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<br /> �" ta�owst�.�sY�r'n+�r�s�ns:'n..� Regency Construction, Inc., a Corporation, Roger W, l.uft� � u�';
<br /> '� Rresielent ':;
<br /> ��
<br /> ' Fifh�en Tlausan,d and No1100----- - ---------------���`''"nesaa��eo��.�co,u�aer.no4�,tr�ew.�or
<br /> ; - � - -- -- ---------------------- na.t,w�ts
<br /> � lowd to rid wia'ti�N��1'THe Equitabk Buiidin[a�d Lwn Attad�tion of Grand Island.Nebr�du�M �hate�of�todc o[
<br /> ort�yee,upon 150
<br /> .ie ,�toct�rt+�,CertMwte No.L 22.865 .ao u�►e�r sr.nt. �,�r .Aa �no��.�e unto tLe �id ASSOCIATION the foliowia�
<br /> Ue
<br /> � �Iwa�ibsd rwd eMsu.tituaNd!a Hsii CouatY.Nebradw:
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<br /> ,t
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<br /> TWO (2) IN BIOCK TWENTY-SEYEN (27j .";
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<br /> ' a,:�
<br /> iqrl�er wit6 �U tbe cene4oen[:.heroditamenb and appurtenanues thereunto belonging.including attached tloor coverin�t.aU Window�crems,
<br /> � +ri�/ow�Aadeo.Mi�ds.ttorm windo�va,awni�s.hea[ie�.ur conditionin�.and plumbing and water equipment and aa�s�orist tha�ew.pump�.uowea,
<br /> � �e!'rip+aton,aad oti�fixturet u+d equip�ront now or herafter attaehed to or usod in connectiwn with caid real estate.
<br /> And wiersat the t�id ieors�yor has�nsed and does hereby agrx that the mortgagor ahell and will pey at1 hzes and mefonents levkd or
<br /> arereA upw stid promi�as and f pyon thia mortsa�e and the bond secured thereby before the sartx shaU becorne de(inyueat:to furni�h appcoyed
<br /> iwuaaoa upon tha buildin�on trip praaWee�ituated ia the sum of S 15���.� paYabk to iaid ASSOCIAl'!ON md to deliver w Yid
<br /> Af$(�[.YA21QN the plicies to+nid�ae;aeb not to commit or permit my waue on or sbout taid pre�N�ee;
<br /> !a crie of'de4uk M the perfo�of any of ths urms asd conditioae of tfiia mwtgage or the bond ucured hareby.the mcxt�yee Yy9,
<br /> ? �a 4M�r►d.be ea4tbd W inuned'tate poneuiaa�of the mortp�ed premioec and the moregagor hereby arip�s. tranffsrs aod �ets ovsr to the
<br /> ��N the nau,rrwnuea aad inewa�e w be deri�ed frorn the mort�aged premimec duriog woh time u the mortsyo i�debtodira�d�aU�amrin
<br /> 8
<br /> iiA tio mort�yse alull Euve t4e pavm W appoint any a�ent or a�sn[e it may de�ire tor the purpes�a of �
<br /> lis nr aad aorxati�the notc.revawes aad inoome,rnd it maY P�Y out of uid inoome di expe�ue: of reP�i�P�+�roonosy+ �
<br /> oo�r�irie�s�rd e c�rred in roat�wd nunyin�the wne and of cotkcti� renu4 therofrom: t6e ba4nce roro�iale�,if any.W hs '
<br /> �►*+v�ad t6e�e of s�id e�ort�e mdebtednoa;thex ri�t:ot'the mwega�ea may be exerci�ed�t any tlma durin{[he eziW�a af aueh �,�
<br /> W�L1
<br /> .YwO�pt�M!�M�tClflpO(�!'y wiNK!OC UfQ Yl1f0. ,.
<br /> llrao!'raeets,Iwwre�.arc upon the Condition.That if the said Mort�or ahaU repay said bau on or before the ea�tucity of ri$�yy
<br /> M!"awt:�Y �oeddy w s�id ASSOCIATION ot the wm spocified in the Bond cecurod heraby u interou and principat on nid lwn.oa or b�t'oae
<br /> W ttiea�w�4 dty o[aeh wd e�ery a+a»cl�.until nid loan ia fWfY P��WY a!!tanes rnd aa�eewnents kvied a{tinn�aid prea�ee aud oa U�is Moryye
<br /> �ri tlr�d �eauoed tMreby,ba[oro deliequeni,y;fwnid+appro�ed insurance upon the buildin�c[herwn in tha wm of S 15��.� p�ya6lr
<br /> •o yi/AfBOCtA2�[iN;rep�Y to uid ASSOCIATION upw�demtnd aU money by it Qrid for auch taxae.weesmeata and inwnnc�vith iatonrt at
<br /> 11r�rw lapi ate tLereoe froa�datt�paymeat ail of which Atort�or l�ereby a�rees t�P�Y:P�rmit no waue on aaid
<br /> praani�n;lnep md ooraply
<br /> �11Y�tke aleeeawus ud aaaditioet of the 8ond for S i s��.�this dtY i�ven by the uid Mortp�or to crid ASSOCIATION.aed asmply
<br /> ieY
<br /> �ilY all tYe n�iroaets of We Casrtitutioa�od By-IsY�s of nnd AS.SOCtAlYON;tlea them preeents du9 beoome wuil a�wid.otMrwire they
<br /> �1 wwriw iw tup lorte w�d m�y be faraelo�ed at tbe option of the nid ASSOCIA110N aftar failure for tivx mosths tu malce�ay pE�tid
<br /> �Ms or`e d�nee�noW�e ie arrears y n�aid monthlY P�Y�neatc.w W Iceep u�d comply with the�reementc and ixnditiom of oid Haed;
<br /> ia M�e�yor yww to hwie�roosiwer aplointed foTthvith io wch forecLo�uro proesed�. .
<br /> �t�0lM�1 i�y CIIY�O lO OIY�Of�Up Of tbt ro�l Oftift/ipft�d h0(�111.b5'YIO O! Otl'IClr'ilC.t�IOII l6t tellrt (OIIp�6Y�jpQp�p��.
<br /> ���.il!�1!O�OI O��0 EQtllU��O ��At�l�lWGf�[IOiE Of(�i�i114��.�fli�Ci�bOppSlp .. .
<br /> �.rMer Aetioe,.,a eh..�acwnt ronrif+e�a� sa;a ba�a.aea any Otbef bona For aay aaaitlooat aawwss�eiaeuwAer. Yabte.3�ort
<br /> h�at eaeroi�u of�tld o�tiea 6e�r intero�t u d►e m�xeaYm lep�nfe.aM tleu mortwe may thw be farecbard to �•Ga�tie
<br /> h .r ox�y the amomc�e aa nid
<br /> i�l.a�ry eMrr Yaaf tar aiditio�d rvua�.u�irith all rr�r pdd by a�id TAe Equiqbb 8u8die�aod Lwn.uwei�tion af Grand Isia�.
<br /> fiirido�ter i�rrn�as,l�w a�d arws�aiu.asd rxta�urion clur�aa. w+th iatere�t thereoe, frem dau of
<br /> d
<br /> �� paymeat at tAe eu�ci�e�
<br /> As��r 1Ye�crd�hwrYy.�rlWe dw ewrt�ye rnmins iw ePfect the mortf�ee m�y hereafter advaaa additional weu W tAe
<br /> �rs d Mil�e�l.Oirir�i�u a woowon ie iae�rast.whioh�ums duil bc wetltif t6e fxurity of 4dc mort�ys the�wm u the fueds ori�inaih.
<br /> re�wd�i�e�lry.dr�e4i a�a�rt of prueipl debt wot to aaassd N aey time the oripnai noormt af this ewKqa,c.
<br /> 9rM�YI(s �1 py ef �CtOb@#' A.D.,19 �7
<br /> _�i�'S — --- _.
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<br /> �OOR�1!}4Y liF NAEI f•. aa ui. 2g� dar ot' October 19 77 ,erro.+..r. .��--.,
<br /> �l �a�l1i�M� ' iNC.
<br /> I�sle1^ M. Luf t. Qt^es i den�t�•s�loyry tublie;s ma wr.+a Couaty,paroedly o.w. ;
<br /> � ; � vrfio i S psrw.dy t.owra ee ( '��
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