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+li... <br /> � � <br /> ` _ 77� U0635y <br /> Loudor's writton a�reement or applicabie law. Horrower shall pwy the amount of all mortgs�e insurance prcmiums in the <br /> mmner pfovided under paresraph 2 hereo[. <br /> Aay anwunte disbutaad by Lender punuant to thu paraarrph 7, with iatenst thereon. shall berome additional <br /> iodebtedt�t of Borrower �ecured by tl�is Mortgaga Unless Horrower and Lender a�ree to other tcrms of payment, such <br /> � anm�anq thatl be psysble upoa notka trom Lender to Borrower requeuing payment tlxreof. aad shall l�ear interort from the <br /> date of dhbur�e+ment at the rnte payabie [rom time te time on oupta�ufing principal under the Nate unlesa �ymau o[ <br /> ie0mast at such rate would be cpntrary to appliubk law, in which event sucfi amounu �haU bear inror+cst at the hi�fiat nte <br /> pern+i�b{e under sppGeabte law. Nothing contained in thia para`raph 7 st�ali require Lender to ie�ur sny e:peate or take <br /> �y .�, �,ea�. <br /> t �q�eUe�. Lender may malce or cause to be mede reasontbte entries upon and inopections of the Property, provided <br /> that L.onder shsll sive Horrower notice prior to any such inspection specifyinQ rcawnable cause therefor rdated to Lender'a <br /> intere�t in the Property. <br /> �• Ce�iew�ttlo�. 77fe proceeds of any award or clsim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br /> eondemnation or other qlcie� of the Property, or part thereof, or for eonveyance in lieu of condemnatioa, are hereby asi�ned <br /> and s6all be p,tid to Lender. <br /> In the event o[ a total taking of tlx Property, the procoeds shall be applied to the sums aecured by this Mortpse. <br /> with the ezcess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a Partiql taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br /> othenwite aeree in writing, there chall be applied to the sums securcd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br /> as is equaJ to thu proportion wi�ich the amouni of the sums secured by this MortgaQe immediately prior fo the date of <br /> qkin� bean to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> If the Property it abando�d by Borrower, or if, after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condemnor otfen to make <br /> an award or settle a claim for dsmages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after tlfe daee such notice is <br /> mtibd, Lender is auNwrimd to collect and apply the proceeds, at I.ender's option, eitl+er to rastoration or repair o! t6e <br /> Property or to the sums aecured by this MortgaQe. <br /> Unless C.ender and Horrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to pri�uipal shall nat extend <br /> or poatpone the due date of the monthly initallments roferrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or chanQe t!ro amount af <br /> auch eactatlments. <br /> 1�. iareswer NN Ae1p�e�. Extenaion of the time for payment or modiflcation of amortization of the suees �eeured <br /> by this 111oR`ase iranted by Lender to any successor in interesi of Borrower shall not operate to rc4ase, in any manner. <br /> t!x liability of the original Borrower and Bwrower's successors in intercst. Lender shall not be required to commnnee <br /> procaedinp spipst euch succesaor or rcfuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amonization of tbe sums <br /> socured by this Mortgase by roason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Bonower's succeuon in interat. <br /> 11. BNi�see ry Leqier Not a R'alver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy heteunder, or <br /> othewioe atFonded by applicable la�v, shall not be a waiver of or proclude the ezerciae of any such ri�ht or remedy. <br /> '!Ue p�eeunament of imurance or the payment of taxes or other liena or charsec by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br /> ri� (b�te the a�aturity of the in�btodness secured by this Mortgage. <br /> 12. � �I�e. All remedies provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and cumulstive to any otfier ri�ht or <br /> ranedyr uader thls Mort�s�e or alForded by law or equity, and may be ezercised concurrently, independondy w sucxrivdy. <br /> 13. �c�s aM A�ir Es�wi; Jeht ad 6everN [J�brty; Ca�tlsas. The covenants and a`roememts heroia <br /> contaiwed d+all blwd, and tt�e ri�l+ts hercunder shall inure to, the respective successors and aui�nc of Lender and Borrorver, <br /> subject to tfie provivans of p�rsynph 17 hereof. Atl covenants and agreements of Borrower shali 6e joint and sevenl. <br /> 'iUe csptiwu aiul headi+�p of the puayrephs of this Mortgage arc for convenience oniy and are not to be wed to <br /> i++terp�+et or datne the provisioas heroof. <br /> is. N�tl�r. Ezcept for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (a) any �wtioe W <br /> Horrowror provided for in this Mort;a;e ehall be Qiven by mailtng such notice by ceni5ed mail addreored to HorroWer at <br /> the Property Addreu or at auch aher addrcss ac Borrower may designate by notice to Lender u provided herein, aed <br /> (b) aey ootice W Lender ahail be �iven by certiNed mail. rctum receipt requested. to Lender's �dre�s stated herein or W <br /> wd� other ad�e�s ae I.ender may deaignate by notice to Borrower ac provided herein. Any notice peuvided for in thh <br /> More�a{e �Ifall 6e deemed to have beea Siven to Borrower or I.ender when ;iven in the manner deiip+aMd hmrin. <br /> 13. U�I[� Mo�e; Ge�ee�i� Law; Sever�b�lty. This form of mortgaQe cambina uniform covenanb for eatiwul <br /> we md aon-uwiform covenants with timited variations by jurisdiction to co�utitute a unifonn tecurity inttrumeet ooverie` <br /> roa! pnopeety. This Moresaee shall be soverned by the law of the jurirdiction in which the Prope�ty is locued. In the <br /> event tMat any provicion or clnwe of this Mortgage or the Note conAicts with applicable law, sucA coe8iet ahatl aa affect <br /> otl�a proviaioes oE this Moettase or the Note which can be given eHect without tha conAictins provieion, aed to t6it <br /> a�d the provisions of the Mort�ate and the Note arc declarcd to be severable. <br /> lf. Neswer's Ce�y Hprrpwer shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of the Note and of thic MortQaQe at tfie time <br /> of exeeution � after recordallon hereof. <br /> 17. '1�arfer ot tY� Tre�1y; A�wr�ytlo�. If alt or any part of the Property or an ineerest thereie ia wld or trae�[errod <br /> by Dorrrnver without I.eeder'� prior written consent, exdudins (al the creation of a lien or mcumbneoe subordie�te W <br /> d�is U[ortp�e. (b/ the croation of a purchase money security i�cerest for hou9elwld applianee�. (c) a tranahr by devi�e. <br /> deroa�t or by c�pention of law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any lea�ehold intercat of three years or 1as <br /> not eoahini� an c+prtllon co purtha�e. Lender may. at Lender's option. declare dl the sums �ecured by thi� Mwtsye to be <br /> i�diately due aed Exyable. Lender st�atl have waived such option to sccelerau if, prior to the sale or traester, Lender <br /> and tie perwn W �vhae tl�e Property is co be wld or transferred reach agreanent in writins that the crodit of wch penon <br /> is �amfaetory w Isoder aod thu tfie iuterect payabk o� the aums eecured by this Mort�sse shall be at such nee aa I.endor <br /> s6a11 requeit. It L.a►der hp v�ived the option to �ccelerate provided in tbis para�raph 17, a� if Borrower'a succwor in <br /> meerart hat eieeubd o writ6ee aw�ptiow a�reema�t acceptad in writinQ by Lender. Lender shalt reka�e Borrower from dl <br /> oblipti�out uuder Wit A[o�yase aed U�e No1e. <br /> It Londer enereues weh optan W �eeebrate. Lender chall mail Horrower notioe of accebration in ac�wrd�nce wid� <br /> prrr�esph 1� Irereof. Sud� notire slall pwvide r Qeriod o( �wt ks than 30 days front tfie daee Hx eotice is rna�ed withit� <br /> � �ro� �Y WY � `� declarod due. lf Borrower fails to p�y sucl+ eunu prior to the expiration of such period. <br /> [.awier oay. wirho�K Eu�thar aotioe or dea�aed on !lorrower. �nvdce any remedia perm�tEmd by p�ra�aph IB hereof. <br /> Nd+-UKewoa�r Covet+.�xrs. Sorror+er aod L.a�der funiw covenant aed aseee as fdlors: <br /> la A�oorin.r..: a.riYa Fseqe a. O.e.leka t� p.a�r.�i 17 Ye.eer, uw Mr...wr. or ..y co.....t o. <br /> �.r..t d �......r �. IW M«�., Me1�L 1ie�ls a My �+Y.. a.e a.y .... .s«.a ry W. M�e1pL'�, <br /> NMr r .eed..Y.. .w� w ..Yo• 4 �..w... a. �wHe/ 1. �r�Y 1� rnw[ *.dlyi� cl) IY. b+.c� <br /> pl w adw w�.r a �. ..ei rw.��v W a �M� W Mr /W J� �� h�� Ire M�s � MtloO Y 1Y�/ M MAM�R "� <br /> 41 •�i.� se� Mr�e�f ..rt �. e�.�t a.a t� � tar.n a nre .rer ai+Ncr .. .r bt«. a�. ad. q.ewa b �re ..Ilc. '""�'"`' <br /> �/ �rlt i� �Nh� �[ IM wit re�w� b Iri MMMrq t�we1�� b l�W !� r/ � �l Me l�q. � <br /> 1 �a. .w.. .w �..�.. w..� w....r .e n. r�rr .. .dw. .w .oe�r�i.. ,.� IYe .i�r� M .....� r w hnew�. <br /> � !�'���f �t w�fW�� d' � �hdt �r �ry �M �Nw �[ /«ww�r r �ca1Md1�� ad hwcir��. � IYe iw�er <br /> r r e�wi .. .r w.w w w. q.e�w i� �r. ..Ya��. L..w .e I..i.r+. .�ll.. ..y i�ew. .� .r �. ..�. .«...r y . <br /> � MNr�� M M I�iw�!' �e f�i /V� witl��t htAer A�A ad e!' twecle�e i�' I�elr �nscee��L• I.Nier . <br /> i� M ��IIY�! r e�et 1� �eY �ne� dl �� �t Mal�w �. �t Me II�W� /w e� d re�ury <br /> wi1�e�. iY�t+M ri IW w�� �„ ' _ <br /> !� M�w�� �t � i�a 1�lotwil�tr�di� LeoAer'� aoodoratiaw of tl�e w� �e�wed by tiw Alort�ye. <br /> inrswr �hdl Mw� Hr ri�Mt to Mvs w�Y P��^E� �+� M' � �'�+der tc. enfi+roe this Me+rt;e� Aiscin+tinued at any time <br /> � <br />
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