r --�
<br /> i --� . �
<br /> not extend or poatpone the due date of tl�e a�onthly instr� lln�ents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> ehsnge the araount of euch iaetsllraents.
<br /> 10. Daesaw�r Not R��wMd. Erteneio�i of the time for l�a,yment or modification of amortization of the eu�e
<br /> �tautad by this Mortea�e gi�anted by I.ender to any successor in intereet oi Borrower shall not nperate to relea�e,
<br /> � ia soy ►t'taw�er, the liabiiity of Che originul Borrower and t3orrowcr's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be
<br /> eequired to oommenee pe�ooeediage agsinct sucl� suaceseor or refuse to eYter+d time tor payment or otherwise modify
<br /> sroortiswtian of the sums eeuuned by tl�is \lortgage by rea�on ot uny demand made by the original Borrower at�d
<br /> Sersar�r'� sueceaeors in int.ere�t.
<br /> il. Forb�masea bT Lad�r Mot a Waiv�s. Any forbearance by Lender in exercieing eny right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise s$orded by applicable law, ehall not I�e a wsiver of or preclude the e:ercire of aay ri�ift
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement of ineurance or tl�e psyment of tsxes or other liens or charges by I.eader
<br /> r1ia1! not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtednees secured by thie Mortgsge.
<br /> ($ �di�s Cumulafir�. Ail remedies provided in tt�ia �Zortgsge are distinct and cumulative to any oEher
<br /> tight or remedy under thia �'IOf'LgB�P. OI' 11tT0!'dC({ I),Y IBN' OI' Pquicy, and iney be exerciaed concurrently , indepeud-
<br /> ently or sucoesaively.
<br /> 10. sueewees �d Aaaiqd Bouad; Jeant md S�veral Liability: Captim�. The co��enante and agreemente
<br /> hersin contained ehaH birsd , and the rights 6ereunder nhall inure to, tlie res�ctive successore and assigos of I.ender
<br /> and Borrower, subject to the provieione of paragr:tiph 17 hereof. All covenant� un� agreementa of Borrower ehall
<br /> be joint and several. The captions and I�eadings of tLe ��aragraphs of thi� \tortgage sre for convenience only and
<br /> sre aot to be tteed to interpret or define t6e ��rovir�ions hereof.
<br /> � 14 Notie�. Any notice to Borroa�•er ��ro�•ided for in tl�i� \tortgagr hhall bc gi��en by mailing such notice by
<br /> � certified msil addrebsed to Borrower at tl�e Yroperty Addres�; ,tated iuloµ� , rxce�u for an,y noticz required under
<br /> C� paragrsph 18 hereof to bee given to Borrow�er in tlie � uanner � ae.cribed by xp� �licable law . Any notice provided
<br /> �,1.? tor in this �lortgsge shall Le deetued to ha�•c been qi�'en tu Burruwer a•i�en given in the �uanner de�ignated herein.
<br /> 0 15. (JeiEoam Mer�qaq�1 Gov�eaisg Law: Ss��rability. 'This for�u of mortgnge combines uniform covenanta
<br /> � for natiosal uee and non -uniform covenante with :imited �•uriations by juriediction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity inetrumept covering real property . "1'his �lort.gage shull bc governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> _ / the Peoperty ic lceated. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Alortgage or the Note eonflicte with
<br /> ^ applicsble law, such conflict ehall not nffect otLer pro��isions of this �loikgage or the Note which csn be given
<br /> � elreet without t6e conAietiag provieion , xnd to thi�+ end tl�e provisions of t.he �lortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be �everat►!e_
<br /> li. �esrew�ri Copy. Borrower shsll be furniahed u ron[ormed copy of this �lortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or att�r reoordstion hereof.
<br /> !7. hse�6r o4 tlw Prop�rty: A�umplioa. If all or any part ot the Property or an interest therein i� sold
<br /> or ta�ntfesred by Borrower without Lender's prior writteu consent , excluding (a ) the creation of a liea or eaoum-
<br /> brsnae cuvordiaate to this Mortgage, I b ) the creation oS x purchase money aecurity interest for housei�old appli-
<br /> saoet, (a) a trsnQfer by deviee, descent or by operation of lu�� upon thc death of a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of
<br /> any lea�ehold internst of tttree years or less not containiiig an uption to purchase , Lendet may , at Lender'e optioa,
<br /> deelsre rll the eums securdi by this Aiortgage to be iuunediately due and puyable. I.ender ehall have waived euoh
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or tranefer, Lendec aud tl�e j�erson to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> tr�rferred reaoh a�reement in writin8 tliat the credi� ot such ��erson is eatisfactory to Lender and that the intereet
<br /> psy�ble oo the aume secured by this Mostgage rhall l�e at such rate ae Lender shall request . If I.ender hse waived
<br /> the option to aooelerate provided in thie paragrsp6 17 and if Borrower's �uccescor in intemst has exeeuted a writ-
<br /> ten aMumptioia iirioea�ent soaepted in writing by J.ender, l,ender sl�all release Borrower from ssll obliestione under
<br /> thi� �Lort�e and the Note.
<br /> If l.ender exercires sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall :nail Borrower notice of acceleration in acoordanoe
<br /> witti Nar�graph 14 hereof. Buch notice el�all provide n ��eriud of not k:ss than 30 days frocn the c�ate the notice is
<br /> maiied within which $orrower niay pay the surn� dcrlareci due. If Borrow•er fails w ��ay such sume prior to the
<br /> e�tpsrstion of euch period , Lender may , without further notice or � ie�uand on Hbrrower, in�•oke nny remedi� per-
<br /> mitt�ed by parasraph 18 hereot. -
<br /> A'oar-UxtroeL CovEar�x �rs. �3oi•rower and LenJe+' t'ui•tLer i+ovenaiit and a�qree s� followb :
<br /> 1�, Aeo�r�Kea: �m�di�s. Except u� pro�•id�•d iu � �uraKru� �li 17 herrof , u�wn Aorrower's breach of any
<br /> oe�enant or ngreement of Sorroa�er in thie S1ort �xR��, includin� t6e covensnt � to psv when due any sun�e� secured
<br /> by thir \lort4a�e, I.ender ��riur to acec:lerutiun ehall wail nutice to Aorrower ar � �ro�•ide� i in paragrapl� 14 hereof
<br /> a�eeifying : I11 the bretch ; 121 tl�e action myuirctii to cum eucli breu<�l� ; i3 � a datc , not leef; tlian thirty dsys
<br /> from the date the notiee ir mailcxi to Liurrowf�r . I,y �chich sucl � breatel � wust Ixr cured ; and 141 that failwr to cure
<br /> duclz bre�ch on ar before the drte epecified iu the not icc uiay result i� aeceleration of the sm»� necured by this
<br /> �tort��e rnd ce�le ot the Yro��erty. If tl�e brescl� i, nut eurrd on or t>efore the date �eci6ed in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender'r oQtion msy declare all of the suwa �rured by thin �iortgagc t.o t�e immediately due and payable
<br /> �vit6out turther demand and may forerlose tl�is \4ortgage t�y j uclirial ��rceeeding. I.rnder shall I�e entittecl W eolleet
<br /> in such proeeedin� ail ez{�enses of foreclos�re , inclu�ling, but not liu�ited to , costs of docuu�entary evidence,
<br /> abstr�otr aed title reportr• .
<br /> 1!. �ew�wr's �i�Yd M �IaeN�. \aw•itl�standing l,ender'� acceleration o[ thr e�ume ezeecured by this
<br /> Msef{91�e, Bee:ower �h�l! have the ri�l�t to ha��e any proceedinKti hegun bv Lrnder to enforce thie !btortgage dis-
<br /> eoekiwed at awy tia�e prior W entry of x jud�ment enfalrinK tlits _liortgage if : lai Borrower paya I.ender aU
<br /> w�er �rhic6 wonld be thea due under this 1lonqage , the Vote and notec ececuring Fut �n� Advaneeti, if sny , had no
<br /> aoeeleeation oneurnd ; ( bt �orrower cureK all brea�he� of anp other ro�-rnante or aQreementr, of Borrower con-
<br /> fai�d ia this �[aetpee ; te ) Boero�er psys all reaeunable ex��rneee ineurrrcl h�� (.rnder in enfoming the coveqant�
<br /> a�d �pwa�wM d Bse�wrer ooatfined in thic 4toatgn�e and in enfom�n� I.ender'n remedie� aF provided io para-
<br /> �h 1{ ►eeset, iaeludiw�, but nst timited to, resironnbl� attornev 's tee� : ancl � d 1 Borrower takes eueh aetion as
<br /> I,�ie� �r1�� farwv6�y te�ui� to arue�e tlsat the lien of this \1ort�ge . LenderN intereet in the Property and
<br /> �"� ehY�tioa bo pay t�e wims �eeured by thi� �fortgaqe ehell continue unina�saired . Upon eueh psyment * '^+�
<br /> aai �wre 6y B�'es�er, tWr Moetp;e aad tA�e abliatiuo. ezecured lxreb�• �:hall mivain in full foroe and effieet as if •' ` . A .
<br /> es �eed�s� lad oewesed.
<br /> � r. Nrl�1�t �i i��Yr A1�+i�1�ri ft ro�iMsr t,Md�r i� i�ar��iaa AD additional recurity hefe- ,`
<br /> �wirr, B��ewwlM�ai� r1�1� bs fienrler tA�e �ats ef t1�e P++epertv . 1���+�1t+i thst Barrewer ehstl, ptior W soeeler
<br /> ' tAiM +N� �r1nM ti heees�( or /b�adeaa+eat ef tix Prqserty , hsve tl+e ri�ht to collect and retaie euel+ rente
<br /> ` �/ ��iNM! �E M� �r�l. � ��>
<br /> leeaaeratww wier }+�ra�i� li I�ewrsf �• �e►ndew�+�+nt o( flw Y�vywrfy . i .rnrier, in }�e+wcn+ . l+v a�ent
<br /> � �"!' !�! �iiP�� � �1! 6e estit3ed ts � upoe+ . tske �+o�easion of and uisnaRe the Pro�crty " `
<br /> r! 1� srYMt t� �rM� d 1tis PNp�iy, i�eL�di� tlrre I�wt due. AIl reetr collected by I.euder or tl�e receiver
<br /> �YIIr Y� �p�lil�i Mt t� p�e� a( tie oortr of � ot the Pro{rrty and collection of rente, includicy�, but
<br /> Mt Ii�Owi b, freeit�er'� tiae�, �r�ss on rree�va's �oa� and re�aoiwlsle attorney 's teee . a�d then to the Fums
<br /> � rre�ai Y� du� 1ia�e. I.eaAar a�d tbe eeeei+r+er �half be tisbk to sreouz+t only for those rents artually received . �
<br />�
<br />