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<br /> � '
<br /> 77• 006294
<br /> �+oR,+c�c�
<br /> AtQRTGAGE 40AN NO. �. 22�„S,2 _ � �
<br /> � �wu.treNs�rn�eser�s�t�rs:lu.e ldilliam F. Narris and Vlrginia M. Harris, each in his � a
<br /> and btr aw� right a�d a�s spouse of each othsr
<br /> � Martsa�or.vihers,er one ur more.in comiderstlo�ot a�s wm ot '
<br /> ' F�,_!"��t-Tkns T'�ousse�d and Five Hundred and Na/1QQ-------------------------------- mu,�� ;
<br /> : l�wed Lo Wd aar�ppr by Tt�e F.qYitabb Bu+id'aK and!ww Aaociation of Gnad Idand.Nebradct.lNort�a�ee,upon r'J25 �of qoek of
<br /> �MY A�iOCIATION.CertiBWe No.L 22_852 ,do hereby�rant, coavay �nd mortgy�e unW the wid ASSOCIATION the folbwing
<br /> �aa16eA nai eWt�.ritustal fu Hatl County.Ne6ruks:
<br /> ; . � �
<br /> " teretber wNl+ a8 the tenements.haed�tamenis and appurtenanoes therounto belongin`.includin`athched floor coveringc.all�vindov�croent.
<br /> ! wndow dwde�.Windc.ctorm windows,awninjs.heatin�,air condit' C��
<br /> anin�,and plumbing and wrter equipment and uceswriet t6ereto,pumpn,ttoves,
<br /> wfti�erNon,asd athsr fiz[ures u+i!equipmen[iww or hereafter at[ached to or wed en connection with aaid real ettate.
<br /> � Awd ir6ereac the uid mort�agor has rgreed and dues hereby agree that the rtwrtgagor shall and will pay all taxes and aswm�mants leviad or
<br /> i�B
<br /> ar�orod upa�a s�id prcawes wd i�pon thic mwtss�e and the bond cecurod therobY�before the sura shal!become delinquent:to fueni�it appm��ed
<br /> f A�SOCU tAe bwld��p on s�id p�anieet dtwted in[he twn at f 52.�.W paYable w nid ASSOCUTION and to detiwr[o�id
<br /> 'l70N policios for t�id inwrana:and no[W oom�eit or permit any watte o�or about yid premiaer,
<br /> � ��
<br /> ta c�o of defauk w the paf�of any oF the tereu and conditionc of thi�mor[ga`e or the bond�ecured hereby,[he mort,�du11,
<br /> a�d�wwd,be eedtied to ima�edia�e of the thi
<br /> i pore�ior+ mort�aoed premiacs and the murt{qc�r heroby assitnt. tnnsfen and fets over to tir
<br /> i �ortlyro dl the ronts.re.�.enua aod ieoomc a bs don.ed from�he moriy�od premiees during such�ime u rha mo+s=a�e indeb�adne..tlia11 rcauie
<br /> • �+d:aed t�a mw�y�e tluH Iuve tfie power to appuwt�ny yent or a`entc it m�y dnve for tht purpo�e of repririns�aid pnmiass sed tentu�g
<br /> � tlr rr aed oorset�tYe reptt,reremre�and inoome,and it may Pry out of said income all expenres of repairinR pid premirot aed eeprtey
<br /> as�wrrioas a�d e� a�curred in reoia�and m�na�ins ttu aame aod of colkctin` rsn[ab therefran: the bslaaee ro�,�anY�to be
<br /> �w a�es ;
<br /> J taw"�rd tMe di�d�e of�ud moray{e indebxodneu;these rishta of the mortgagee may be e�cercieed ae any time during the e�of aoeh
<br /> �.ewysufre of aRf'tae�porary w�iver ot the�ame.
<br /> R Tir�e M�aUt.Mwe��er.ue upon the Coadition.That if Ihe wid Mortgagor�wll ropry caid!wn on or befwa the�atwity of rid dfares by
<br /> prY�a�et:pW so�chly w wid ASSOCIATION of the eum specified ie the Sond cecured hereby ac interett aed prineipal on oaid lwn,on or before
<br /> tMe tlrastiec6 d�y of each a+d every nwsth.wuil eaid losn is fu11Y P�+d�MY all uzec and aaonsmeato bvfed agoinu uid pronrise�and a+tha flart�e
<br /> ; a�d t6e�owd wwred tler
<br /> eby,befrore delinqumncy;furnirh approvod i�wunnae u�+on the buildin`s theroon tn tha sum of S 52�5�•� Qaysble
<br /> � b�id ASSOClATION:repty W s�id ASSOCIA'flQN�pon dem�ed ry m�ncy by it paid fur cuch huec,a�oeunents aad in�urance with ipterost u
<br /> tl�e art�emie Yipl rsts ef�esea�from dau of ptyment�II of which Mwtgaeoc hereby apeo+so pey:permit no waae on caid�remiaes:keep snd oomply
<br /> �ritY aN tlr yrot�eets awd ooed�tu�ew of the 9w�d for S52 �.� Nus day yVen by the eaid Mort�a�or to uid ASSOCIA710N,aod oomply
<br /> wiM d!tl�e ro`wromewts af tl+e Conuit�ioa and�y-Lws o�stid AS.SOCIATION:tfien thete preaentc ahall bscome null and void.utl�:wite tivy
<br /> i�raw�ie ia [WI Paa swA nry be foreclored s[the opeion of'the said ASSpCIA170N after failure for throe montha eo m�ke�ny of yaid
<br /> p�y�pts or be dvee mawtin ia rraars ia mati�nid ma+tf+iY D�Y�te.«a wich tha �n
<br /> �a tceep and cumplY rgsamente and conditiwie oP uid Bond:
<br /> a�r Mo�or yw�w Irre a rao��apq�weetsd forthwith in wch forecbsura proceediry{s. ��
<br /> apq w
<br /> tf tYeee ie�ey drye�ow�er�hip of t1ro real eMots moat�yed 6erain.by nle w otherwire.tha�the ontirc rem�ie�isdebtedsea lweby
<br /> +aoured�tu9.at N�e option of 7'he£Quicsbk 8uildin�and Lwn Aaoci�tion of Gneb lsland.Nebraeta.bemJne iiamediuely due and payabk wiWout
<br /> � firNier sat+�+m.aeA tl�e a�eu�t rae�ini�due u�6er uid bwd.r+d aey al�er bond for any additioe�advaewe�m�de themueder.dull,from t�e
<br /> �e of eswrar a[rid oKioa lear i�at ffis mexiaum le�at nte.md dti�siortt�ye m�y tlrn be forodo�sd w utidy the aaww+t due on afd
<br /> Ya�t.wi a�y oeMx Sa�d[or sAd#fo�!adwnaoa.so�t Mr witl►ag wue� �r
<br /> l�i�6w�a Cor iwwraeos.rasw rd area�esu,aod aMt extes�ion��sud Tlr Eqaitable Buiidie�aad[wn Aroci�tioa of Graad lsLnd,
<br /> r�ctin� charye�. with ietveu tfiereoa�. from data of paymeet at the �
<br /> M�I afe.
<br /> M tn tM�and�swrod I�ereby,wl�ile tltis mo�rt�ye rae�int in effect tbe a�o[t�yee msy hsne�fter advanoe additional wmt W the
<br /> � and
<br /> frMeir�d rii lo�d.tl�eir�rips or rioo�orar in i�Ms+ea.whicb wsu�hatl be viRhin the oecurity of thit aart�e the oame as dte funM ori�insllY
<br /> ; �rsd tM�r�by.tia eohl a�aW�pri�ciNl dsi►t eot to exeesd u my tiee the ori�ieal�mount of t!m rwort�e.
<br /> ' 1
<br /> ° � t�� dY°F QCL0�21' A.D.,19 �7
<br /> o �,��,,J� /, �/' i�
<br /> �¢ . �i�ilT7 S��"�'� //i.!... � !�• `��.�f L
<br /> 7ilT7 S ��ry a�7,"�r�s
<br /> � , s�'�'E1d1�i�.!� a�W� 24t1� �y� October 1977 .�soFe m.. �
<br /> cou�'tr n�ru.( "'' - � '
<br /> ,� �.
<br /> � .�� 1!�'��1����i s awd iH rglwi a N. Marr1 s. �i�d'an�ier�`arrn� r��`i't��s' pous�se�a 1 � � ' :�
<br /> .� .�w are �.�y�o.a,w � �,.'.
<br /> ;,
<br /> ,�p " a.Ma.�.ii..uor s+n.■s w�......s .alirw ee er..ier. .s mw*a� s ..a y r»e.ry
<br /> a(�wMii�t iW Wi irlw�t�1r bN�1" ral�uey wt�iwd. _ � • '
<br /> a,� �!!��MI 1rt a�t 11Mrillr/ib irr aiarril. / � .,°�"
<br /> _�:: , l�dc.rwi�...ww L��j L;/ .
<br /> � __ __,-__-
<br /> a�ai r ��t�r•�.�rn.. �r
<br /> .a►rt�w. vtso�
<br /> �ceRrm,e:u��.w.i e.�yrs� �
<br />