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<br /> (6) To w t4 1uu� evid�weed by tMe �ds solely ta purposes �uthoris�d by tbe Governe�eRt .
<br /> (7') To Osy �rMs w►e �11 tnces, ti�es, jYdpnesta. esemebsaeees, ud usessmencs lawtutty �ttaelia� co a �ws�ed
<br /> � � P+oY��Y, iaclwlln� �11 c►�rps ad �ss�s�sts in ooesectioa with w�ter. �r�tec diits, �ad r. �t,�r sbdc
<br /> p�et�iaie� Oo ot n�on�bly Hcessary to tbe u�e ot t1M red proP�rty de�cribed obov�, aad a�ll 4ms �rd as�ea�weets levi�d
<br /> Ypoa Nis aoetpp or the �ote or �y i�d�bbdeeas Y�eby Nem�d a apiest aay le�al roider h�r�of or of tY� so�i or of
<br /> �dd 'ui�btt�ds�as uaJar t6e laws of N�beuica, �ed peo�ptly drliver W t6e Gova�wn�at vitbout de�d wedpq �videecin`
<br /> wci �ayrata.
<br /> (6) To lueP the prapsrtY ieswed •s ap�iHd bY and rnder iesuraece policies �pprwed by . deliverod to , a�d M�ined by
<br /> tM Gav�at .
<br /> (9) To mi��iu ieprove�ents in �ood repair awd nuke ceQ�irs re�ired by t6e Govereseot ; opente t4 propwty in a �ood
<br /> yd MNbsada�nlike a�paees: co�►1y +riib such fum cooserv�tioo pnctic�s aed fae� ud home eaoapNet yLnt �� tM
<br /> Gov�sed 6aMe tiM to tir nay pr�aer{be� and not to �biedon the ProPe�tY, a c�use or peruit rrute. lsswia� a ieP�u-
<br /> a�e� a( t6e trtyri;y ecv�red Iwreby, or, �rithout the written consent of the Govemiseat , cut rewove , or le�se �ay timber,
<br /> �rwel, oil, ps, 00�1,, a oth�r eirrals eacept u may be neco�wry for adinary doe�euic purposes .
<br /> (10) To co�ply witY all laws. ordi�anc�s , aa�d re�ulations �ffectis� th� propertY •
<br /> (Il) Ts p�Y ar ni�bur�e the Govern�eu fa expenses n�sooably escessary or iseide�tal to t�s prot�etiow af t6e tise
<br /> aed 'rieriey hu�ot ad to the e�tar�eeat at a t6e co�pti�sc. oitl� tAe provisio�s Yee�of uid ot t!e wee ud �y s+�ple-
<br /> wsctKy yroe�eat (�rY�ther betoee or �(ter detrult ), iscludin` but sot limited to coste d evidence af titk to ud smv�y d
<br /> tbe property, eosts o( ncordia� this aad ot6er inatruments, attayeys' (ees, trustees' fees, court costs, aad etpra�es ot
<br /> sdvMisis�, �stli�. aad coeveyiu� the propertY•
<br /> (12) Nsither tde pnpeRy aor �ay portiae t4rsot or interest therein siwll be leased, assi'�d, soW; traad�rr�d. or Mc�w-
<br /> ber�d, voluatuity a othenriie. Without the Written conreat d the Goverea+eet . The Govemmeat t►�Il Ywe tie w1e a�d
<br /> etN�siw d�Yts a+t �ae�e Ibrewder� iecludia� but not limited to the po� to �raat cosseets, putial roless�s, subord'ua-
<br /> tioas, �ud wtisfaetioe, aad no iwaared 6older chail }wve any ri`ht , titk or int.rest in or to the liea or aey b�[its bereo[.
<br /> (13) At all n+wo�h�e ti�es tYe GovKawent and 'us a�sat� �ary iaspsct t6e propertY to aueArin virtM�r tLe cwes��ts
<br /> apd aQ�ee�eMs cost�iwed herein ar ia �ny sup�lteientary a`reemeat are bein` perfor�ned .
<br /> Q4) 'I:►e Goverament may extend and defer the maturity ol and renew and reamortize the debt evidenced by tf�e note
<br /> or any indebtednesc to the Covernment secured hereby , rekaee from liability tu rhe Government any party so tiable tlferoon.
<br /> relea�e poRions of the property from and subordinate the lien hereof, and wuive any uther rights hereunder , wiihout aflecting
<br /> ttm lien or priority hereof or the liability to the Government of F3orrowec or any other party tor payment of the note or in -
<br /> debtedneet secwed hereby ezcept as cpecil'ud by the Government in writing .
<br /> (15) iE � a�y Yswe it slrli apperr to the Government tlut Boerower may be able to obta�n a lo�� feea a productioe ce�dit
<br /> assoeiataa, a FeAeral la� baale, a other respoasible cooperative or private crodit eauce, at rea�aybM rates ud bes�
<br /> far IeMs Ea siaular ourpews ad periads d tiee. Borrower �rilt . �pan tAe Governeest 's request. •pply for aad �ecept wc6
<br /> lou ia wtticiest a��t to p�y tVe aote aed any inde�bted�ess secrred hereby vd to pry for awy stxk s�e�puy to be
<br /> puecirNd ie � eooperi�t�vt lsedi�; a�e�cy ie coaneetioa with such lo�a.
<br /> (16) D�(auk Iwernder slull eonstitate dd�ult ueder any otMr real estate , or rwder aey paesow�l propnty or ot6er,
<br /> �ecurky iastrues�t Yetd or ies�eed by the Governmeet aod acecebd ar asauwed by BaroWer, alld Al�atllt YMIl� My saeh
<br /> atAer srcurity i�sRrw��eat eWl co�tit�Ne befwlt hereuader .
<br /> ( ! 7) SHOULD DEFAUZT oecur in the performance or discharge oF any obligation in cl�is instrumeet or �ecured by this
<br /> ec
<br /> instrumene, or d�ould aey oae of che parties named aa Borrower die or F�e declared an incompeteat, a bankruQt, or an
<br /> insolvent, or make an auignment for che benef'i� of creditors, the C;overnment, ac its opcion, wit6 or wit6out noriee, map :
<br /> (a) deelare tke sa�e amount unpsid under the note xad any indebcedneu to the Government hereby �ecurod immediately
<br /> due aad Qayable. (b) for the ucount of Borrower incur and pay reawnable e:pea�es for repair or ma�stenanu of snd take
<br /> po�on of, uperate oa reat tlre property . (c) u�on applicstion by it and productioe oE this inareviwent. witl�out oe6ar
<br /> evidewce awd witl�out notice of bear�ng of caid appluacion, have a receiver appointed for t6e property, wiah t6e uwal po�ren
<br /> of reeeiven in tike caaec, (d) foreclo�e thic inscrument u provided herein or by law , and (e) enforce any and all otl�er rig6ts
<br /> and remedin providcd hereia or by prerent or future law.
<br /> ( 18) The proceeds oF foredasute wle ckall be appl'ud in the following order to che paymant o6 (a) costc and upen�es
<br /> incideat to enforciag or comptyieg with the pruvieions haeoF, ( b) any prior liens required by law or a compe�enc coun to
<br /> be co paid, (c) the debt evide�eed by the note and all indebtedness to thr Government cecured hereby, (d) infesior liews
<br /> of roeard required b� 4w or a eompetent court to be so paid, (e ) at the Governmenrs opcion, xny otker indebtednew
<br /> of $arrpvrec pwin� to or incured by �6e C'�uvunment, and (f) any balance to $«rower . At foreclo�we or otl�er a�le
<br /> of all or asy put of t6e proper�y, t6e Govun�went and its a�ents may bid and purcbue as a suangnr and muy pay che l;ovua-
<br /> ment's sl+are of tLe purc6ase price by cred'uin�r such amou�t oa any debes of Bexrowu owing to or insured by the
<br /> Gov�nmeat, in che order Exescribed above.
<br /> ( 19) Borrower aQeec tiut tl:e Gowcrnment will not be bound by yny present ur future Sts�te IaW, (a) providing for
<br /> wlwtion , appnissl, homestead or ezrmption of the property . (b) prohibiting maintenancr of an action for a defiacncy
<br /> jud�n�eat or li�mtiag the amouat thaeof or the time within which sucfi act�on must be brought , (c) pcecttibuig any other
<br /> etatute of lfmitations. (d) ailowing anY ri�hht o( redemption or pwse�cion fallowirig any foreclosure sale . or (e) lirtating the
<br /> conditbes whidt the Governme+st may by regulation impose , including the interest rate it may char,e , u a ca�dition of
<br /> appro�Y� a trand'er of tfie property to a new Boerower . Borrower ezpresdy waives the benefit of aay w�ch 9tate Lws.
<br /> �prrpw�et hercby rttinquslres, waiMes, aed conveys all ri�ta, inchwte ur wnsumrnyte , of desoent , dover , and curtesy .
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