<br />`y��,
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<br /> r �
<br /> ?��UU6338
<br /> LL7�EEd OF TRUST
<br /> rTiiR�R �1a�u�l on�w!iam tbir �7 f1, dp d October . 19 77 .
<br /> b�ard bMw�s HEZAtZNAN ENGZNEERING, INC. . 3003 South Locust Street,
<br /> GraMd Isleszd, •
<br /> d'fIr Ciamrb�d Ball , gfam o[ Nebraska ,
<br /> � � ���r�� ��e, �� ���� � Chicago Title Insurance
<br /> Co�uupany, a title insurance campany authorized to do �business in Nebraska
<br /> txxxicxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�cx�xxxxxxxxxx„�,d p�. < r '� �llqQe���
<br /> Ccasmerce Sank of Kansas City, N.A. � a ,� ,
<br /> (ird�Mrr ariud'?red�e"),
<br /> W!'1'�1� 'l�t tlr Cin�nlor.in 000�idesatim o[th�d�lk aad t�ust hadis�r meotlamd�nd cn-
<br /> MM.Md�a�ai�ATE D07.i.AR (ilAO) P+�tio Grantor b9 t}� Ttu�bea. tlr rao�iyt ol whiah is hraabY
<br /> �i/id,do�t b�E6�r D�b icaok bae�tia.artt. oonwy snd oonl6m r�lo tbs Tn�br tbt floHoalte�dr
<br /> �srl rlrb�t�d in f�Carty e[ Hal1 a�dB�atNebrask$b-wlt:
<br /> A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> (NW1/4SW1/4� of Section Twenty-seven (27) , Township Eleven
<br /> (li), North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the West Line of said Section 27,
<br /> Township 11, North, Range 9, West, said point being located
<br /> 324.0 Feet North ot the Northwest corner of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4SW1/d) of said Section
<br /> 27, running thence East parallel with the South line of
<br /> said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWI/4SW1/4)
<br /> a distance of 660.0 Feet, running thence North parallel with
<br /> the West line of said Section 27, a distarice of 336.0 Feet,
<br /> rttnninq thence West parallel with the South line of said
<br /> Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4SW1/4) a
<br /> diatance of 660.0 Feet, to a point on the West line of
<br /> said Sectiosi 27, runninq thence South along and upon the
<br /> West line of eaid Section 27 a distance of 336.0 Feet to
<br /> the point of beqinning, containinq 5.090 acres, more or
<br /> less, subject to County Road.
<br /> All that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Sectioss
<br /> 21�+enty-seven (27) , Township Eleven (11) , North, Range Tea
<br /> (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, lying
<br /> South of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, as shown on
<br /> the Government Survey thereof.
<br /> ������,�ei�luu��Pea![b tl�e�ea[.sei a11�qripsret ud peo�iy o[aqy�at4ur�so�oe ltio►
<br /> i�e�IYa1Nd M ae rrd fa aaoretliea viih 1�P�siw Laria d�d. w5id�Muipr�at aed pe�op�ety �uv
<br /> ri iW ir A��Is b��sd a P�af tl�re�Np�.
<br /> 'ib l�+AV�AI�'!O HOi.D I�r�s d�ree�d pw�wfy�a+Is td'l�1Kwee��ed por�wioa at�aid .
<br /> P�ir i��ew i�Yrrwl�1s dr�M��,1�t�,Lev�we.!ae tlr ldlowio� v�epa�ea:
<br /> MY�tir/re b.iis f�tly I�i�byi b L.d�r is tlr aws e[ One Mi 11 ion--
<br /> DOI+I.ARB (Sl,000,000.00 ).
<br /> !!�iia6 tra fi�rMe��a�Yd�od ddl�ewd b lend�e f1�tt awl�ia p[aairoq aoM d ews d�b bawdl6.
<br /> M�ii�s�Mwt�t 1�b ar at 9 1/2 'J6 v��as t��mpdd 6rlaa�fH v�id.aod pyabi�as loNows:
<br /> 550,000 on the first day of February, 1978 aad S50,000 on the
<br /> tiret day of each aucceeding quarter thereafter, until the
<br /> whole suaa named ia fully paid.
<br /> r
<br /> • . �\
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<br /> � iii a111�*Nii tW�t��n/tb�s�d�ia� d ae�put d a�id yel�rl or ieY�k�l�s du�
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<br /> aM._ �ed �111r�Mit �t fdtq����!W�6slde�r�d�id�eeiq.breeer�t aee� '�
<br /> ` ir ri�rii er i�w!6��et p�ia�t f�ir wp�etlw du�i�, � �'
<br /> �R J�1��_ i1r�d�Illr 1rl Yls�d�sia a{rtiao. �e��lrrr tlMa Id�s�ed reh ef 16� � `:,.4
<br /> rwl�i�iM��a�1�p�laR- 11 1/2 ��r�t�r���. ,�',
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