<br /> r '-'�
<br /> F i R ST s�o�. ROR� _
<br /> ���1, Loan Number___ 34926 __- 1 50
<br /> L1� � PROPCRTY IMPROVEMCNT -s,-.��x----'Tro:
<br /> FpRu No.IIi 1 1Rsv.6721
<br /> � REAL ESTAT M
<br /> E ORTGAGE
<br /> �7-' �l U 6 3 6 0 KNOW ALL bfEN BY THESE P'RF.$ENTS
<br /> �AT Stephen L. Eddy and Rnbin E. Eddy, husband and vife; �ointly and each.in..their own
<br /> right,
<br /> l�ereieafter called Mortpgoa,in ow�aideration of the rum of..T[dQ._.T.k�UI1S��VR..S.I,X..H.UALRR£D..FZF.LSC..TI�D..
<br /> AND69/100------------------------=--------------------
<br /> (= 2.652.69 ) Dp�Rg, � �ipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORT'GAGE
<br /> and CONVEY aa abwlute title, including all the righb ot homestead and inheritance, anbo FIIi$T
<br /> Moetp�as, ib suc,cdsose and aesigns, the following deecribed real eatate, eituated in.....Hall..............
<br /> Couaty, 8tate of NEBR.A$KA, to-wit:
<br /> Lote Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Four (4). in the
<br /> Tovn of Cairo. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND 'PO HOLD tt�e reel e�tate above described, �vith ali appurte�nces thereuaito
<br /> ua
<br /> belonpns uato the said Morf+laTee. lot�ever, �ded alw�syr,atfd thi�mottlase ir upoa the e�uees con�
<br /> �tio� that if tl�e atoewaid Mortes�on. their aecuton.ad�aini�trators or asei$ns�aill pay iu caws
<br /> to bs to tl�e said Mortgatee. ib wcc�eeon or ersi6na, the cipal sum hereinabov+e eet �orth, all
<br /> pnn e na
<br /> a�dxr��tl�w teaot and e�ect ot a certeia in�tallnient aute o[rrid Mort�agore bearint e�wm� date�ilh
<br /> d�is . sa�d �hall pay tazes and �ts ievied� upon said resl estate.and e!1 oti�er ta:ea,lsvies
<br /> and arermenbalsvisd upon thie ee+oet�e or the aote which thi�a�ozts�a�e ie aiven to�ecure. batoar ths
<br /> m'�lull�foeo�a.� in�tall�ent tl�ereof becomes delinquset, t6en tba awrt`age to be v�oid.otherwise to remaie
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) TF�at if the � Mort�a;or afiall fail topa y such tase�, ths
<br /> ��Y P�Y the�ame apd t6s wm w adva�.�ed witla interest �hall be paid by,a�id bfortsasot�,
<br /> �ihall atand a�Neueitq for tl�e yme. (2) 17ut Mottsason covenant wnth the Mortse�ee
<br /> d�at th�y u+e yeeized of aue!rea�aatite aad ouv�eoant to �varrant and defend the aid rerl estats
<br /> a� tLs Iar[ul clairns ot ag �
<br /> parrrur w6oauoever. (3) 'Tl�at i�s care of a fo�+eclwure of thi� mort�s�e,
<br /> tlr plaa+ti�ia auch Prooeed'saP rhall be ee�titled to takspo�e�e of the p�mieea,pmtect tbe aame and
<br /> cdhot tl�e rsats, i�w�es aod peoAb t!►eeeoE. ({) 'Il�at a 't�lf ure t�pa.v aay of �aid money oe any in�tall.
<br /> aneat fi�uesf�iree tl�s�s beoomre�due, or a 6f'ture bo oomply wit.h my o[ the foev�oiet ats'eements,
<br /> ��whoie aim o!asoe�y l�e�+eiis�ecuoed to 6eoome due and collectibie at onoe at tl�e option ot
<br /> s�
<br /> 9i�ee� ti�is..,i ....dry ot....._.�ovsw�be.lr.............
<br /> �.............____.._.............19...7.:(.....
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<br /> x,�l:l �' �PC���... ..
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<br /> �+A� �� n E. Eddq
<br /> �1..___...._._.__...G�s�b. ��
<br /> ; O�IMs_.....�.!'�.......��f..�ll�tlw+Is{t,lf...l.7.l�t�me.t6e wd�e�d,a Nataey tublic.i�aed!or a % '�,
<br /> ri/�Mr,�wdl'ar�r ..:��IMl�►..L:...E��:d7...1�1d_.�O!l1A._L.....Ed�b[....huaLfmd..�...r[if�-.-.----..---..._ r. , � �
<br /> rn.Mr�.u..b..r r W.+i+�.Ih,d w.....ii.....�r. ... .�..i b O. .r.M. ..� taa+�oies ie�te.....s. .. �
<br /> awlw/..s.a.t.�ai�..i.�d ..id i..e��..t r M�i.ae i.r M.ir.r�ry .es a.d ds�
<br /> �
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<br /> �MM�/iq I�i ri aa�M aed at........... �c_..c..a, .C�.-.c�. �Li t: '
<br /> tlr itl�Lrt�wrr wiiil�� �- �_�.c•.� __ '„�„�
<br /> �Tl.MAOi� � /.' ��,�. «,.�
<br /> IrM�r-NI�I���f Mr�r-........... ... `�r"� (��• ,
<br /> ........... ........ .
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<br /> ��` �r !Votary-Puhlic.
<br /> �pIM��.�'....._.
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