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<br /> � :.- �,: �• . 41 L!�;:.�-� ,,. _ _ # �
<br /> ' SB-A—REAI EiTATB MORTC,AGE(Corp.)-1MIth Tax Clawe(Revis�d 1a62) 7t.g„e,e.n C�..c�1 g„opty s,u�.,i,ioo,yo,yv�6r, � �
<br /> �
<br /> �" KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENT6: That Nebraska Conference A ssociation of the Sevent� �`
<br /> !i Day A dventiste, a Corporation `'
<br /> � i � `�
<br /> a oorporatioa or�anised and existin�under and by virtue of the law�ot t6e Btats o[ Nebraeka
<br /> � ew,.��.ci�ot cbe wm ot Forty Thoueand and no/100 ----------------------- DOLLARS
<br /> ---- ���
<br /> � in lund paid,does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto CommercLal Nationai Bank & Truat Co., Grand
<br /> Ieland, Nebraska,
<br /> �� ot Hall cw�cy,scace ot Nebraska the foRowinQ darcribed premi�es aiWated� �
<br /> iva Hal! Councy,nna srace ot Nebraeka ,to...�,r Lot four i .
<br /> �� (4) in B. & T. Subdivfsion in Hall County, Nebraeka, � �
<br /> ;! `
<br /> `� In the event the title to said real estate ie transferred, or contracted•to be transPerre�, '
<br /> �� from the uadereaid for any reaeon or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal
<br /> �¢ sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the hoider hereof. t
<br /> +i Failure to e�cercfse this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one � i
<br /> ,
<br /> inetance ehall not conetitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same itt the event of �
<br /> {' any subsequent transfer. ; '
<br /> � al
<br /> ;�
<br /> ;i ;
<br /> �� '
<br /> ,� i
<br /> ;; l
<br /> � '1'be intention being to oonvey hereby an abwlute tide in fee ximple. 1
<br /> (i 1`O HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisea above deccrihed, with ail the appurtenanoer thereunW be�nginQ u:tW fhe yid i
<br /> C ommercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand Islai d, Nebraska i '
<br /> � �V aod W ftBheire and arsisnr[orever, provided alwaye,aad there prerenb are upon ihe exprers oondit� that if the� '
<br /> ', ••� Nebraeka Conference Aesociation of the Seventh Day Adventists, a Corporatioa �
<br /> or�ai�u r3u11 pay or cauee to be paid ta the xaid Commereial National Bank & Trust Co., Graad � ;
<br /> "� Island, Nebraska
<br /> ' �p l�si,s,ereeueor�,adn+iniet:awre o�aeri��,the�um ur Forty Thousand and no/100 -------not�ar..�sayab�e a.
<br /> ; tdiow.,eo-wit: Interest oniy payable on January 26, 1978, and 59 equal monthly paymenta�
<br /> �i EiQht Hundred Eighty Two and 52/100---- noua.s Qo ct� 25 t h a.r ot February , i� 78 , �,
<br /> ;j and the 26th day of eaeh month thereafter �aex�c aar ot , ia '
<br /> Eti until January 25, 1983 when the balance of�lhtiem�c a.Y ot , is � �
<br /> �� principal and interest outetanding shall be �etlwomea�c d8Y o[ , ia ;
<br /> ds�e and paqable . • not�,���t,« monL�l� • la �
<br /> i� with ince�e.t the.eoa.c /0.5 �r aenc pnr..mwn. wreb►e 1/26/78 and Y�II(Y�,.000ra;,�w me temr aoa e�ec+.�
<br /> �f ct tfi� P,�mi.wry � W�ct, ;acer�c «,�,�,�n. acs.et�a ot .a;d Nebraeka Conference Aseoci�—,
<br /> ! tion of the Seventh Day A dventists, a Corporation
<br /> �� bs�AnQ even date vrikh there pre�eats and shal! Pay sll tarzer and a�errmenb levied u
<br /> ii levier and aweormen4 leviod u{�on thic mort�e¢e or the aote which this pO°oaid real e�4te�nd all otber tass�,
<br /> . • inortia`e is Qiven to recLre. be[are the�me 6eoomes
<br /> i� deLioqueat,aed keep che baildings an esid premioeo inrured Eor the rum of t t1�8 .Lo�r. iE uiy, WYa61e to the�
<br /> . t, nid moetiat�� thea there prerenb W be void. otherwire to 6e and remain in full [oroe. �
<br /> j� 1T I8 FURTHER AGREED. (1) That if the oaid mortQasor rhrll (ail to !
<br /> WY «tch fase� or procuee wuh iarutrece. the;
<br /> fs �sid mort8�6��Y WY wuh taxea and procure euch ineurance: end tl�e wm eo adw�ced, writh interert at �' •,� per 1
<br /> ( ceat�lull be repaid by raid mort�agor,and thir mortgxee rhall rtand a oe�vrity [or r�we. (2) That a tailure to pry any ot�
<br /> �! rsid moaeY. eifher priacipal or intere�t when the raeae become due.or s failure W oomplY ��anY� the foretoia�asree-; .
<br /> � :i w�snh.ahrtl o�ure tl�e wbole wm o[money herein rar.�ured to beoome due aod oollectible at aeee at khe optios of t}�e morf�aeee. ! �
<br /> ;t ����WtiEREOF, r� ..;a Nebraska Conference Association of the Seventh Day Adv�ntista
<br /> �f ;ts ouepwrate oeat w 6e a&:�,d and chere preoenL.w be ai�ned by ib �
<br /> r�hi. 28th d+r ot October . ►s ?7. i
<br /> �� 'vezaa in Pre�nce o[ I
<br /> �a ' Nebraska Conference A ssociation ot the '
<br /> Ij . _ __'. . __ . '`�� -._. _._... Sevemt -�ay Adv�arti a �'-orporatton '
<br /> �
<br /> ' B
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<br /> _. • ,
<br /> . � .................................... ..... .... . . ......___ .___ .. y ..�....... . .. . _.:1�h1r
<br /> �� s�rw� oF.....____ N���aelsa_. . _ , c,�uRty or _ ..Hall '
<br /> A� _ _
<br /> _..__.__ __. .___.._:
<br /> � ,f Bstots me,a notery public Qualised in wid county. peer+w�ally came �
<br /> . �� Pre�ident uf! ,.
<br /> e�aeha Conference Aseoctatioa af the Seveath Day Adventists, a Corporatioqa coe�«aab.p
<br /> �e�wn M ars b Ir tl�a preident end ' tical per�on vho i�n ed tl�e to�esoing is�teumeat. and acknowlsd=ed the e:ecutioa '
<br /> �arr[M 1r Y�roM�Wey sd�id�ed _�c6 aB�f►rrr/tiw volrebry act a�d iad ol �ii oo+po�ar ud fl�at ib oor- i s
<br /> •{ �se�M wl wrr Hw�Or a�soi G �.cit•,: '
<br /> WiEr��Yrd and�edai�t _.....�$C.a�_._.......... ... ...... - -- .... . . ._ 19. ?�.. f ` �`.
<br /> ,...r "
<br /> ! . .. !
<br /> ;` !�r sa�#Mirw�-... ......._ .�Jwrt 2:. .. . ._ _1�r��c� .....�.+6�-4�_. .....................Nalary I'uWae � i
<br /> � , �+�,i'6 t1!'.............__..___.._.....................---............•_•-- � ENwrd e� sumeriod ieds: aed Sled for rem�d i '� ' r
<br /> ± '{ �� .....__..__..__...__..�__.._...._....------•---•--•--.......� i��fi�srrr d LM�OY'ies d�ud(:araty et�e; ; ,�'"'
<br /> �� .�..........._�...iiqr�.__�.__»_...._.___.._................. l!._........., a4.-------...--...:_....-...�'cie�ct W................... .....aierW lil.. i ��"�'
<br /> ` a�i wes.i�i i Heek.._...___......___....__...........a[..............._....__...._--...._..at p�p... .---- -------...........---....... ,
<br /> .............._._...----,.--...................--...--............_.......ltes- of Deed� ;
<br /> H.r�--__. .............. .......... .....__ _.____._...____I��,,.cy �
<br /> -..- :,�... --.: :-,- _
<br /> 4� : .�___.___.'---._ . �--:, _ _ ;
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