_ r ---�
<br /> � �..�,
<br /> �
<br /> oot extand or postpone the due date u! the montl�ly inPtallmentF referreci to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or
<br /> aban�e the �mount of sueh inatrlimenfs.
<br /> 10. �ee�slf�M �wd. EYtension of the tinte for pu,yment or modification of amortisation of the sutns
<br /> � �ealevod br tltlt Mot�t�s;e `rant�ed by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to releue,
<br /> � in an►Y a�anaes, the li�bitity of the original Borrower and Borrowcr'� auccessors in intereat. I.ender ehali not be
<br /> � � �+aqu�ed ta 000�#o�oe Pzaoeeding� a,�ain�t sueii sveceeaor or refuse to eutend time for payment or otherwiee modify ;
<br /> � ae�r�isaEion of t�e s�nuu seeured by tl�iu �foe�tgsge I�y reason of any demand inaabe by ihe originai $orrower sad '
<br /> Q �onswre's woeerar in entenrt.
<br /> � il. �od�e b� L�rrdrs 1Eot a ilYadwr. Any forbearsnce by Lender in exereiaing sny right or remedy
<br /> ; � heeeaod�e, or ot6�t�vire s�otded by app�lic4bte law, ehall not be $ waiver of or precIude the exerciee of any ri�t
<br /> ar re�dy horeustder. The procurement of inaurance or the F>ayment of taxes or otl�er liens or chsrgee by I.eader
<br /> ahW stot be a wriver of Lender's right to sccelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secureS by thie Mortgago.
<br /> I!. � Cwapiali+s. All rnmedies provided in tl� is \iortgage $re distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> ri�ht or reRwdy under thie 13ort�,sge or uPForded by Iaw� oi� c�quity , and may be exercised concurrently, intiepand-
<br /> omtty or r�u+oen;vely.
<br /> s. !�. �OeoNree�s mld 11�s Eoued: Jeint aed S�veral LiabilitY: CeptioAs. The covenaats sttd agreemente
<br /> ' h�r�in eontained ahsll biad , and the rights liereunder �hali inure to, the reepective successore and aeeigaa o! Leader
<br /> aad Aorrower, oubject to the provisione of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements ot Borrower ehsll
<br /> be joist �d ceveral. ?'he captione and l�uidings of tlie parsgra��lis o£ this \tortgsge am For c•onvenience only snd
<br /> ; at�e aoC to be uoed to iaterpret or define tlic provisions Lereof.
<br /> !1. DIWia�. Any notice to Borrower pro�•idc�i for iu thi; \lurtguge shssll be gi�•c:n by uiailing such notiee by
<br /> cettified wsil yddrersed W Borrower xt tl�c Yro��ert�� Address ntated beloN• , �xcept for any notice required under
<br /> pas�agrsph 18 het�eof to be gi�•rn to Borrower in chc inanner � n•escribed Ly xpplicable laµ� . Any notice pruvided
<br /> fot in tbie ]riort�a�e �hsli be deruied to have t�ec n givrn to Aorruwer wLen given �n tl�c luanner desigiiated herein.
<br /> li�. IIsiiees lfer�s Ge�q Low: S�v�rability. '1'hih forrr� of inortgage combines anitorm covenante
<br /> ; tarat�ional ure and non-uniform covenants wit(� limited variationa by jurisdiction to conetitute a uniform eeou-
<br /> ` rif� ie�n�►t eovering resl pro}�erty. This \iortgage shall be governed hy the laH- of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> � tie Psapelty ie located. In the event that any provision or clause of tLis �1Sortgage or tl�e Note conAicte with
<br /> �pplicabde 4�v, euch conAict shsil not affect otl�er provieions ot this \iortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> e�eot w�L the conAicting proviaion , and to this end the provieions of the \iortgsge and the ATote are deolsred
<br /> Eo b� �werble.
<br /> !i. �esewrr's Cepp. Borrower shall be furnialied a confornied cop,y of this �4ortgage at the time of exeou-
<br /> ,' tyoa at attee rrcordatian hereof.
<br /> � �• �'�K � N� h'�{Y% �o+D�� It all or any part of the Property or an intereet therein is wld
<br /> or tnof[ereed by Botrower wfthout Lender's prior written coneent , ezcluding ( s ) the creation of s lien or eneum-
<br /> � bsamae wbordiaute to thie Mortga�e, I b ) the creation of a purchnse money security interest for household aQpli-
<br /> � anoea, (c) a tnn�fer by devise, desceat ur by operation oi la�+ upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the g�ant ot
<br /> ! a� lewe6oid int�erest of th�e years or le�s not containiug nn option to purcho,se, I,ender may, at I.ender'a option,
<br /> ; dreiase d1 tl�e a++tru eecured by ttfis Mortgsge to be imiuediately due and payable. I.ender ehal! have waived such
<br /> a0tao0 ta aoceierate if, prior to tl�e sale or transfer, Lender ac�d tkie I�erison to wham the Property is to be eold oa
<br /> traorfare�ed s�eooh sp�eesnent ia writin� that the credit ot such � �erson ie satisfactory to Lender and that the intere�t "
<br /> p�yabie ow the oueuc secured by this Mortgsge al�sll �e at sucl� rate sa Lender shall requeet. If I.ender haa waived
<br /> t6e qftim te acee{erate pnovided in thie paragrup6 17 and if Borrower's succeseor in interest has ezecuted s writ-
<br /> tea a�wmpti�en a�fres�t aoeepted in writing by l.ender, Lender uhall release Borrower fmm all obligstions tsnder
<br /> tYis ]L�et�ye and Ehe Note. n
<br /> It Lrndar e�[eiws euei� option to sccelerate, I.ender shal l :nail Borrower notice of aceeleratiop in �coowd�pee
<br /> r�h par�rap� 1! hereo[. E�rch notive e4all pro�•ide a �,eriai of not leee than 30 days from the dste t►ie notice �
<br /> a1YN�i wit�ia whi,c6 Borrowee may }aay the cu�us declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sume prior to the
<br /> ex�i�t�oe of ruclf period, L,ender rnay , tiaithout furtLer notice or de�rian<i on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> �iktad bY Pan�e'�ph 1� hee+eof.
<br /> Noa-IIarisosx Cov�x�uz^s. Bvrrower and Lender Yurtl��r covenant and agree ab follows :
<br /> Ii. �r1iM: �s. Exeepi as lu�o�•ide.i in � i:�i•dgru� �l� 17 hereot, u�wn Borrower'� breach of any
<br /> eovenaat or a�reeo�ent ot Borrower in tl�ie �iurt�;aigc, inclu�ling d�c covenante to � iay when dur any sums �ecured
<br /> b: t�is 11ortEa�e, I,ender ��rior to accrlrrotiai rI�a1) uuti! notire to Borrower us provHi�xi in paray,rapli 14 1�ercof
<br /> �Qeeifyinj: ( 1 ) the breach ; 121 tlie action reyuinYi tu cw•i• auch lireaet► ; 131 a datc , not less tlian thirty days
<br /> ft�n the date thc notiee is uiaileci to 13orro�cer. by �� hic•li ,:ucl � brcuch uiunt lx curcvl ; and 141 that failure to cure
<br /> w�oh b�eh a� or bela+e tl�e dste s�ecified in the noticc uiay ��esult in acceleration of thi• �wus secured by this
<br /> Mortp�e 4ed eale of the Pe�aperty. If the breach is not cure.i on or before thc date e�pecified in tl�e notice Lender
<br /> , ,
<br /> st � o¢tion tnay deelare a)1 of the suins secured by thi� �Sortgsge to lie immediately due and naysble
<br /> �►if�wut tutther demand anci msy foreclose tl�is �lortgage by judicial proceeding. I.ender �hall t�e entitled to collect
<br /> w �ueh proceedia� ali e�cpeeeres of fofeclosum , inciu� ling, hut nut li�uited to , costs of docu�nentary evidence,
<br /> �btm�el� and titie rrports.
<br /> �!. �rar'a 1�t N i�i�1�M. Notwithrtanding I.rnder's acceter»tio� of the surnF eecured by thu
<br /> �. H�e�ee ihall hav�e the ri`ht to hsve any proceedinKs hegun by Lender to enforce thie Mort�aGe dis-
<br /> °� � �9 � A�' � entry of a judy�nient enfu�cinR thi.; _1lortgaqe if : Ia � Borrower psys I.ender np
<br /> s�� dliri � i�s tdrea el�as �ader thie !lmt�sqe, tl�e \'ote �wui note► securinR Fature Advances, if any, had no
<br /> #cc�e�raLiOn mc�u'e�ed ; (b) Bo+'t+urvrr �urn.; �11 iiremrcl�ctis a aav other covrnxncs ar agmen�ente� of Borrower con-
<br /> t�d 1R t� l�ee4p�e . (e ) 'Bo�+awer psyt uN rereue�aLlr rr���s incurt�l by i.endrr in enforeing the eovenante
<br /> � ���Mb at �t'rs�er eo�Efieed ie this �tort�e sed ia eafoi�in� I.ender's re�uedies as ��rovided in para-
<br /> �i� 6�Is�aai. iae}udie�, but aot lieri�ed to, e�e�wsnable attor�ey 's fees ; and � d I Ha�rrower taices such setion as i
<br /> � s�M�d� »�tlse�e Lo a�e Ltaat t�e li�een o! tLie, a9ortgage, Lrnder's interest in the Yroperty and
<br /> �wM�w''f �bi�R te P�7 tl�e wms �seu#+ed by thie �ior2gagr sliali coatinue unimpsireci. L'� nuch payment . �` ' �
<br /> � *� �! �� � �#p�s aai t�e obi�ationr secured Lerebp ehall reinsin in fuU foree and elieot se if . `"
<br /> osawi�Mi� I�i �aerreed. � �
<br /> � ��r M iw4�t ��ri! �f iwiw� R�r ia ��e. As ad�ditio�s! eecurity Aere-
<br /> +1�1e�, � tMr.l�y .oi�.■ te �,,aa�dse tYe eenta ot the t'rap�erty, pro.�idea thse �orrower d,.n , prio� co aeeeler- '
<br /> �N�r 1�R i�}�pi f� �raM�ot ae �rd�s� .f tbe PrOr�erCy. !a=ve t1�e rit�+t to rolk�k aer9 retain e+rh rrntE
<br /> r�iN��riw aN payd�ie. .
<br /> ;wd�ira �ies praaqtNpb li heeret or �M ef the Yrc+�+erty , Lemder, in I�eesoa. by ag�ent , ,.� �`
<br /> A' � � �I�i�1 a�FriDr rbsil 6e artiRisd tio e�et upen. tsi[e po�seeeiaa ef and �nanage the Property
<br /> � � �*' � �� � � �'M!. �i t�� !� due. All r�tc a�ileceed hy Lendcr or ttre receiver
<br /> ¢
<br /> �h1111 be 1�fpr�d lfT�! to i�aYs�CIIt of 27�e r,oqtr' ot uu�rywrrwl, ul Ll� P��aerly raci cc�lkrt,ion of renu, includmg, buc
<br /> � �1Md Qr, t+�e�iVw''� [eas. �emius�s at teoeivrr''a tfa�3� and reaeoeable Yttoraey'� feee. and then to the du�ns
<br /> M�M�'M i'! fi� �M'Rp�e• [.e�ber �wd tke reoeiv�es sMall he lisble to sccount on3v for thoee rnnts actuslly received. +
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> t
<br />