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<br /> � 77- t.�0�339
<br /> �.1—SURViVORSNiP WARRANTY DGEO F•ito�FiWolf Gomp�ny,Lincoln,►i�M.
<br /> 1
<br /> Claude E. �euting and Martha L. Reuting, husband and wife, esch in his or
<br /> her own right and &8 BpOuee of the other herein called tHe grantor w•t�e:her one o:more,-
<br /> in conr;flesation ot pne Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration - -
<br /> received from grsateea, doea grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Eldon L. Lacy and Merna L. Lacy,
<br /> husband and wife
<br /> aa joint tenante with right of eurvivorship, and not a� tenants in commu�i, the following deseribed real
<br /> property in ..........................}�81�........................... County,SQebrasks:
<br /> Lot Fifty-Ttao (52), in Reuting's Second Subdivision, a
<br /> Part of the Southwest Qusrter (SW�), of Section Ztaenty-Four
<br /> (24), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10), West of the
<br /> Sixth P.M., all in Hall County, Nebrasks.
<br /> � S AMP TAX
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<br /> P �,,. H0� '1 �7�
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<br /> To hsve and to hold the above described preinises together with nll teuements, hereditamento
<br /> sad appurtensnces Lhereto beloaging uuto the granteea and to their assigne, or tu the heirs and assigne
<br /> of the ¢urvivor of them forever.
<br /> Aad sraator does hereby aovenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the hein
<br /> , and aoei�ne of the eurvivor of them that grantor is 18«'fl1II}" �P16@(j of r�xid premises; that tliey are free from
<br /> meumbraaoe '
<br /> no exceptiona
<br /> thst arsntor has good right and lawPul authority to couvey the sairie; aud tihat grantor warrante and wiA
<br /> deiend che title to oaid premisec sgainst the lawful elaima ot all penons whomacever.
<br /> It ir the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either uP the granteea,
<br /> the entiee!ee eimple title to the real eetate shall veot in the surviving grantee.
<br /> Dated �y 19� 19
<br /> ...................................................................................67. �:�;!••e�•�'t�'..'£.. �1�... .. .. .
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<br /> B�£oer ate.a ae4sJ pnblio Qwlitied fos asid couuty, person�lly- usme
<br /> Claude E. Reuting a�sd Martha L. Reuting, husband and wife, each in
<br /> his or her oam right and as •pouse of the other, '
<br /> ,�.
<br /> "�f E t' :::., _
<br /> � � �+�bs tYe idaaCiotl p+sr�sae�perwnc wl�o eigaed tht fore�oing instrument snd ackaowledged
<br /> ,� , M�fo!to be•iiiy�i�.�e ttrcir solnntary act aad deed. �
<br /> .;. • , .: .
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