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+ . <br /> I � <br /> BTATE OF NEBB,Al3HA, County of ....................................................: <br /> Filed for e+eeord on ........, ' <br /> ........................ ............................ o cicek ........................ M. <br /> oed reeorded in the Deed Eecord ................................. Puse ............................. <br /> � .................................................................................... By ................ . <br /> ........................................_................._............_. <br /> Begnter of Deedo Deputy Regioter of Deed4 <br /> 77-Uf163 62 SURVNORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> Roaald L. Smith and Sharon K. Smith, Huaband & Wife. each in his <br /> aad her own right and as apouse of each other <br /> , herein called the grantor whether oae or mors. <br /> ia cousideration of $29,000.00 (Twenty nine thousand and ao/100--------------) <br /> reeeived lrom �rantees, doee grant, bargain, eell eonvey and eonfirm unto <br /> Edvsrd M. O'Boyle and Merna L. 0'Boyle, Husbsnd & WiYe <br /> sa joiat tenant� with rigLt of survivarship, and not as tenanta in common, the following deroriirod real <br /> DroPerty in ...............�.44.�:�....................................... County,Nebraska: <br /> Lot Eight �8) in Block N3ne � 9) in Sheridan Place. being a psrt oP <br /> Block Tett (10) � of Harrieon's Subdivision of the Southweat Quarter <br /> oP the Southeast Quarter (SW�SE�) of Section Eight (8) in Townahip <br /> Eleven ( 11) North, Raage Nine (9) , Weat of the 6th P.M. <br /> NEBRA5K/1 pOCUMENTARY. <br /> STAMP TAX <br /> �7�z�, NUV -1 �' <br /> �� <br /> $.s��BY <br /> To hsve and to hold the above deocribed premises together with all teaementa, here ments <br /> asd a�+purteaaneer thereto beloaging unto the granteee and to their aarigas, or to the hein snd sesign� <br /> aL t6e rtuvivor ot them forever. <br /> Aad grantor does hereby coveaaat with the grantees aad with their arsignr and with tlie heira <br /> aad a�ri�ne ot t�e eurvivor of them that Qraator ir lawfuliy seised of eaid premisee; that they are frae from <br /> �brance except easements and reatrictions oY records <br /> tl�at �rsntar hsr goo3 riqht gnd lawful authozity to convey tt�e r�x�ae; snd that grantor warrante and will <br /> detend the title to said premises against the lawful claima oY all persons w•liomsocver. <br /> It io t6e inteutiou of all partier hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grrnteea, <br /> t#ie entire fer title to thir real proprrtp .ihall �•est in the eurviving grsatee. <br /> Dated September 25 19 77 <br /> . .................................................................................... rl�7CIQ�`�:-•w•.�■AQ��;•:•••:/•••-•�•••................. <br /> sld LI.�m h <br /> .................................................._................................. . �x������F'Sii"K:?� ..................... <br /> BT,T� OF,�r as k a............................ Coanty of ........H n 1.�:........................................: <br /> Se6sre �e, a notary pubiio qualitied for wid ecNinty, perronally came <br /> Roaald L. Saith aad 6haroa K. Smith. Husbsad & Wiie, each in his <br /> amd her oaa r16ht and ae epouse of ench other <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> 1a�aw�a te ese to be tbe ide�tieai perros or ps�sons w�o aisaed the foregoing iastrumeat and admowledged ' <br /> owr <br /> tlre meiaE� tl�aewt!s Le �i4 lom'oe tiuir niaafa►ry act sad d�eed. f � <br /> � <br /> , • R;te�w.i�l�ne!aed a.lsr4a! .est e� ............ ..........�.Rit t�71tb.R.r. ..�5.... ......, 19,7 T......._ `� <br /> i� I ��p ". <br /> /�, / . _ , <br /> � .�a�....�[L......1.c..1�.�:?SL.F,s........ Notary Publie � �e� <br /> , • <br /> Mlr�qr <br /> M. ron+n�eee�+n eapir�e .�(.t zi[uGL:�f�,....�?.`f... .., 19..9./.. ...... <br /> �-. <br /> Fn�n !y TA 1+r wnnrnved bs \rbrawta Rtate Bar ARaoeistiee +w..s�r.�r o..u.d..we�. <br /> � � <br />