the
<br /> rame or any in�talla�ent thereof becomeo de�inquent, then this martgege to be void. otheewi�e to rem�ia
<br /> in fuli iaae.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the �aid Mortga�or ehall fail topa y cuch ta:e�, .tLe
<br /> s� �Y P�Y the saine aad tl�e sum w advanced with interest rhall be paid by nid Mort�rs.
<br /> mort;a�e�hall staad as�xua'ty for the�e. (2) That Mortgagors rnvenaat wntl�the Mort�s
<br /> that they aee 7,awfuUy reized of esid reel ertate and�venant to warrant and ciefend the raid re�l estat�
<br /> a�t �ha lawdul ciaims of all pereons �vlwea�o�ever. (3) "Ilut in case of a foe�ecloeure of this mort,�ase
<br /> t6e pia�ti�in wch proceedimgs ahall be eatit]ed to ttkeporesa�on of the pe�emieea, piotect the rame at�
<br /> oollsot the ranta, aw� and proBb tl�reoE. (4) 'ilut a lsilure tc pay eny of nid nfoetey or any �-
<br /> msnt tl�seeof when the a�a�e beeome� due, or a failure tn oomply svath an.v of the foseB�nt =s�t+.
<br /> ���'1w1s wm ot moasY hereia �ecui'ed to becc�a�e d�u and collectible at once at tl�e optioa ot
<br /> ' ec�...,lw .. ....., 19..1.,�.._.
<br /> s;�a�.,.-..---./......_.a.y�r...........�--. ....._..........._
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<br /> ���,r��:'S V:.:.;�i.�::................._..............
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<br /> ...S.-L?..t..4:l..:'-Ge...�c�_���:....._._......__.._._. �
<br /> B,PA,1E �,��A � Cvns+ie S. Bales
<br /> a.t f �'
<br /> _. ....___.._..__..Ca�l.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> 1D�Thls_...__._..1.........dd at_...lJ�"�-G``....._...If..7�6�laer m.tlr mdee�d.a Na6�ry AWic.u ar Isr ' �,
<br /> � �i�l�,l,�y.,p�,�y �, ...__,�i.chard L. Sale� and Cooaie S. 8ales husband and wife
<br /> w+e..�r t�....r�.r e.ffi.idea�iod..................._.........._................ ........_..... .�.........--- -....... . :...--- (
<br /> ..
<br /> C+r��i�ar rrs aw r�d b Ibe d�nv� and [on�oi�..in�te�, as
<br /> asel�/se�.d�rc►�akwe�rled�d did�mset tb 6s Li�or hu voltufaay act aad Aroi.
<br /> :n,,..
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<br /> ,�`'�..s l_� �-..s�'� .,
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